
There are new changes in teachers' pensions, and 3 types of "special status" teachers are expected to be 9,000 per month after retirement


In the big family of public institutions, the group of teachers is unique, and they have devoted countless efforts to the country's education, and their contributions cannot be ignored. In addition to their daily teaching tasks, teachers who work hard at the grassroots level need to tailor their educational programs to the uniqueness of each child, so as to shape their sound outlook on life and teach them how to behave in the world. The job of a teacher is far from being as simple as the outside world thinks.

In recent years, with the continuous innovation and development of national education policies, the treatment of teachers has also been significantly improved. According to the new provisions of the Teachers Law, the salary of primary and secondary school teachers is no longer lower than the overall level of local government civil servants. The implementation of this policy undoubtedly reflects the importance that the education sector attaches to the teaching profession, which has increasingly become a stabilizing force in the national civil service.

There are new changes in teachers' pensions, and 3 types of "special status" teachers are expected to be 9,000 per month after retirement

Teachers' salaries have always been the focus of social attention. There are differences in the salary level of teachers in different regions, different school stages, and different educational backgrounds. For example, the basic salary of a primary school teacher is 2,800 yuan, that of a junior high school teacher is 3,500 yuan, and that of a high school teacher is 4,500 yuan. For teachers with a bachelor's degree, the starting salary has reached 5,000 yuan, or even higher.

In addition to salaries, teachers are also concerned about pensions after retirement. With the adjustment of the policy, the pension system of teachers has also ushered in new changes. As long as the following three conditions are met, teachers can expect to receive a pension of up to 9,000 yuan per month.

There are new changes in teachers' pensions, and 3 types of "special status" teachers are expected to be 9,000 per month after retirement

First of all, coach in a first-tier city. The level of economic development of a city has a direct impact on the salaries and pensions of teachers. Therefore, choosing to teach in a first-tier city means that teachers will have the opportunity to receive higher pensions.

Secondly, it has a business establishment. There is a significant gap between teachers with career establishment and teachers without establishment in terms of salary and benefits. Teachers with an establishment not only enjoy a higher salary package, but also receive a more generous pension after retirement.

There are new changes in teachers' pensions, and 3 types of "special status" teachers are expected to be 9,000 per month after retirement

Finally, reach 30 years of service. The longer a teacher's length of service, the higher the level of their salary. Teachers who have reached 30 years of service are entitled to a pension of up to 85 per cent of their salary. The aim of this policy is to ensure that every veteran teacher can live a stable life in their old age.

Teachers who meet the above three conditions can receive a pension of up to 9,000 yuan per month in the future. This is a special care for educators by the education department, and it is also a strong guarantee for the stability of teachers' careers. It is believed that with the continuous improvement and reform of the national education policy, the teaching profession will become more stable and respected.

There are new changes in teachers' pensions, and 3 types of "special status" teachers are expected to be 9,000 per month after retirement