
Laugh to death! Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children from school and met with Wang Xiaofei and his wife Linlin threw pillows on the side to make trouble

author:Southland white shirt

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Laugh to death! Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children from school and met with Wang Xiaofei and his wife Linlin threw pillows on the side to make trouble

Reading guide: Laugh to death! Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children from school and met with Wang Xiaofei and his wife Linlin threw pillows on the side to make trouble

Laugh to death! Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children from school and met with Wang Xiaofei and his wife Linlin threw pillows on the side to make trouble

Summer vacation is coming! Children cheered and parents were busy planning. Wang Xiaofei's family, which has always been low-key, also ushered in this special moment. On June 28, Zhang Lan broke a surprising news in the live broadcast room: Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei flew to Taiwan to pick up their children home! This news made netizens excited, and they left messages in the comment area.

Laugh to death! Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children from school and met with Wang Xiaofei and his wife Linlin threw pillows on the side to make trouble

Aunt Yang's heart-warming pick-up

Aunt Xiao Yang, as the right-hand man of Wang Xiaofei's family, has been taking care of the daily life of her two children in Taipei. When her children were in school, she lived alone in her house in Taipei, and in her spare time, she would shoot some videos or conduct live broadcasts to share her life with netizens. As early as before, Aunt Xiao Yang revealed the news that the children will have summer vacation on the 28th. Sure enough, on the day of the holiday, she drove to pick up her two children from school.

Laugh to death! Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children from school and met with Wang Xiaofei and his wife Linlin threw pillows on the side to make trouble

Joy in the car is mischievous

Aunt Xiao Yang did not forget to record this warm moment on the way to pick up the child. In the video she shot, an unexpected "little trick-or-treat" suddenly appeared - Linlin. This mischievous and cute little girl makes trouble in front of the camera with a pillow, adding a lot of joy to the otherwise calm video. Netizens were amused and left messages in the comment area: "Isn't this my bear child?" Linlin is so cute, lively and naughty!"

Wang Xiaofei and his ex-wife Da S's two children have very different personalities. Zhang Lan once revealed that Linlin's personality is more like her, naughty and eccentric. On the other hand, the elder brother is more calm and introverted. Such a brother and sister with very different personalities undoubtedly add a lot of fun and challenges to family life. Netizens also said: "The two children have their own characteristics, they are really cute!"

Summer vacation reunion Happy time

With the arrival of the summer vacation, Wang Xiaofei's family finally had a two-month time together. This is undoubtedly a rare opportunity for Wang Xiaofei and his wife, who are usually busy with work. Netizens were also happy for them and left messages of blessings: "It's great to finally be able to spend summer vacation with my parents and parents!" I hope they can cherish this good time and spend more time with their children. "

Not long ago, Wang Xiaofei ushered in her birthday. He made three birthday wishes, namely: a healthy family, a smooth and stable career development, and hope that Ma Xiaomei can give birth to a precious son as soon as possible. These three wishes can be said to cover all aspects of life, including expectations for the family, career planning, and good wishes for the new wife.

Laugh to death! Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children from school and met with Wang Xiaofei and his wife Linlin threw pillows on the side to make trouble

Netizens' "Birth Brigade"

Wang Xiaofei's third wish, hoping that Ma Xiaomei would give birth to a noble son as soon as possible, sparked a heated discussion among netizens. Many people have joined the "Birth Brigade", and they are even more anxious than Wang Xiaofei herself. Some netizens joked: "Why don't you go to Thailand and try it?" It is said to work very well there. Someone else suggested: "Eat more red dates and longan to nourish qi and blood!" It seems that netizens care about Wang Xiaofei's family no less than their relatives and friends.

Laugh to death! Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children from school and met with Wang Xiaofei and his wife Linlin threw pillows on the side to make trouble

Aunt Yang's heartwarming video

After Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children, she took them to meet Wang Xiaofei and his wife as soon as possible. The video she shot is full of laughter. Especially the naughty Linlin, who has been making trouble in front of the camera with a pillow, adding a lot of joy to the whole picture. Netizens saw this warm scene and left messages: "It's so loving!" That's what happiness looks like!"

Laugh to death! Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children from school and met with Wang Xiaofei and his wife Linlin threw pillows on the side to make trouble

The expectations and blessings of netizens

With the arrival of summer vacation, netizens' attention to Wang Xiaofei's family has also increased. Many people are looking forward to seeing more warm pictures of family reunions, and some are looking forward to Ma Xiaomei's pregnancy. Some netizens left a message: "I hope to hear the good news as soon as possible!" I wish Wang Xiaofei's family happiness!"

This summer vacation of Wang Xiaofei's family has undoubtedly become the focus of attention of netizens. From Aunt Yang picking up her children from school, to meeting Wang Xiaofei and his wife, to Linlin's naughty and cute performance, every detail touches the hearts of netizens. This ordinary and unusual family shares their daily life with the public through social media, making people feel the warmth and beauty of life.

Laugh to death! Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children from school and met with Wang Xiaofei and his wife Linlin threw pillows on the side to make trouble

Whether it is Wang Xiaofei's birthday wish or the ardent expectations of netizens, it reflects people's yearning for a better life. In this era of rapid information dissemination, even netizens who have never known each other can feel each other's joys, sorrows and sorrows through the screen and share the bits and pieces of life.

The summer vacation has just begun, and I believe that in the next two months, we will see more happy times for Wang Xiaofei's family. Aunt Xiao Yang's video, Linlin's naughty mischief, and Wang Xiaofei's love and sweetness will all become the best memories of this summer. Let's look forward to more heart-warming stories emerging in this hot summer.

For Wang Xiaofei's family, this summer vacation is undoubtedly special. The two months together gave them ample opportunities to strengthen their relationship and create good memories. For children, it is a precious experience to be able to spend the summer holidays with their father and grandmother. It is believed that during this time, they will leave many unforgettable moments.

Aunt Yang's dedication is also worthy of our appreciation. As the family's right-hand man, she not only takes care of the children's daily life, but also records many warm moments through video, so that more people can feel the warmth of the family. Her existence has undoubtedly added more color to the life of Wang Xiaofei's family.

The attention and blessings of netizens reflect the connection between people in modern society. Although we have never met each other, through social media, we are able to share each other's joy and send good wishes. This kind of virtual emotional connection has shortened the distance between people to a certain extent, making us feel more warmth and care.

As time goes on, we look forward to seeing more beautiful stories about Wang Xiaofei's family. Maybe it's a joyful family trip, maybe it's a moment of growth for the children, or maybe it's the good news of Ma Xiaomei's pregnancy. In any case, the bits and pieces of this family will continue to affect the hearts of many netizens.

Let's hope that in this hot summer, there will be more heart-warming stories to emerge. I hope that the happiness of Wang Xiaofei's family can infect more people, so that we can find our own warmth and happiness in our busy lives.

Laugh to death! Aunt Xiao Yang picked up the children from school and met with Wang Xiaofei and his wife Linlin threw pillows on the side to make trouble
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