
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' choice again! You don't know about Wei Shao, but you have to know the history of the triple

author:I often talk about sports

Recently, it was reported that Westbrook will leave the Clippers and enter the free market, Wei Shao has been moving to many teams since leaving the Thunder, the Wizards, the Rockets, the Clippers, and the former triple-double king is also compromising for the championship but it backfired, and in the end he did not taste the championship. How arrogant and contemptuous the former Wei Shao was, he has been alone with the Thunder for 11 years, and has many opportunities to rush to the championship, but fate has always missed the championship, this time he faces the choice again, I don't know how to advance and retreat for Major General Wei, after all, the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" is no longer young, and at the age of 36, he is already vulnerable in front of the whirlwind of youth in the NBA, and he will fight hard for the championship if he chooses to do so.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' choice again! You don't know about Wei Shao, but you have to know the history of the triple

Wei Shao is known as the historical triple-double king, which is not a touted name, triple-doubles can be said to be commonplace for him, and he has averaged three doubles per game for four seasons in his career. He averaged 31.6 points, 10.4 assists and 10.7 rebounds per game during the 2016-2017 season, 25.4 points, 10.3 assists and 10.1 rebounds per game during the 2017-2018 season, 22.9 points, 10.7 assists and 11.1 rebounds per game during the 2018-2019 season with the Thunder, and 22.2 points, 11.7 assists and 11.5 rebounds per game during the 2020-2021 season with the Wizards. Getting two pairs is already a great achievement, but Wei Shao took three pairs like a bag, he has surpassed the ancient beast Robertson to be crowned the NBA history "triple double king", such an honor was only broken after forty-seven years, Wei Shao's record can be said to be unprecedented, and it is estimated that it will be on for decades if there are comers.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' choice again! You don't know about Wei Shao, but you have to know the history of the triple

The former Thunder Three Youths, the Thunder Twins in the later period, and then the Thunder Turtle later, all fought for the championship to the last strength, but they all returned with a feather. In 2012, the Thunder reached the Finals, and unfortunately lost in the face of the rising Heat, when everyone thought that the Thunder would make a comeback next season, due to team management, Harden left Houston, and the team only had twin stars to lead the team, but the good chemistry still had a good record.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' choice again! You don't know about Wei Shao, but you have to know the history of the triple

The watershed of the Thunder originated in the 2016 playoffs, the Eastern Conference Thunder was reversed by the Warriors with a 3-1 lead, and this is not the key to the Thunder's reconstruction, but Durant, one of the twin stars of the Thunder, made a very controversial decision after the season to join the Golden State Warriors who humiliated themselves in the playoffs in the new season, which also led to a complete break between Wei Shao and Durant, although Wei Shao also knew that KD was making a decision for the championship, but the exodus in this period must not be tolerated.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' choice again! You don't know about Wei Shao, but you have to know the history of the triple

Wei Shao is now at the end of his career, and the honors he can get are also enjoyed, the O'Brien Trophy has always been the holy grail in the hearts of every player, if Wei Shao chooses to leave the Clippers and enter the free market, he should consider more about the opportunity to compete for the championship, after all, it is another matter whether he will compete in the court again with his competitive ability in one more year.

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