
24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

author:Poetry and Poetry Society
24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

In 2020, an ordinary mother with the hope of changing her fate invested 66,000 yuan of hard-earned money into the career of Internet celebrity Zhang Manru. However, the dream soon came to naught, leaving only unsalable goods and the vanished Zhang Manru.

The incident sparked a flurry of questions like dominoes.

Zhang Manru, who once made it to the "2020 Hurun Global Self-Made Woman Rich List" with an astonishing wealth of 7.8 billion yuan at the age of 24, is her legendary story an inspirational model or a carefully woven scam? What is the truth behind Bai Fumei, who claims to have counterattacked from a poor factory girl to become the chairman of two companies? Let's demystify this influencer myth and find out.

Zhang Manru's story begins in an ordinary and poor family. In a family of seven, the family is supported by their father driving a motorcycle. Poverty forced them to move frequently and live in a small 20-square-meter space.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

In such an environment, 13-year-old Zhang Manru made a difficult decision: in order to let her sister continue her studies and let her younger siblings have tuition fees, she chose to drop out of school and work.

Zhang Manru, who is just starting out in the workplace, can only work as a factory girl in a garment factory. More than 10 hours of heavy labor a day, but in exchange for a meagre monthly salary of 100 yuan.

But instead of being defeated by reality, she used her night hours to work part-time as a waitress or set up a stall in an effort to increase her income.

With the rise of the short video industry, Zhang Manru keenly seized the opportunity. She began to share her life as a factory girl on social media, and her pure and lovely appearance and positive spirit soon attracted many fans.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

However, what really made her an instant hit was a series of Internet celebrity bear videos. Her seemingly innocent face, coupled with the inspirational story of handing out flyers, deeply touched the majority of netizens.

Since then, Zhang Manru has frequently posted videos related to Internet celebrity bears on major platforms, and the number of fans has surged. In 2015, she began to set foot in the field of live streaming, telling the public about her bumpy life experience and passionate entrepreneurial journey.

She claimed how she bought 7 properties in full, how she created two companies in just a few years, and became "the youngest chairman of the whole network". These stories have attracted countless followers and made Zhang Manru's popularity continue to rise.

From an unknown factory girl to a hot Internet celebrity, Zhang Manru's counterattack seems to confirm the belief that "as long as you work hard, you can succeed". Her story has inspired countless young people with dreams and has become a role model for them to strive for.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

However, is there a secret behind this seemingly perfect success story? As Zhang Manru's popularity grew, doubts began to emerge quietly.

With the establishment of her Internet celebrity identity, Zhang Manru began to depict her entrepreneurial legend. In her narrative, the experience is nothing short of a mythical rise.

According to Zhang Manru, her entrepreneurial journey began at the age of 18. It was that year that she founded her first clothing company. This decision marks her transition from an ordinary influencer to an entrepreneur.

Just two years later, 20-year-old Zhang Manru claimed to own seven properties in Guangzhou, an astonishing achievement that sparked the envy and amazement of many fans.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Manru started a new business adventure. At the age of 20, she founded her second company, the cosmetics company Medicis. The establishment of the two companies seems to confirm her extraordinary business acumen and execution.

At the age of 21, Zhang Manru's "wealth story" reached a new peak. She claimed to have bought a Ferrari sports car in full, showing off her luxurious lifestyle.

Not only that, but she also announced that she would give her mother a Rolls-Royce car worth 5 million yuan, which not only demonstrated her filial piety, but also further strengthened her image as a wealthy man.

Zhang Manru frequently appeared on major social platforms, telling how he created two companies in just a few years and became the "youngest chairman of the whole network". Her story is full of inspirational elements: she came from a poor family, accumulated wealth step by step through her own efforts, and finally became a young and promising entrepreneur.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

These legendary experiences have inspired countless young people with dreams, making them believe that if they work hard, they can replicate Zhang Manru's success.

However, as Zhang Manru's popularity grew, doubts began to emerge.

In the face of these doubts, Zhang Manru has always maintained a confident attitude. She constantly emphasized her struggle in the live broadcast, claiming that she is not an ordinary online marketer, but a motivated entrepreneur.

She repeatedly emphasized that her success stems from hard work and intelligence, not from shortcuts.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

Ms. Zhang's confidence and charisma continue to attract a large number of fans, making people believe that she is the self-made entrepreneurial legend. However, is there a secret behind this seemingly perfect success story? As time went on, the truth began to emerge gradually.

As time passed, cracks began to appear in Zhang's carefully constructed entrepreneurial myth. An in-depth investigation by netizens uncovers a series of shocking truths that dismantle this seemingly perfect success story to pieces.

First, Zhang's vaunted collection of luxury cars turned out to be an elaborate scam. The expensive sports cars that appear frequently in the video are actually on temporary loan from a rental company.

Those enviable video footage is nothing more than a clever trailer pose. Ironically, Zhang Manru was also targeted by the Guangzhou traffic police for driving without a license, which is in stark contrast to the image she portrayed as a successful entrepreneur.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

Secondly, Zhang Manru's claim of "7 properties" has also been confirmed to be fictitious. The actual investigation showed that she only bought two bachelor apartments with an area of less than 30 square meters, and only paid a down payment.

This is a far cry from her claim to "buy a house in full" and exposes her false propaganda about wealth accumulation.

As for the two companies that Zhang Manru is proud of, the results of the survey were equally disappointing. These so-called enterprises are likely to be just shell companies with no substantial financial support and business operations.

The luxury office shown by Zhang Manru in the live broadcast is actually a temporary rented space. Even those "loyal fans" who surround her in the live broadcast are likely to be extras hired by her to create the illusion of popularity.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

Zhang Manru's business model was also revealed. Although she has repeatedly emphasized that she is not a traditional micro-business, she actually adopts a typical agency franchise model.

She charges a corresponding franchise fee according to different levels, which is not fundamentally different from traditional micro-business marketing. This practice is not only misleading to consumers, but may also violate relevant business regulations.

In the live sales, Zhang Manru vigorously promotes the high-end quality and safety of her skincare products, while at the same time using low prices as the main selling point. Skin care products, which were originally claimed to cost thousands of yuan, can be bought in her live broadcast room for only two digits.

This huge price difference has caused many consumers to question and doubt the true value and quality of the product.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

More worryingly, many users reported that the products sold by Zhang Manru caused serious skin problems. Some consumers said that they had adverse reactions such as hair loss and allergies after use.

In the face of these negative comments, Zhang Manru did not take a responsible attitude to solve the problem, but chose to delete comments, block users and other means to cover up the truth.

As these truths gradually surfaced, Zhang Manru's carefully woven entrepreneurial myth began to crumble. The legendary story that was once known as "the factory girl counterattacked and became the chairman" seems to be just an elaborate marketing scam.

She used people's yearning for success and love of inspirational stories to build a false image that attracted a large number of followers and investors.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

This case not only exposes the many problems in the influencer economy, but also reflects the importance of distinguishing between true and false information in the fast-growing Internet age.

It reminds us to think rationally when drawn to seemingly inspirational success stories, and to be wary of the deceptions that may lie behind those overly perfect stories.

As the truth is gradually revealed, fans who were once full of sympathy and support for Zhang Manru begin to experience a huge emotional transformation. On social media, more and more users are sharing their negative experiences with Manru Zhang's products.

Some people report that the product causes severe hair loss, while others say that skin problems worsen after use. This disturbing feedback has sparked widespread discussion and concern.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

However, when these consumers tried to seek explanations or compensation, they were met with an unexpected cold reception. Many reported that they were ruthlessly blocked after leaving comments on Zhang Manru's social media accounts, and their comments were quickly deleted.

This lack of accountability further angered the public and sparked more criticism.

In the face of surging doubts, Zhang Manru chose to remain silent. She continued to live stream or post "miserable" content as if the accusations had nothing to do with her.

Far from quelling the controversy, this attitude of ignoring it has sparked more discontent and speculation.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

Under the increasing pressure of public opinion, Zhang Manru finally had to respond. Her response, however, was a big disappointment. She tried to shift the blame to a non-existent PR team, claiming to be silent on the advice of "professionals".

This perfunctory and prevaricating attitude undoubtedly deepened public discontent and further deteriorated her image.

From being initially regarded as an inspirational icon to now being questioned, Zhang's case demonstrates the complexity and capriciousness of online public opinion. It reminds us of the need for public figures to be more transparent and accountable in the face of skepticism and criticism in the online age.

Zhang Manru's story is a wake-up call for us, revealing the reality of success and pitfalls in the Internet age. In this era of highly developed information, there are indeed opportunities to achieve a counterattack in life through entrepreneurship, but at the same time, there are many hidden risks and deceptions.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

This case reminds us to be vigilant about the seemingly perfect success stories on the web and to develop the ability to think independently. For entrepreneurs, operating with integrity and providing truly valuable products and services is the foundation for long-term development.

Only down-to-earth efforts can win the trust and support of consumers in the highly competitive market.

We should learn from Zhang's experience and realize that real and lasting success comes from hard work and honesty, not false publicity and short-term gains.

In the process of chasing our dreams, we need to remain rational, distinguish between the true and the false, and follow a steady and sustainable development path.

24-year-old worth 7.8 billion, from a factory girl to the chairman of 2 companies What is the origin of Zhang Manru?

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