
Sudden crisis! Libya cannot win this war: its neighbors are all China and Russia with advanced weapons and equipment

author:Peak Military Watch

The conflict in Gaza has been going on for months, and the spillover effects of the war are evident, from Yemen on the Red Sea to Lebanon's southern border. As a result, the pattern of the Middle East and Africa has changed, and with the sharp decline in the influence of Western powers in the Middle East and Africa, regional contradictions may lead to more military conflicts. In North Africa, Libya, which has long been out of the attention of the outside world, suddenly broke out in a military crisis with neighboring Algeria. For the sake of 32,000 square kilometers of disputed territory, Libya is ready to settle it by military means.

Sudden crisis! Libya cannot win this war: its neighbors are all China and Russia with advanced weapons and equipment
Sudden crisis! Libya cannot win this war: its neighbors are all China and Russia with advanced weapons and equipment

The Libyan army deployed a large number of troops on the border with Algeria and threatened: "Return our land, otherwise we will seize it by force." "Libya demands the return of 32,000 square kilometers of land located in southeastern Algeria. Since the outbreak of the Libyan civil war, it has been de facto divided into two parts, the internationally recognized Libyan National Assembly government in the west, and the secular government controlled by the Libyan National Army led by Haftar in the east.

Sudden crisis! Libya cannot win this war: its neighbors are all China and Russia with advanced weapons and equipment

This time it was the Libyan government forces that controlled the western part of the country that were fighting for territory with Algeria. It is not clear to the outside world where the Libyan government forces have come from the confidence to suddenly provoke a border crisis. In the Libyan civil war, the Libyan government army, despite strong support from the West, was still defeated by Haftar's Libyan National Army, losing most of the eastern part of the country. And most of what is lost is in the oil field area. It is obviously not a wise move to start a war with the outside world before the internal contradictions have been resolved.

Sudden crisis! Libya cannot win this war: its neighbors are all China and Russia with advanced weapons and equipment

More importantly, the Libyan army's military strength is far stronger than that of the Libyan National Army, which is facing neighboring Algeria. As an energy power, the Algerian army has sufficient financial resources to purchase advanced weapons and equipment from the world's military powers. Including advanced anti-aircraft missiles, fighter jets and guided artillery. In the Algerian army's equipment sequence, you can find a lot of familiar advanced weapons and equipment, and they are today's world-class weapons of the world's first technology.

Sudden crisis! Libya cannot win this war: its neighbors are all China and Russia with advanced weapons and equipment

According to the data, the Algerian army has Russian-made S-300PMU2 and Pantsir-S1 air defense systems, as well as a large number of T-90 series main battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. In addition, the Afghan army is also equipped with four sets of Russian-made "Iskander-E" tactical missiles, 70 Chinese SR-5 multiple rocket launchers, and 50 Chinese-made PLZ-45 self-propelled artillery guns, which have significantly improved its long-range fire delivery capabilities. Algeria's air force consists almost entirely of Russian-made fighters. Including Su-30, Su-34, MiG-29S and other types of fighters.

Sudden crisis! Libya cannot win this war: its neighbors are all China and Russia with advanced weapons and equipment

A large number of Chinese and Russian weapons and equipment, coupled with an armed force of 200,000 people, make Algeria rank 26th in the world in the military ranking, and its military strength in Africa is firmly in the forefront. So if the Libyan government army wants to fight a battle with the Algerian army, it will not be able to win at all! Moreover, if the Libyan National Army in the east "takes advantage of the fire to loot" at that time, the Libyan government army will still be in a dangerous situation of being exposed to the enemy on its back.

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