
In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

author:Pillow cat

[The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are citations at the end of the article, please be aware.] 】

On a cold winter day in the capital, Yang Shaohua, who was nearly sixty years old, stood in front of Hou Baolin's house, feeling uneasy in his heart. He had been wandering in Beijing for a long time, and now he finally mustered up the courage to visit this respected senior brother. For Yang Shaohua, this may be his last hope.

There was a knock on the door, and it was Hou Baolin's wife who opened the door. She looked Yang Shaohua up and down, her eyes full of doubts. Yang Shaohua hurriedly explained his identity, but his wife still politely declined. Just when Yang Shaohua was about to leave in disappointment, he had an idea and said a little baggage: "There are so many rules in your family, you won't even have a time bomb, right?"

This sentence attracted the attention of Hou Baolin in the house. The old artist walked to the door and saw the junior brother he hadn't seen for many years, and a smile appeared on his face. After the two exchanged a few words, Hou Baolin invited Yang Shaohua into the house. After settling down, Yang Shaohua explained the purpose of the trip - he wanted to develop in Beijing, hoping to get Hou Baolin's help. After hearing this, Hou Baolin pondered for a moment and asked, "Where do you live now?"

In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

"Temporarily live at Ma Changli's house." Yang Shaohua replied truthfully. When Hou Baolin heard this, he frowned: "Do you talk about the family that lives in the singing opera of cross talk?" This sentence made Yang Shaohua speechless for a while. He understood what Hou Baolin meant - although they are both artists, cross talk and Peking Opera are two different categories after all. Long-term mixing may affect their respective artistic pursuits, and it is also easy to cause criticism from peers.

Looking at Yang Shaohua's embarrassed appearance, Hou Baolin sighed: "Since this is the case, you can live with me for the time being." Yang Shaohua was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly got up to thank him. But Hou Baolin waved his hand: "You're welcome, we are all brothers in the same sect." But remember, you can't live for nothing. "

Yang Shaohua nodded again and again: "Senior brother, don't worry, I will definitely work hard!" In this way, Yang Shaohua began his life at Hou Baolin's house. In order to express his gratitude, he took the initiative to take on a lot of housework: getting up early every day to open the door and sweep the floor, boiling water and making tea for Hou Baolin, and even listening to the phone and buying groceries.

In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

Although busy, Yang Shaohua still does not forget to improve his art. Every night, he would find time to discuss cross talk skills with Hou Baolin. Although Hou Baolin is old, his passion for art has not diminished in the slightest. The two often discussed late into the night, and sometimes even fought over the handling of a burden.

Gradually, Yang Shaohua found that his performance level had improved significantly. He began to try to create some new jokes, and under the guidance of Hou Baolin, he continued to revise and improve.

However, the good times were short-lived. As time went on, Yang Shaohua found that Hou Baolin's attitude towards him began to become cold. Sometimes he wanted to ask Hou Baolin for advice, but was told that the old man was resting. Yang Shaohua knew in his heart that this might be because he had lived for too long, which made Hou Baolin feel bored.

Just when Yang Shaohua was worried about this, an unexpected opportunity came. One day, a theater manager came to Hou Baolin and asked him to perform. But Hou Baolin couldn't make the trip due to physical reasons, so he recommended Yang Shaohua.

In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Yang Shaohua. He worked hard to prepare, and finally shined in the performance. The applause from the audience regained his confidence and gave him hope for development in Beijing. Since then, Yang Shaohua's performance invitations have gradually increased. He began to have some savings and also had his own circle in Beijing.

Although he left Hou Baolin's house, he was still grateful. However, fate always likes to joke. Just when Yang Shaohua's career was booming, his youngest son Yang Yi also came to Beijing. Faced with his son's predicament, Yang Shaohua thought of Hou Baolin again. When Yang Shaohua took his son Yang Yi to Hou Baolin's house again, he was uneasy.

He knew that his request was a bit excessive, but for the sake of his son's future, he had to be cheeky and open-mouthed. Unexpectedly, Hou Baolin did not refuse. He looked at Yang Yi, then looked at Yang Shaohua, and sighed lightly: "That's it, just let Xiao Yi stay too." "

In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

In this way, the father and son of the Yang family settled down in Hou Baolin's house. In order to show his gratitude, Yang Shaohua took care of the household more diligently. He wakes up before dawn every day, cleans the patio and prepares breakfast. Yang Yi was not far behind, and took the initiative to take on the task of running errands and buying groceries. As the days passed, Hou Baolin's house gradually became lively.

Cross talk actors from all over the country often visit their homes, and Yang Shaohua took this opportunity to get to know many people in the industry, paving the way for future development. However, the good times were short-lived. As time went on, the space in Hou Baolin's house became more and more crowded. Yang Yi had to move to Hou Yaowen's house for a while. Although separated, the father and son still meet every day to discuss cross talk skills.

One day, Yang Shaohua was preparing dinner in the kitchen when he suddenly heard a burst of laughter from the living room. He looked at it and it turned out to be Zhao Weizhou's visit. Zhao Weizhou was a creative genius in the cross talk industry at that time, known for his unique style. Yang Shaohua hurriedly walked out to say hello. Zhao Weizhou looked him up and down and asked, "You are Yang Shaohua, right?" I've heard Mr. Hou mention you. "

In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

Yang Shaohua was flattered and nodded again and again. Zhao Weizhou said with a smile: "I have been thinking of a new joke recently, and I am lacking a partner. Are you interested in trying it? This unexpected invitation made Yang Shaohua overjoyed. He immediately agreed to come down and began to rehearse a new joke with Zhao Weizhou.

In the rehearsals day after day, Yang Shaohua's acting skills improved by leaps and bounds. Zhao Weizhou's tailor-made "Dead Wood in Spring" gave full play to his "wilting" characteristics and made him shine on the stage.

Finally, the opportunity came. A national cross talk evening invited them to perform on stage. That night, Yang Shaohua stood in the spotlight, nervous and excited. When he said the first line, the reaction of the audience made him feel it instantly.

The show was a huge success. Yang Shaohua's name began to circulate in the cross talk circle. More and more invitations to perform poured in, and his career finally started to get on track.

In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

However, in the joy of success, Yang Shaohua also felt a little uneasy. He found that Hou Baolin's attitude towards him began to become cold. Sometimes he wanted to ask Hou Baolin for advice, but was told that the old man was resting. Yang Shaohua understood that he might have brought a burden to the Hou family. But at this time, he was not yet able to gain a foothold in Beijing.

He can only continue to live while redoubling his efforts in the hope of becoming independent as soon as possible. That's when an unexpected opportunity arose. A TV director came to the door and wanted to invite Yang Shaohua to participate in the recording of a new program. This is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

Yang Shaohua happily accepted the invitation. In the show, he performed well and won the love of the audience. Soon, he became a well-known cross talk actor. As his fame grew, Yang Shaohua's income also began to increase. He finally has the ability to rent a house in Beijing.

In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

When he proposed the idea of moving out to Hou Baolin, a complicated expression flashed on the old man's face, both relieved and reluctant. After moving out of the Hou family, Yang Shaohua's career went to the next level. He began to experiment with different partners, the most successful of which was with his son Yang Yi. The father and son had a tacit understanding on stage and won the love of the audience.

However, there is also a shadow behind the success. Some people began to question Yang Shaohua's abandonment of Zhao Weizhou, who made him. In the face of these criticisms, Yang Shaohua was troubled. He didn't know how to explain his choice. One day, Yang Shaohua received an unexpected phone call. It was Zhao Weizhou who called.

On the other end of the phone, Zhao Weizhou's voice was full of tiredness: "Lao Yang, my dad is gone." On his deathbed, he was still talking about you. This news was like a bolt from the blue, which made Yang Shaohua fall into deep self-blame. He remembered Zhao Weizhou's support for him back then, and his heart was mixed.

In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

Just when Yang Shaohua was troubled by this, a new opportunity came. A TV station invited him to participate in the recording of a nostalgic comedy show. This program will review the development of cross talk art, and also give Yang Shaohua an opportunity to re-examine his artistic career.

In this nostalgic show, Yang Shaohua looks back on his artistic career. He recounted his early years in the Tianjin Quyi Troupe, when although there was a salary and establishment, it was difficult to get ahead. He also mentioned the experience of resolutely going north at the age of 58, and the days under the fence of Hou Baolin's house.

Talking about Hou Baolin, Yang Shaohua's tone was complicated. He said: "During the days of the Hou family, I did a lot of chores. Sometimes I feel more like a servant than a cross talk actor. This remark caused a lot of controversy, some people thought he was not grateful enough, and some people understood his feelings.

In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

In the show, Yang Shaohua also recalled his cooperation with Zhao Weizhou. He admits that it was the work "Dead Wood in Spring" that allowed him to really gain a foothold in Beijing. But when asked why he later parted ways with Zhao Weizhou, he seemed a little evasive.

Finally, Yang Shaohua talked about his partner with his son Yang Yi. He admitted that this decision did not make some people understand, but he thought it was for the sake of his son's future. "In this industry, without a good background and resources, it is too difficult to get ahead." He said.

After the show was broadcast, it sparked a heated discussion among the audience. Some praised Yang Shaohua's frankness, while others questioned his choice. But in any case, this review allows people to re-acquaint themselves with the artistic life of this "old North Drifter".

At the end of the show, Yang Shaohua, who is over seventy years old, said to the camera: "Cross talk is the love of my life. Although the road was bumpy, I have no regrets. This sentence seems to be a summary of his life, and it also expresses the voice of many art workers.

In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

With the end of the show, Yang Shaohua's story also came to an end. His experience has become a microcosm in the history of the development of Chinese cross talk, recording the ups and downs of this traditional art in modern society. And Yang Shaohua himself has also found his own place on this difficult road.


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In 1989, why did Hou Baolin say to Yang Shaohua: Do you talk about the cross talk at home where you sing opera?

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