
Raining constantly! They have taken multiple measures to protect the "fruit basket" of the public

author:i Gold Mountain
Raining constantly! They have taken multiple measures to protect the "fruit basket" of the public

In the rainy season, heavy precipitation is frequent, and it is currently the time for seasonal fruits such as yellow peaches, grapes, and pears to grow and market, and the continuous rainfall has brought different degrees of impact on all kinds of fruit trees. In the face of the challenges of the rainy season, the agricultural cooperatives in Fengjing Town have actively taken countermeasures to ensure agricultural production by rushing to harvest and draining water.

At present, the kiwifruit in the Fengjing Town Neifu Agricultural Professional Cooperative is about to enter the second fruit expansion period, and many branches have been hung with young kiwifruit fruits. "Kiwifruit likes water and is afraid of waterlogging, too much water is not removed in time to cause root damage, early consideration of Shanghai's plum rainy season, typhoon days, drainage system and other infrastructure have been excavated in advance, the use of 'deep ditch + shallow ditch' drainage mode." Zhao Yumin, a staff member of the Neifu Agricultural Cooperative, said that the continuous rainy days have also greatly reduced the agricultural operation, and many field management will be postponed. ”

Raining constantly! They have taken multiple measures to protect the "fruit basket" of the public

At the same time, workers are thinning the vines in the cooperative's greenhouse. In the rainy season, the grapes are in the growing season, and management and control are particularly important. The continuous rainfall is easy to cause the grape branches to grow wildly, resulting in insufficient light for the grapes entering the expansion stage, so it is necessary to deal with the secondary tips on the vegetative branches in time to ensure the concentrated supply of nutrients to the grapes on the branches. "The facility cultivation rate of Fengjing grapes is 100%, and the cultivation conditions and the surrounding drainage and irrigation system are relatively good, and the most intuitive thing is that it can avoid rainfall and reduce the impact of many extreme climates." Yu Shiping, a staff member of the Fengjing Town Agricultural Service Center, said that high temperature and high humidity weather is easy to cause anthracnose, black spot and other diseases, and it is necessary to take scientific measures such as fungicide sprinkler irrigation in time after the rainy season to prevent the spread of diseases.

Raining constantly! They have taken multiple measures to protect the "fruit basket" of the public

In the Daoxiang Fengyu Planting Cooperative in Xinyuan Village, workers are nervously and orderly shuttling through the grape greenhouse to pick the early-maturing varieties Xia Hei, and a basket of selected and packaged grapes is quickly loaded and sent to nearby markets. It is reported that since June 20, summer black grapes have been on the market, with a daily picking volume of about 500 catties, and it is expected that the daily picking volume will reach more than 1,000 catties after entering the peak production period.

Raining constantly! They have taken multiple measures to protect the "fruit basket" of the public
Raining constantly! They have taken multiple measures to protect the "fruit basket" of the public

"The rain will make the grapes a little less sweet, but before the rainy season comes, a lot of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer was applied early to strengthen the resistance of the fruit trees, and the overall impact is not very large." Shen Huolin, the person in charge of the cooperative, said that in mid to late June every year, the summer black grapes in the base are concentrated and ripe and marketed, and it is also the rainy season in Shanghai. In order to do a good job of root maintenance, a layer of nylon bags was laid around the canal in the cooperative early to prevent water accumulation in the ditch. "Too much water not only causes fruit cracking, but also weakens the root system and prevents nutrients from absorbing nutrients, so now we check the area around the tree almost every day for standing water and drain it as soon as we find it." Shen Huolin said.

Raining constantly! They have taken multiple measures to protect the "fruit basket" of the public

The climate environment of high temperature and high humidity in the rainy season is a double-edged sword for open-air fruit tree planting, and yellow peach belongs to "relying on the sky to eat". "Before the rainy season, workers are asked to work overtime to carry out bagging work, and during this time, they will be regularly inspected, mainly to prevent water accumulation in the fields." According to Shen Yingchun, head of Shanghai Fuyi Fruit and Vegetable Professional Cooperative in Xinyi Village, the temperature in this year's rainy season is a little lower than in previous years. The cooperative's first batch of ripe brocade yellow peaches have ended their picking and sales period before the rainy season, and the main variety of brocade yellow peaches is generally in early August.

Today, the young yellow peach fruits on the fruit trees have been dressed in white "new clothes", and in addition, there are several bamboo poles under each fruit tree to support the fruit tree. "The splendid maturity period is the biggest test, August is the typhoon period, the yellow peach seasonality is strong, the sales period will be concentrated and mature, hanging on the tree weight, the branches will all be pressed down, and now it is necessary to prevent it in advance." Shen Yingchun said.

Raining constantly! They have taken multiple measures to protect the "fruit basket" of the public

It is reported that during the rainy season this year, the production of economic fruit forests in Fengjing Town is relatively stable, in order to cope with the heavy precipitation brought by the rainy season, Fengjing Town Agricultural Service Center released meteorological information to more than 110 farmers in Fengjing jurisdiction in a timely manner, and provided one-to-one scientific flood control plans in advance according to the growth of different fruit trees. In view of the next stage of the typhoon season, we will continue to strengthen technical support for cooperatives, guide farmers to adopt scientific and reasonable flood prevention measures, and ensure the production and supply of agricultural products.

Correspondents | Li Chenhui

Edit | Chen Weiting is responsible for editing | Chen Weiting, Pantene

Raining constantly! They have taken multiple measures to protect the "fruit basket" of the public