
Chen Geng: The former chairman of PetroChina, determined to lead PetroChina to forge ahead in life

author:Zhu Weiguo

Chen Geng, the name is thunderous in China's oil industry. In 2005, he led PetroChina to achieve leapfrog development, not only completing the first phase of the China-Kazakhstan pipeline project, but also making PetroChina jump significantly in the global ranking. Let's take a look at how the former chairman of PetroChina has grown step by step from an ordinary worker to an industry giant.

Chen Geng: The former chairman of PetroChina, determined to lead PetroChina to forge ahead in life

Back in 1968, Chen Geng graduated from the Beijing University of Economics and stepped into the oil industry. His first stop was the Yumen Petroleum Administration, a challenging place where the working environment was tough, but for a young man who had just stepped out of school, it was a great stage to exercise and show himself.

Chen Geng did not let the opportunity slip away, and his work experience in the underground technical operation department laid a solid foundation for him. In 1980, Chen Geng made an important decision, he chose to return to his alma mater, Beijing School of Economics, to further his studies, specializing in business management. This choice had a profound impact on his career.

Chen Geng: The former chairman of PetroChina, determined to lead PetroChina to forge ahead in life

After returning from his studies, he was appointed deputy director of the Changqing Petroleum Exploration Bureau. Here, he not only improved production and management efficiency, but also demonstrated his management skills and forward-looking strategic vision. In 1985, Chen Geng's career took a new leap forward when he was appointed deputy director of the Labor Department of the Ministry of Petroleum Industry.

In this role, he is not only involved in complex industrial relations, but also in broader policy development and implementation. This experience greatly broadened his administrative abilities and deepened his comprehensive understanding of the oil industry. In the 21st century, Chen Geng's career is booming.

Chen Geng: The former chairman of PetroChina, determined to lead PetroChina to forge ahead in life

In 2001, he was promoted to director of PetroChina and was soon appointed president. Under his leadership, PetroChina made a staggering 175.6 billion yuan in profits in 2005, making it one of the most profitable companies in Asia. In the same year, he was appointed by the State Council as General Manager and Party Secretary of China National Petroleum Corporation.

Although Chen Geng's leadership style is low-key and pragmatic, his deep understanding of the industry and leadership ability make him stand out in the industry. In 2005, he led the team to complete the construction of the first phase of the China-Kazakhstan pipeline, which was not only the first pipeline in Kazakhstan to directly connect to the market, but also the first cross-border long-distance pipeline in China's history, marking a major breakthrough in China's oil industry.

Chen Geng: The former chairman of PetroChina, determined to lead PetroChina to forge ahead in life

The success of this project is not only a technical breakthrough, but also a strategic victory. The completion of the China-Kazakhstan pipeline has directly affected the energy pattern of the Eurasian continent and paved the way for the internationalization strategy of China's oil industry. Under Chen Geng's leadership, PetroChina has not only achieved great success in the domestic market, but also occupied an important position in the global energy market.

His efforts and achievements have been widely recognized at home and abroad, and in 2005 he was ranked fourth on Fortune magazine's list of Asia's most powerful businessmen. Under his leadership, PetroChina also placed special emphasis on safe production. Especially after the blowout accident in Kaixian County, Chongqing in 2003, Chen Geng promoted the "National Safety Production Campaign".

Chen Geng: The former chairman of PetroChina, determined to lead PetroChina to forge ahead in life

This not only improves the company's safety standards, but also enhances the safety awareness of employees. His efforts have significantly improved the company's overall operational efficiency and safety. Despite the turbulence of the global energy market and the pressures of the domestic and international economies, Longgeng's career has shown an important example of how to continue to innovate and lead in the industry. His story is not only a personal struggle, but also a testimony to the changes and growth of China's oil industry over the decades.

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