
After meeting with the U.S. side, Myanmar did what China didn't like, and went on a killing spree five kilometers from China

author:Xiao Zhang has something to say

The war in Myanmar's Shan State has resumed, the Brotherhood Alliance has shown solidarity with the De'ang Army, and Sino-US relations have fluctuated subtly

Recently, large-scale clashes have erupted again in Myanmar's Shan State and Mandalay provinces, and fighting between the Burmese government army and the local armed Ta'ang army has intensified. According to reports, the clashes have caused a large number of casualties and property damage, and the lives of local residents have been severely affected. In solidarity with the Ta'ang Army, a coalition of brethrenies, including the Arakan Army and the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, has also restarted military operations against government forces in northern Shan State, further escalating the situation.

After meeting with the U.S. side, Myanmar did what China didn't like, and went on a killing spree five kilometers from China

The Brotherhood Alliance stands in solidarity with the De'ang Army, and the war threatens to endanger the Chinese border

With the strong support of the Brotherhood Alliance, the combat effectiveness of the De'ang army has been significantly improved. However, without the timely intervention and dissuasion of a third party, the scale of the conflict will continue to expand, and may even affect China's border areas, endangering the interests and safety of the local people. China is highly concerned about this and calls on all parties concerned to exercise restraint and resolve their differences through dialogue and consultation.

After meeting with the U.S. side, Myanmar did what China didn't like, and went on a killing spree five kilometers from China

Burmese government forces held secret meetings with senior U.S. officials, and Sino-US relations fluctuated subtly

It is worth noting that before the outbreak of this conflict, members of the Burmese army held private meetings with senior US officials. According to informed sources, US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Kangda made a special meeting with Burmese Navy Commander and Commodore Kyaw Rinjo and some pro-democracy personnel during his recent visit to Vietnam. Another U.S. official and the U.S. Embassy in Myanmar also attended the meeting.

The secret meeting sparked widespread speculation and concern from the outside world. Although the U.S. side has not made a big fuss about it, and the details of the talks have not been announced, a U.S. State Department spokesman said that it will continue to "use all diplomatic means" to force the Burmese military regime to change course and stop its violence against the Burmese people. This statement has undoubtedly exacerbated the delicate relationship between China and the United States on the Myanmar issue.

After meeting with the U.S. side, Myanmar did what China didn't like, and went on a killing spree five kilometers from China

China calls on all parties to exercise restraint and work together to maintain regional peace and stability

In the face of the tense situation in Myanmar's Shan State, China has repeatedly called on all parties concerned to exercise restraint and calm and resolve differences through dialogue and consultation. China stresses that Myanmar is a sovereign and independent country, and its internal affairs should be resolved by the Myanmar people themselves. At the same time, China also calls on the international community to respect Myanmar's sovereignty and territorial integrity and refrain from interfering in Myanmar's internal affairs.

After meeting with the U.S. side, Myanmar did what China didn't like, and went on a killing spree five kilometers from China

Behind the conflict: the complexity of the political situation in Myanmar and the severity of the regional security situation

The conflict in Myanmar's Shan State is just one microcosm of Myanmar's complex political situation. For a long time, Myanmar has been plagued by political turmoil, ethnic contradictions, and religious conflicts. These problems not only affect Myanmar's own stability and development, but also bring security risks to neighboring countries and regions. Therefore, the solution of the Myanmar issue requires not only the efforts of the Government and people of Myanmar, but also the support and assistance of the international community.

Looking to the future: Peace and development are the only way to go for Myanmar

In the face of the current tension and complex issues, the Government and people of Myanmar should adhere to the path of peace, stability and development. It is only through dialogue and consultation that ways and solutions to the problem can be found. At the same time, the international community should also strengthen its assistance and support to Myanmar to help it achieve peace and development. Only in this way can the long-term stability and prosperity of Myanmar be ensured.

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