
Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

author:Rose says entertainment

In 1976, Jingzhou, Hubei Province ushered in a future theater star - Zeng Li. Born in an ordinary family of harmony and affluence, Zeng Li has shown extraordinary beauty and artistic talent since he was a child, and can always easily attract the attention of others.

During his childhood, Zeng Li entered the school affiliated to the China Academy of Drama, majoring in Peking Opera. At a young age, she showed amazing learning ability and acting talent, often participated in various performances, and became famous in school.

At that time, Zeng Li's eyes flashed with yearning for the stage, and his immature face was always filled with a confident smile. With his love for drama, Zeng Li was admitted to the Beijing Academy of Opera with excellent results, majoring in Tsing Yi.

Seven years of hard study have made her basic skills more and more solid. Every practice, every rehearsal, Zeng Li put his heart and soul into it, as if he wanted to integrate himself into every role.

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

Her diligence and talent quickly caught the attention of her teachers. However, fate always likes to play jokes with talented people. After graduating from the Beijing Academy of Drama, Zeng Li was assigned to work in the Peking Opera Troupe.

Despite his outstanding appearance, due to his young age, he has few opportunities to come to power. Most of the time, she can only silently watch other people's performances from the audience. Although there were some setbacks in this experience, Zeng Li was more determined to pursue performing arts.

Just when Zeng Li felt a little lost, a chance chance changed the trajectory of her life. After learning from his classmates that the Central Academy of Drama was recruiting students, Zeng Li resolutely decided to apply for the examination and started the artistic transformation from Peking Opera to drama.

This decision not only shows her dedication to art, but also indicates the possibility of her shining on the theater stage in the future. Zeng Li's road to the Central Academy of Drama began with an accident and persistence.

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

On the day of the exam, she was taken to the hospital with lentil poisoning, but she did not pass up this hard-won opportunity. With a pale face and a weak body, Zeng Li insisted on taking the exam.

There was a determined glint in her eyes, as if to say: If you miss this opportunity, you will have to wait another year, and I can't wait. With years of accumulated solid basic skills and extraordinary talent, Zeng Li was successfully admitted to the Central Academy of Drama with the third excellent result in his major.

The moment she stepped onto campus, her beauty immediately caused a sensation. In the Chinese drama where the beauties are like clouds, Zeng Li still stands out and becomes a well-deserved school flower. Bao Jianfeng, a senior who is two years higher than her, once praised: "Zeng Li is a rare beauty in Chinese opera for two hundred years.

Such praise is enough to prove how amazing her appearance is. However, in the face of everyone's praise, Zeng Li always maintained a humble attitude, as if these praises had nothing to do with her.

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

After entering the Chinese opera, the performance opportunities naturally increased, but Zeng Li showed a different Buddhist attitude. She strictly abides by school rules and never leaves school to film during her freshman year.

Every day, she focused on learning and practicing dance, as if she didn't care about fame. This attitude was particularly unique in the impetuous environment of the time. However, fate always seems to play a joke on Zeng Li.

When Zhang Yimou was casting for "My Father and Mother", Zeng Li happened to be out of school and missed this opportunity that might make her an instant hit. This role was eventually played by Zhang Ziyi, who became famous for it.

In the face of such a mistake, many people may regret it. But when asked if he regretted it, Zeng Li calmly replied: "My own acting may not be as good as hers." This sentence not only reflects her generosity, but also shows her objective evaluation of herself and others.

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

Zeng Li's attitude is rare in the entertainment industry. She is not in a hurry to become famous, she is not jealous of the success of others, and has always maintained a pure love for the performing arts. This indifferent attitude may be the key to her ability to maintain her authenticity in the impetuous entertainment industry.

After graduating from the Central Academy of Drama, Zeng Li officially stepped into the entertainment industry and began her unique Buddhist acting career. Despite his amazing beauty and solid acting skills, Zeng Li's acting career has been tepid.

She has participated in many works such as "My Brothers", "Smoke and Rain", "Full Time and Space Contact" and so on. Although these roles did not make her an instant hit, Zeng Li poured her heart and soul into each role and created a deeply rooted image.

Her performance is nuanced, as if she is fully integrated into the character, so that the audience is inadvertently moved by her performance. In the face of the slow development of his career, Zeng Li showed unusual calmness.

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

She is not in a hurry, nor does she follow the crowd, but focuses on the performance itself, pursuing the perfect interpretation of the role. In her opinion, the value of an actor is not how popular he is, but whether he can really impress the audience.

This kind of pure pursuit of art is particularly precious in the impetuous entertainment industry. When the actors in the same period became popular one after another, Zeng Li still maintained a peaceful attitude. She does not envy the success of others, nor does she envy the aura of others, but focuses her attention on her own performance.

This attitude has allowed her to maintain inner peace in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, and has also made her acting skills continue to improve imperceptibly. Zeng Li once said: "What I care about is not Fame (fame), but how well I act."

This sentence shows her true attitude towards her acting career. She insists on herself, does not follow the crowd, and sticks to her original intention in the vanity fair of the entertainment industry. Zeng Li's Buddhist acting career may not be popular, but it is a road full of self and artistic pursuit.

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

On this road, she found her own rhythm and value, and also bloomed with a unique charm in the tepid. In the entertainment industry, Zeng Li's love life has always been an eye-catching topic.

Her mate selection criteria and love experience have subverted people's stereotypes of beautiful women and handsome guys, showing her unique view of love. When he was in college, Zeng Li shocked the people around him with his unique vision.

When the news of her relationship with her classmate Niu Qingfeng spread, many people were in disbelief. Niu Qingfeng has a mediocre appearance and an ordinary family background, and in the eyes of outsiders, he is not a good match for Zeng Li, who is as beautiful as a fairy.

However, Zeng Li took a fancy to Niu Qingfeng's inner qualities, and the two fell in love for a while and then parted ways due to graduation. In 2003, while filming the movie "Homecoming Like a Rainbow", Zeng Li met Fu Dalong.

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

At that time, although Fu Dalong did not have a car or a house, he attracted Zeng Li with his humorous personality. The two soon fell in love, and Fu Dalong was considerate to Zeng Li and took care of everything.

However, a year later, the two broke up due to personality incompatibility. Although this relationship was short-lived, it once again proved that Zeng Li valued a person's internal qualities rather than external conditions. Later, Zeng Li fell in love with Li Yixiang again.

Li Yixiang is older than Zeng Li, with a mediocre appearance, and is even described by some people as "poor, old and even a little ugly". However, it was such a seemingly ordinary man who attracted Zeng Li's attention.

At first, Zeng Li directly rejected Li Yixiang's pursuit, but Li Yixiang did not give up. He often helps Zeng Li, makes her happy, and discusses acting with her. Slowly, Zeng Li was moved by Li Yixiang's sincerity and self-motivation, and the two began a relationship.

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

When people curiously asked Zeng Li why he chose Li Yixiang, she replied calmly: "What I care about is not his face, but that he is very self-motivated." This sentence expresses the core criteria of Zeng Li's choice of mate - she values a person's inner qualities and enterprising spirit, rather than appearance or wealth.

However, the world's eyes still put pressure on the relationship. When Zeng Li took Li Yixiang to meet his friends, Li Yixiang often felt uncomfortable. Gradually, Li Yixiang began to feel inferior, and the relationship between the two was also affected.

Eventually, the relationship ended two years later. Zeng Li's emotional experience reflects her emphasis on inner qualities and her disdain for worldly vision. She interprets love in her own way, showing an emotional quest that transcends appearances and materialism.

This unique view of love may be one of the reasons why she remains single to this day - she would rather wait for someone who truly understands her and appreciates her inside, rather than compromise with worldly expectations at will.

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

In the entertainment industry, Zeng Li is not only eye-catching with her unique acting attitude and emotional outlook, but her living habits also show amazing self-discipline and perseverance. The most striking thing is her habit of not eating meat for more than 20 years.

This decision stems from Zeng Li's strict requirements for body management. In order to maintain a perfect figure, she resolutely chose a vegetarian lifestyle. For more than 20 years, whether it is on a busy shooting set or in various social situations, Zeng Li has adhered to this seemingly simple habit that requires great perseverance.

The insistence on vegetarianism is not only to maintain the figure, but also reflects Zeng Li's pursuit of a healthy life and strict requirements for himself. This kind of self-discipline is especially precious in the fast-paced and high-pressure entertainment industry.

However, Zeng Li did not rest on his laurels. While maintaining self-discipline, she is also constantly seeking breakthroughs and changes. In 2021, 44-year-old Zeng Li participated in the popular variety show "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves".

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

In the show, she showed the vitality and charm of young people, and amazed countless audiences. The years seem to have left gentle traces on Zeng Li's body. Despite her age, she still retains her amazing beauty and vitality.

This is not only a testament to the results of her years of vegetarian and disciplined lifestyle, but also a testament to her positive attitude over the years. Zeng Li's experience tells us that persistence and change are not contradictory.

It is precisely because of her self-discipline in the basic lifestyle that she can continue to break through in her career and maintain a radiant state as she grows older.

This attitude of persisting in seeking change and persisting in change may be the secret of Zeng Li's eternal charm. In a society where marriage is often regarded as a necessary path in life, the 46-year-old Zeng Li remains single, which has sparked curiosity and speculation among many people.

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

However, Zeng Li showed a surprising indifference and calmness about this. Zeng Li doesn't care about the world's eyes and sticks to his own way of life. She has said that love and marriage are two different things.

This perspective reflects her unique understanding of feelings and life. In her view, marriage should not be a necessary choice in life, but a prudent choice. In the face of questions from the outside world, Zeng Li has always maintained a calm attitude.

She is not in a hurry to compromise and is not bothered by being single. Instead, she seems to be waiting for someone who can truly understand her and spend her life with her. This attitude reflects her respect for herself and her deliberate affection.

Behind Zeng Li's choice, there is a profound wisdom of life. She understands that instead of rushing into an uncertain marriage, it is better to stay single and live her life. This pursuit of quality of life is far more important than meeting social expectations.

Actor Zeng Li: I haven't eaten meat for more than 20 years, and I haven't married at the age of 46, why is this?

In career and life, Zeng Li seems to have found his own balance. She focuses on her acting career, but also enjoys the freedom and ease that comes with being single. This lifestyle allows her to better devote herself to the cause she loves and to pursue her personal interests more freely.

Zeng Li's 46-year-old unmarried state reflects her unique attitude towards life: not to follow the crowd, not to be trapped by the world, but to insist on herself and live her true self. This indifferent attitude may be the key to her ability to maintain her authenticity in the impetuous entertainment industry and remain charming in the passage of time.

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