
Alumni here's an opportunity! ICBC recruits people, there are no professional restrictions, and the two types of people apply for the examination and are given priority admission


According to the official website of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as ICBC), open recruitment in 2024 is continuing, and branches such as Shanxi Branch have successively released recruitment information. The recruitment of Shanxi Branch covers 11 cities including Taiyuan, Datong and Yangquan, providing a total of 110 positions, with a relatively close threshold and requirements including age restrictions, customer service management experience and bachelor's degree or above. It is particularly noteworthy that English proficiency has become an important criterion for this recruitment, and candidates are required to achieve a certain level of English proficiency.

In addition, the recruitment conditions also clearly stipulate that employees must not leave their jobs within five years of employment, otherwise they will face financial penalties, and the bank will not issue a certificate of consent to apply for the civil service or public institution examination. This rule reminds job seekers to carefully consider their career plans and stability.

Alumni here's an opportunity! ICBC recruits people, there are no professional restrictions, and the two types of people apply for the examination and are given priority admission

In the recruitment process, ICBC will give priority to two groups of people: first, job seekers with work experience in banking and financial institutions; The second is a local who applies for a job in a county-level branch. These two groups of people will have more opportunities when applying for jobs because of their professional background and geographical advantages.

At the same time, other branches of ICBC, such as the Hangzhou Institute of Finance and Economics, are also conducting recruitment activities, mainly for fire safety management positions and IT talents. The requirements for these positions include academic qualifications, work experience and teamwork skills.

Alumni here's an opportunity! ICBC recruits people, there are no professional restrictions, and the two types of people apply for the examination and are given priority admission

From ICBC's recruitment announcements, we can summarize several characteristics: first, the release of recruitment information has a certain degree of flexibility, and each branch and directly affiliated unit will issue recruitment announcements from time to time according to recruitment needs; Second, the recruitment position generally requires the candidate to have certain work experience; Third, the overall ability of the candidate is required to be high, including teamwork ability, learning ability, communication ability, etc.

In addition to social recruitment, ICBC will also conduct campus recruitment, which is divided into two sessions: spring and autumn. For job seekers who are preparing to participate in ICBC recruitment, it is crucial to understand the bank's recruitment process and exam content. The content of the exam usually covers aspects such as comprehensive aptitude test, professional knowledge, general knowledge, and English. In order to successfully pass the exam, job seekers can refer to books such as past past papers, ICBC customs clearance guides, and bank recruitment guidelines for preparation.

Alumni here's an opportunity! ICBC recruits people, there are no professional restrictions, and the two types of people apply for the examination and are given priority admission

As a leading enterprise in the financial industry, the Big Six banks not only have a wide range of business in the fields of economics, finance and marketing, but also provide diversified career development opportunities in the fields of computer science, Chinese language and literature, law and management. As a result, these banks are attracting the attention of students of various majors. If you are interested in these banks, you may wish to learn more about them, actively prepare for the exam, and win more development opportunities for yourself.

When talking about pay and future growth for banks, we need to recognise that there are differences in pay levels across banks, roles and geographies. However, in general, the banking industry, as an important part of the financial industry, has broad development prospects and stable salary levels. For job seekers who are interested in working in the banking industry, it is very important to choose a bank that is suitable for them and work hard to improve their abilities.

Alumni here's an opportunity! ICBC recruits people, there are no professional restrictions, and the two types of people apply for the examination and are given priority admission

In the process of job hunting, in addition to paying attention to the bank's recruitment information and exam content, you also need to pay attention to the following points: first, understand the bank's culture and values, and ensure that you are in line with the bank's philosophy; The second is to pay attention to industry dynamics and market trends, and understand the development direction and employment prospects of the banking industry; The third is to strengthen their overall quality and professional skills, and improve their advantages in the competition.

In conclusion, ICBC's 2024 open recruitment provides job seekers with abundant career development opportunities. By learning about job openings, preparing for exams, keeping an eye on industry trends, and improving your abilities, you can find a career path that suits you and realize your personal value by preparing for job openings, preparing for exams, paying attention to industry trends, and improving your abilities.

Alumni here's an opportunity! ICBC recruits people, there are no professional restrictions, and the two types of people apply for the examination and are given priority admission

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