
"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

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"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

In the Chinese TV industry, Bai Yansong's name is like a dazzling star, illuminating the TV life of countless audiences.

As the "first brother of CCTV", every appearance of him is a symbol of confidence and strength.

However, the white rock pine behind him has experienced unimaginable wind, rain and torture on the road of life.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

So what is it that keeps him strong in the face of illness and stress?

What can his story teach us?

Let's step into the world of Bai Yansong and uncover the real life behind this public figure.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

Bai Yansong was born in an ordinary family in the Inner Mongolia prairie, although the family life is not rich

But he was also living a carefree life.

Both parents are local teachers, and the family's financial resources depend mainly on their salaries.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

However, when Bai Yansong was eight years old, fate hit him and his family hard - his father died of illness.

This incident completely changed the fate of the family and also changed Bai Yansong's childhood.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

The death of his father made the family's financial situation worse, and the mother had to shoulder the burden of the whole family.

In order to make ends meet, my mother had to work multiple jobs and work hard every day.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

Bai Yansong, who has been sensible since he was a child, sees it in his eyes and hurts in his heart, and he is determined to change the status quo of his family by studying hard.

However, in the face of the heavy pressure of life, he was also confused and at a loss.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

Bai Yansong, who has just entered middle school, has gradually become rebellious

I also lost interest in learning and often mingled with friends to have fun.

His mother's persuasion turned into nagging in his ears, and he always ran away from reality.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

However, as time passed, Bai Yansong began to realize that he could no longer live in such a muddy life.

He gradually understood that only by studying hard could he get out of the current predicament and bring hope to himself and his family.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

Bai Yansong woke up in high school and rekindled his enthusiasm for learning.

He began to study hard every day, trying to catch up with the lessons he had fallen behind.

After unremitting efforts, he was admitted to Beijing Broadcasting Institute with excellent results and realized his dream.

This step is not only an affirmation of his past efforts, but also the starting point of his future life.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

At the Beijing Broadcasting Institute, Bai Yansong was hungry for knowledge, participated in various campus activities, and gradually emerged.

His talent and diligence have been unanimously recognized by his teachers and classmates.

After graduating, he successfully entered the CCTV work, which is a great achievement for him.

However, new challenges have arisen.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

After entering CCTV, the first problem Bai Yansong faced was that Mandarin was not standard.

As a native of Inner Mongolia, his Mandarin has a distinct regional accent

This is a fatal flaw in the broadcast hosting industry.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

Every time he doesn't pronounce it accurately, it can become a stumbling block in his career.

In order to overcome this problem, Bai Yansong has made great efforts.

He insisted on practicing Mandarin every day, constantly correcting his pronunciation, and even practicing it dozens of times for a syllable.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

Bai Yansong's efforts were not in vain, he gradually gained a firm foothold in CCTV and won the love of the audience with his outstanding performance.

He hosted programs such as "Oriental Time and Space", "Focus Interview", and "Newsweek", which have become must-watch TV programs for countless viewers every day.

His hosting style is steady and sharp, and he has become the "pillar" of CCTV.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

However, the success of the career did not bring the expected smooth sailing.

Bai Yansong's career has been accompanied by great pressure and challenges.

Due to the intensity of the work, the long-term high-pressure work gradually overwhelmed his body.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

He began to suffer from severe insomnia, only sleeping three to four hours a day, and his physical condition deteriorated day by day.

At its worst, he even showed symptoms of depression, with a drastic drop in weight and extensive hair loss.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

Just when Bai Yansong was almost knocked down by illness and pressure, his wife Zhu Hongjun became his biggest pillar.

Zhu Hongjun is not only his lover, but also a strong backing in his life.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

With meticulous care and support, she helped Bai Yansong get out of the predicament step by step.

Every day, she will cook his favorite meals for Bai Yansong in different ways, take the children to accompany him, and use the warmth of the family to dispel the haze in his heart.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

With the company and support of his wife, Bai Yansong gradually regained his confidence and began to face his illness positively.

Through psychotherapy and self-regulation, he slowly came out of the shadow of depression.

In order to maintain his mental health, he also developed the habit of reading and writing, enriching himself with knowledge and expressing emotions with words.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

Today's Bai Yansong has walked out of those gloomy days and regained his enthusiasm for life and motivation for work.

He continues to be active on the television screen, using his voice and wisdom to bring profound reports and insights to audiences.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

He used his own experience to teach us that in the face of life's challenges, we should never give up easily.

In times of low times, the support and understanding of family members is an invaluable strength;

Seeking help and self-regulation are the keys to overcoming difficulties when faced with them.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

The story of Bai Yansong is a story of perseverance and love, but also a story of healing and hope.

His experience has not only inspired countless viewers

It also made us understand the importance of health and the strength to persevere in the face of challenges.

In the days to come, may we all be like the white rock pine

Meet every challenge with strength and courage, and write your own chapter of life with love and hope.

"CCTV First Brother" Bai Yansong: Tortured by illness, he suffers from severe insomnia every day, and his current situation at the age of 54 is like this

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