
Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!

author:Micro Wanzhou


It's a very different state.


It is the courage to pursue higher and farther goals.

Towards the new,

Start again,

We're on our way.

This is a time of great change, new quality empowerment, content innovation, breaking the barriers of thinking, and rebuilding the media landscape.

This is the era of the Internet of Everything, digital empowerment, intelligent future, breaking down digital barriers, and moving towards the "smart +" era.

Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!

June 28, 2024

All "shadows" are "wise" to the future

Chongqing Three Gorges Financial Media Center

The 2024 Content Innovation Conference was held,

9 major innovative content grand release,

A recognizable Wanzhou,

city-wide and even nationally influential

The modern new mainstream media set sail.

Looking back on history, from writing, printing, telecommunications technology to the Internet, there have been four communication revolutions, and each media revolution is closely related to social progress, accompanied by continuous content innovation.

From integration reform to media integration, Chongqing Three Gorges Financial Media Center not only makes a comprehensive breakthrough in technology, but also integrates and innovates in content, making Wanzhou more beautiful, more fun and more user-friendly.

Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!

Innovation and integration, breaking the circle of growth.

It's a comprehensive leap forward.

It's also a fresh start!

Content is always fundamental, and integrated development must adhere to the principle that content is king, and win development advantages with content advantages. Adhering to integrity and innovation, and launching a large number of high-quality content IPs, Chongqing Three Gorges Financial Media Center has been in action and on the road.

The representative high-quality content IP released this time once again reflects the breakthrough trend of deepening the structural reform of the supply side of content production, enabling and upgrading the production capacity of original boutiques and the ability to shape brand IP.

From here,

As we can see,

In content innovation and technological innovation

Under two-wheel drive,

From planning, interviewing, editing, broadcasting, etc

All links in the whole chain are being renewed——

"Learning Power" Wanzhou Learning Platform

The exclusive Wanzhou "national brand" platform position will integrate all-media resources, hold high the banner of thought, continue to focus on learning, publicizing and implementing the theme of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and let you see and understand Wanzhou in all media methods such as graphics, posters, audio and video.

Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!


Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!

HiWanzhou's new window for overseas communication, across mountains and seas, connects the world, spreads the voice of Wanzhou to the world, shows Wanzhou's rich cultural stories, beautiful geographical scenery and colorful lifestyle, and lets the world see, hear and know Wanzhou!

"Today's Attention"

Follow the principle of "government concern, mass concern", carry out constructive public opinion supervision, use the power of the media to participate in social governance, respond to social concerns, and use media supervision "small levers" to leverage the effectiveness of social governance.

Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!

Wanzhou 5G smart radio

Turn on FM 91.0, bring you the first greeting every morning, and arrive home happily every evening with laughter and laughter.

Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!

There is a play in Wanzhou

Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!

Let the sound and light take you to appreciate the beauty of Wanzhou, feel the charm of Wanzhou, and give you an audio-visual world full of surprises and touches.

Watch Wanzhou live broadcast (Wanzhou Zhou Zhoule)

Take the cloud upstream, link users and serve the masses in the form of grounded and hot communication, so that you can visit Pinghu Lake in the cloud "week" and visit Wanzhou with "fun" at your fingertips.

Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!

"Speaking with Cultural Relics"

The ingenious integration of TV art and digital technology unveils the mystery of cultural relics, takes you to listen to the voice of history, unlock the code of civilization, understand the changes of the times, and touch the cultural context of Wanzhou.

Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!

Chongqing He Qifang Comprehensive Practice Base

An innovative practice that transcends ecological and industrial innovation, actively integrates into and serves the society, and allows culture to be absorbed, used and developed.

Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!

Wanzhou Press Hall

A high-end platform that brings together professional planning, professional shooting and production, professional hosting, and professional studios, bringing together cross-screen integration and new content, so that the release is wider and the dissemination is farther.

Launched! Wanzhou's 9 major plates are newly released!

A reshaping of value,

change-led innovation storm,

From now on, the wind rises from Pinghu and sweeps Wanzhou.

Standing on a new outlet, embarking on a new track,

Training new formats, creating new IP,

From then on, sail away,

Strive to be a wave of the tide of the times.

Reporter|Yao Huayan/Text: Ran Mengjun, Hou Benyan, Fu Zuoqiao/Picture: Fu Yong, Wang Nian, Su Chang, Liu Hangyu, Tang Yongmei, Xiang Shunhao, Li Jinke, Lan Jiang, Zhang Hongbo, He Jiangdong, Wu Jie, Hao Yange/video

Editor: Li Yanghong

Editor|Zhou Qilin, Yang Yuangang

The original content of Chongqing Three Gorges Financial Media Center shall not be reproduced without authorization