
Ms. Hu Youping passed away, and the family declined to donate money and materials: may the deceased rest in peace and the family return to peace

author:Xiao Zhang has something to say
Ms. Hu Youping passed away, and the family declined to donate money and materials: may the deceased rest in peace and the family return to peace

A brief description of the event

At 4 p.m. on June 24, 2024, Hu Youping, a woman from Suzhou, stopped a knife-wielding gangster from committing an attack at a bus stop. But she herself died because of her courage. Later, according to media reports, Hu Youping saved a pair of Japanese mother and son. So this matter quickly appeared on the hot search of major media. In view of the historical relationship between China and Japan, many netizens feel that Hu Youping is not worth it. But at present, more details have been revealed, proving that Hu Youping not only saved the Japanese mother and son, but also saved more people from harm.

Ms. Hu Youping passed away, and the family declined to donate money and materials: may the deceased rest in peace and the family return to peace

Voices of family members: Thank you for your concern and decline the donation

On June 28, Ms. Hu Youping's family issued a statement through Suzhou Daily, expressing their heartfelt thanks for everyone's concern and condolences. The family said in a statement: "Recently, we have received care and condolences from all directions, and we have felt every heart, and we are especially grateful for everyone's love and support." In the face of such misfortune, we believe that anyone with a sense of justice and love will make the same choice. ”

However, after discussion with the family, they decided not to accept any form of donation. In a statement, the family explained: "We hope that the deceased can rest in peace and that the family can return to a peaceful life as soon as possible. If there are caring people who want to donate money and materials to spread positive energy, we suggest that they can donate to the Righteous and Courageous Foundations in various places, so that this love can be continued and passed on. ”

Ms. Hu Youping passed away, and the family declined to donate money and materials: may the deceased rest in peace and the family return to peace

A heroic act that touches society

Ms. Hu Youping's righteous and courageous deeds are awe-inspiring. At a critical juncture, she stepped forward and used her actions to explain what true bravery and selflessness are. Her actions not only touched her family, relatives and friends, but also sparked a wide resonance throughout society.

People have said that Ms. Hu Youping is a real hero, and her spirit is worth learning and inheriting from everyone. Her passing is a source of regret and grief, but it has also strengthened people's support and praise for acts of righteousness and courage.

Ms. Hu Youping passed away, and the family declined to donate money and materials: may the deceased rest in peace and the family return to peace

Family Choice: Respect and Understanding

After learning of Ms. Hu Youping's family's decision to refuse to donate money and materials, all sectors of society expressed respect and understanding. It is believed that this is a rational choice made by the family in addition to grief, and it is also the best commemoration and remembrance of the deceased.

At the same time, people also called on the majority of caring people to respect the wishes of their families and no longer disturb their lives. If you want to show your love and support, you can choose other ways, such as donating to charities such as the Righteous and Courageous Foundation, to contribute to the harmony and stability of society.

Ms. Hu Youping passed away, and the family declined to donate money and materials: may the deceased rest in peace and the family return to peace

Spread positive energy and let love continue

Although the passing of Ms. Hu Youping is sad, her spirit will remain in people's hearts forever. Her act of righteousness and courage not only highlights the brilliance of humanity, but also inspires more people to participate in public welfare.

Here, we call on the majority of caring people to continue to pass on positive energy and contribute to the harmony and stability of society. Whether it is donating money or materials or participating in volunteer service activities, it is the best commemoration and remembrance of Ms. Hu Youping. At the same time, we also hope that the family members can get out of their grief and face life again as soon as possible.

The passing of Ms. Hu Youping is an unfortunate event, but her spirit is always worth learning and inheriting. Let us follow her example, bravely face the difficulties and challenges in life, and contribute to the development and progress of society. At the same time, we also hope that the family members can get out of their grief and return to a peaceful life as soon as possible.