
"Assassin Nie Yinniang": Qingluan Dancing Mirror, the road of self-pursuit of the lone wanderer

author:Tireless human color

When I think of the movie "Assassin Nie Yinniang", I think of the sound of the wind blowing through the woods, the fog that fills the mountains, the sound of weapons clashing through the air, the drumbeat that slows down the heartbeat, and the masked and suppressed cry of Nie Yinniang.

What lingered in my mind was the back of Nie Yinniang walking away in the reckless autumn grass, and there was an energy brewing from slowness, quietness and loneliness, which had been drumming in my heart for a long time.

"Assassin Nie Yinniang" is the last work of Taiwanese director Hou Hsiao-hsien's directorial career, and he spent a long time, waiting for the clouds to arrive, waiting for the sunshine, waiting for the wind to rise, waiting for the fog, and with infinite patience, polishing this movie.

"This is the story of a female killer with excellent martial arts, but in the end, she can't kill people."

"Assassin Nie Yinniang": Qingluan Dancing Mirror, the road of self-pursuit of the lone wanderer

"Assassin Nie Yinniang" is based on the legendary novel "Nie Yinniang" by Pei Xing of the Tang Dynasty.

Nie Yinniang (Shu Qi) was taken to the mountains by Princess Daogu to practice swordsmanship when she was 10 years old, and was trained to become an assassin.

After completing her studies, she was ordered by her teacher to return to her hometown Weibo and assassinate her childhood sweetheart, Tian Ji'an (Zhang Zhen), the festival envoy who had a marriage contract.

Reunited after 13 years, Tian Ji'an didn't recognize Nie Yinniang, the two fought, Tian Ji'an was defeated and retreated.

When he returned to the room, he found the jade Jue left by Nie Yinniang, and only then did he know that Nie Yinniang was the seventh lady who had a marriage contract with him back then.

Tian Ji'an told his concubine Hu Ji the story of his relationship with Miao Qi, and Hu Ji said, "It's unfair for Miao Qi." ”

At this time, Nie Yinniang was in the room, and she heard an irrelevant person's understanding of her fate.

"Assassin Nie Yinniang": Qingluan Dancing Mirror, the road of self-pursuit of the lone wanderer

Tian Ji'an is no longer the childhood playmate that Xiao Miao Qi was familiar with, he is deeply involved in the power struggle of the imperial court, crazy, hypocritical, and anxious, and his wife Tian Yuanshi (played by Zhou Yun) is scheming, and he is fighting for power and profit with Tian Ji'an every day.

Nie Yinniang saved Hu Ji, but she was mistaken for wanting to kill Hu Ji, she could have killed Tian Ji'an, but after subduing him, she said "Hu Ji is pregnant", and turned her head and left.

If Nie Yinniang hadn't been taken away by Princess Daogu, she might have become a woman trapped in the back house, exhausted by the struggle between wives and concubines and daily household chores.

She was taken away by Princess Daogu and lost her family affection, but she became a lonely chivalrous woman with unique skills, courage and knowledge, and overriding male authority.

I don't know which one is more fortunate or more unlucky.

"Assassin Nie Yinniang": Qingluan Dancing Mirror, the road of self-pursuit of the lone wanderer

In the movie, Nie Yinniang has always been dressed in black, cold and resolute, and there are few scenes with a breath of life, one of which was after saving her father who was hunted down.

The group rested in the village of the young man who was grinding the mirror (played by his wife Mu Cong), and Nie Yinniang decocted and fed medicine to his father, and his father said, "I really shouldn't have let Princess Daogu take you away." ”

The first time was when she was sent home by Princess Daogu, her mother told her the whole story, and when she heard the news of Princess Jiacheng's death, Nie Yinniang burst into tears, took a cloth to cover her face, and cried in a muffled voice.

This is the only time in the movie that she has an emotional breakdown.

"Assassin Nie Yinniang": Qingluan Dancing Mirror, the road of self-pursuit of the lone wanderer

Nie Yinniang is a stubborn and assertive person.

When he was 10 years old, Tian Ji'an had a fever and almost died, but Nie Yinniang's father saved him with ancient methods, and Yinniang kept guarding him, and no one could pull him away.

Later, Tian Ji'an and the daughter of the Yuan family were married, and Nie Yinniang broke into the courtyard of the Yuan family and was injured by the guards, almost giving her life, and then was taken away by Princess Daogu.

Nie Yinniang's innocent and carefree childhood was sealed, and we can only see the strong, wild, deep, and dark killer Nie Yinniang when she grows up.

She returned to her hometown, but she couldn't find her place, and the 13 years of silence were like amber standing still, where there was no one of her kind.

"Assassin Nie Yinniang": Qingluan Dancing Mirror, the road of self-pursuit of the lone wanderer

At first, when the assassination was delayed, the master asked the reason, and she said, "When I saw that Daliao was cute, I couldn't bear it."

She could not assassinate the child's father in front of the child.

Facing Tian Ji'an, she still couldn't start,

She said, "Kill Tian Ji'an, the heir is young, Wei Bo will be chaotic, and the disciple will not be killed." ”

She defended what Princess Jiacheng maintained, and didn't want Weibo to fall into war.

The master said, "The way of the sword has no relatives, and you don't share the sorrows with the saints, and now your swordsmanship has been completed, but you can't cut off the feelings of humanity." ”

Nie Yinniang was speechless, she only kowtowed to her master three times, and then left the foggy mountaintop, her back like a faint green mountain.

At that moment, she was innocent, indifferent, faded everything, and only kept her heart.

As soon as it fell together, the Buddha's clothes went, flew and fell, and the heart stopped.

"Assassin Nie Yinniang": Qingluan Dancing Mirror, the road of self-pursuit of the lone wanderer

In the movie, Qingluan dances several times.

In order to make a bird chirp, King Zobin tried various methods, but without success. His wife suggested that the mirror be hung so that it could be seen in his own shadow.

When Luan Niao saw himself in the mirror, he mistakenly thought that he had seen his own kind, so he screamed all night until he died.

This is the story that Princess Jiacheng told to Nie Yinniang when she stroked the qin, when she was less than 10 years old, this scene is an eternal memory in her mind.

Many years later, Nie Yinniang finally understood that she and Princess Jiacheng were both Qingluan, in a foreign land, and there was no one of the same.

She recognized herself in the mirror, knowing that she could no longer be an Assassin.

"Assassin Nie Yinniang": Qingluan Dancing Mirror, the road of self-pursuit of the lone wanderer

When the ending song "Rohan" sounded, I completely entered the world of Nie Yinniang, and I felt the sound of the wind, the sound of cicadas, the flowing water, the clouds, and the desolation between heaven and earth.

There are Nie Yinniang's past, present and future in the song, and there are grievances and grievances, but the most is tenacious and tough.

Autumn water is long.

Yin Niang, the old man who picks medicine and the young man who grinds the mirror, the three of them go together.

In front of it is Jindu, the water vapor is volleying, and the vast smoke waves are endless.

She stepped out of control and embarked on her own path.