
Xicheng District "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held

author:Xicheng, Beijing


On the occasion of the party's 103rd birthday, on June 27, Xicheng District held a "two excellent and one first" commendation conference to solemnly commend outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grass-roots party organizations in Xicheng District. Sun Shuo, secretary of the district party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, Liu Dongwei, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, presided over the meeting, Zhang Lixin, director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, and Cheng Changhong, chairman of the district CPPCC, attended.

Xicheng District "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held

Yu Jiaming, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, reported on the practice line of party building leading grassroots governance and the achievements of party building brand. Subsequently, the participants watched the micro-video of "Red Wall Pioneer".

Xicheng District "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held
Xicheng District "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held

Outstanding Communist Party member of Xicheng District

Xicheng District "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held

Outstanding party workers in Xicheng District

Xicheng District "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held

Advanced grass-roots party organization in Xicheng District

Xicheng District "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held

Representative of old party members in Xicheng District

Liu Dongwei read out the decision of the district party committee on commending outstanding communist party members, outstanding party workers and advanced grassroots party organizations in Xicheng District. The district leaders presented awards to the commended representatives and awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the representatives of old party members.

At the meeting, Xia Peng, representative of outstanding Communist Party members in Xicheng District and director of Beihai Campus of Beijing No. 4 Middle School, Zhong Baoshan, representative of outstanding party workers in Xicheng District and secretary of the Party Committee of Niujie Xili District 2 Community of Niujie Street, and Meng Qingpeng, representative of advanced grassroots party organizations in Xicheng District and secretary of the Party branch of Desheng Street of Xicheng District Market Supervision Administration, spoke as representatives of commended advanced collectives and outstanding individuals.

Xicheng District "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held

On behalf of the district party committee, Sun Shuo extended holiday greetings and sincere blessings to the party members who are fighting on all fronts in the region, paid high tribute to the old party members, and extended warm congratulations to the commended advanced collectives and outstanding individuals. He pointed out that this year is the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the 10th anniversary of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on "2.26" to Beijing, and a key year to achieve the goals and tasks of the "14th Five-Year Plan". The advanced collectives and outstanding individuals who were commended this time are the outstanding representatives of the outstanding party members and cadres in the whole region, the vivid practice of the whole region striving to be the "red wall pioneer", and the epitome of the good political ecology of Xicheng. The majority of party members and cadres in the region have proved with their actions that loyalty is not an abstract concept, but a concrete practice, which is embodied in every word and deed, every move, and implemented in every choice and every perseverance. Happiness comes from struggle, I hope you will maintain your dedication and love for the cause, do every ordinary thing well in a down-to-earth manner, and all ordinary work can create extraordinary achievements.

Sun Shuo emphasized that it is necessary to stress politics, take into account the overall situation, and resolutely be the vanguard of the first phalanx in practicing the "two safeguards". As the grassroots party organizations and party members and cadres by the red wall, they must consciously assume the responsibilities and missions of the "red wall pioneer", firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two maintenances", and provide a strong political guarantee for promoting the steady and far-reaching practice of Chinese-style modernization in Xicheng. We should set a benchmark in politics with a clear stand, continuously improve political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, and implement the requirement of "looking at Beijing first and foremost from a political perspective" into concrete actions and into our own work. Set a benchmark in strengthening the party's innovation theory, continue to work hard to learn, understand, and implement the party's innovation theory, unremittingly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to forge the soul, and constantly improve the ability and level of using the party's innovation theory to study new situations and solve new problems. Set a benchmark in the sense of purpose, always keep in mind that making people's lives happy is the "great thing of the country", deepen the handling of complaints from a higher starting point, and better play the role of platforms such as "Xicheng Home", "Round Table" and "Small Courtyard Chamber", focus on the concerns of residents such as employment, education, elderly care, and health, and plan to launch more effective policy measures, so that the work and achievements of regional development and governance can better serve and benefit the people.

Sun Shuo emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen skills, be brave and responsible, and resolutely be the builder of the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Xicheng. All units, party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the region should more consciously and actively strengthen their responsibilities, improve their work skills, and improve operational efficiency, so as to provide a strong organizational guarantee for promoting the steady and far-reaching practice of Chinese-style modernization in Xicheng. Take the lead in improving professional ability, always maintain a sense of panic crisis and urgency, adhere to the pace of the times, do a good job in the study of policy theory, professional knowledge and cutting-edge technology, accelerate knowledge updating, optimize knowledge structure, broaden horizons, and continuously enhance the ability to promote high-quality development, serve the masses, prevent and resolve risks, and strive to become a "policy general", "living dictionary" and "all-rounder" in the field in charge. Take the initiative to take the lead, always maintain an indomitable attitude, the realm of self-sacrifice, have the courage to face the bottlenecks and difficult problems in the work, take responsibility and tasks, and promote the continuous solution of problems with a scientific spirit, rigorous attitude and tenacious perseverance. We should take the lead in reform and innovation, firmly establish the solution thinking of "whether we should or not, whether we can, and what to do", take the lead in breaking down the institutional and institutional obstacles of "whether we can", study and launch more real moves, and use small incisions to pry big breakthroughs, so that small highlights can be condensed into big characteristics, and converge into a strong driving force to promote the high-quality and high-level development of the whole region.

Sun Shuo demanded that we should abide by discipline and rules, and resolutely be a good person who understands discipline and discipline. At present, the study and education of party discipline is being carried out in depth, and all grassroots party organizations and party members and cadres should be highly politically conscious and full of political enthusiasm to truly strict discipline and rules, so as to provide a strong disciplinary guarantee for promoting the steady and far-reaching practice of Chinese-style modernization in Xicheng. Set an example in respecting party rules and party discipline, deeply realize that the party's discipline and rules are a clear "red line", but also an untouchable "high-voltage line", consciously strengthen the study of discipline and rules, strengthen the sense of discipline, cultivate a sense of awe, and respect the law and discipline and abide by the rules with an attitude of walking on thin ice and facing the abyss. Set an example in abiding by party rules and party discipline, consciously take the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" as a "precept ruler" for self-discipline, benchmark against the table, strictly self-manage, start from the details of small things, always self-respect, self-examination, self-vigilance and self-encouragement, be cautious and cautious, and earnestly engrave the party constitution, party rules and party discipline in their hearts, and internalize compliance with rules and disciplines into the words and deeds of "daily use without realizing it". Set an example in maintaining party rules and party discipline, strengthen the sense of responsibility, speak for the party in the party, worry about the party in the party, and serve the party in the party, and maintain the seriousness and authority of the party's discipline and rules with practical actions.

Xicheng District "two excellent and one first" commendation conference was held

The leaders of the four sets of teams in the district, the main responsible comrades of the district-level departments, the representatives of the commended advanced collectives and outstanding individuals, party representatives, and representatives of old party members, young party members and mobile party members attended the meeting.

Text: Shi Huanfeng, Organization Department of the District Party Committee

Photo: Jiang Zhen Yu Hezhang

Video: Organization Department of the District Committee

Proofreading: Hou Mingyue and Li Yiran

Editor-in-charge: Wang Zhao

Review: Yao Miaomiao

Issued by: Li Zhuo