
If you haven't renovated yet, look at it, these 30 decorated pits, I'll help you step on them first


It's really hard to decorate! Who would have thought that a small home renovation would hide so many "pits"? If you are not careful, you will fall into it, not to mention spending unjust money, and you will have to endure all kinds of troubles caused by decoration. But don't worry, today I'm going to reveal 30 decoration pits to you, so that you can be invincible in the "battle" of decoration!

If you haven't renovated yet, look at it, these 30 decorated pits, I'll help you step on them first

Recently, a netizen shared 30 pits he stepped on during renovation, which attracted widespread attention. These pits involve all aspects, from material selection to construction details to post-maintenance, which can be said to cover the entire renovation process. For example, some people only care about the aesthetics when buying tiles, ignoring the anti-slip performance, and as a result, the bathroom and kitchen become "ice rinks". There are also people who choose cheap sockets in order to save money, and it doesn't take long for the problem of poor contact to occur. What's more, some people ignore the design of the storage space when decorating, resulting in a disorganized home after moving in. These lessons all remind us that renovation is a complex system project that requires us to consider all aspects.

If you haven't renovated yet, look at it, these 30 decorated pits, I'll help you step on them first

As ordinary people, it is easy for us to feel at a loss in the face of complicated decoration choices. After all, not everyone is an expert in renovation, and we may not know a lot of expertise. But that doesn't mean we're left to the slaughter. In fact, as long as we spend more time doing homework, communicating more with experienced friends, and paying attention to details, we can greatly reduce the possibility of stepping on pits. For example, we can look up relevant materials online to understand the advantages and disadvantages of various materials; You can investigate different styles of decoration cases on the spot and find a design that suits you; You can also compare prices in many ways to avoid being deceived by unscrupulous merchants.

If you haven't renovated yet, look at it, these 30 decorated pits, I'll help you step on them first

The sharing of these 30 decoration pits has also triggered people's thinking about the home decoration industry. With the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for the living environment are getting higher and higher. But at the same time, the decoration market is mixed, and some bad businesses and construction teams are shoddy and cut corners. How to regulate the decoration market and protect the rights and interests of consumers has become an issue worthy of social concern. At the same time, it also reminds us that in the process of pursuing a better life, we must not only have ideals, but also be down-to-earth, and make full preparations and plans.

If you haven't renovated yet, look at it, these 30 decorated pits, I'll help you step on them first

Have you ever stepped on a pit during the renovation process? And how to solve it? Welcome to share your renovation experience and experience in the comment area. Maybe your experience will help other friends who are renovating or preparing to renovate! Don't forget to like and follow, let's create the ideal home together!