
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop


Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop

Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop
Funny jokes that always make people laugh non-stop

"You know what? Yesterday I had a particularly hilarious incident. My friend Xiao Li said to me while drinking coffee.

"Oh? What's so funny? I asked curiously.

"I went to the supermarket yesterday to buy something, and when I was queuing up to check out, there was an uncle in front of me, he bought a bag of apples, and the cashier asked him if he wanted a bag." When Xiao Li said this, he laughed first.

"And then?" I was so infected by his laughter that I couldn't help but laugh.

Then the uncle replied very seriously: 'No, I'll just put it in my pocket.' As a result, he stuffed apples into his coat pockets one by one, and the whole person looked like large pockets bulging on both sides, which was very funny. Xiao Li imitated his uncle's movements as he spoke, making me laugh so much that I almost sprayed coffee.

"That's hilarious, isn't it?" I grinned as I clutched my stomach.

"yes, everyone in line laughed, and the cashier couldn't help but laugh. The uncle didn't care at all, and said, 'Laugh at what you laugh at, it's environmentally friendly!' Xiao Li continued.

After listening to this story, I laughed all over. As we chatted, we suddenly remembered some funny things from the past.

"Remember the last time you said about your brother? He's such a joker. I laughed.

"Oh, you said he was writing essays that time." Xiao Li looked helpless, "When he was in elementary school, he once wrote an essay entitled 'My Mother', he wrote a lot of how hard his mother worked and loved him, and the last sentence turned out to be 'Mom, I love you, although the food you cook is not delicious'." ”

"Hahaha, this kid is really outspoken." I laughed so hard that tears came out of my eyes.

"There's something even funnier." Xiao Li continued, "Once he answered the teacher's question in class, and the teacher asked, 'Why does the earth rotate?' He replied solemnly: 'Because the earth will sleep against the sun, lest it catch a cold.' ’”

"Hahaha, that's so creative!" I pounded the table with laughter.

"How can he be so whimsical!" Xiao Li also couldn't cry or laugh, "I doubt that he will be more suitable to be a comedy artist in the future." ”

When I got home in the evening, I told my husband these funny jokes, and he laughed so hard that he leaned back and laughed.

"These jokes really make people laugh non-stop." My husband smiled and said, "It's really fun to have these jokes in my life." ”

"yes, smile, ten years less." I nodded, "Sometimes, a little humor in life can make us more relaxed and happy. ”

Through these funny jokes, I deeply realized how important humor and laughter are in life. Whether it's sharing with friends or a little fun in the family, we can find fun and relaxation in our busy lives.

"Let's collect more funny jokes in the future." I said to my husband, "Every time I'm in a bad mood or tired, take it out and smile." ”

"Well, life will be a lot more interesting that way." The husband responded with a smile.

Through these hilarious jokes, I learned how to find fun and relaxation in life. Laughter not only relieves stress, but also makes us more positive about life's challenges. No matter what difficulties we encounter, as long as we can maintain a humorous heart, we can deal with them easily and live happily.