
The wind blows in the middle of the summer, everything is showing, and the poetic "romance" of the exhibition road is

author:Xicheng, Beijing

On June 27th, the first Exhibition Road Street Poetry Festival with the theme of "Exhibition and Exhibition, Poetry in China" was held in Xinhua 1949 Cultural and Financial Innovation Industrial Park.

The event focuses on the integrated development of regional cultural undertakings and cultural industries, using poetry as a medium, through recitation, creation, performance, singing, competition and other forms, to build a platform for experts, scholars and poetry lovers to display their talents, exchange and mutual learning, and promote the construction of regional culture to a new level.

The wind blows in the middle of the summer, everything is showing, and the poetic "romance" of the exhibition road is

The event was guided by the Propaganda Department of the Xicheng District Party Committee and the District Culture and Tourism Bureau, and co-sponsored by the Exhibition Road Street and the Xinhua 1949 Cultural Finance and Innovation Industrial Park.

Zhang Xiaojia, member of the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, Wei Jianming, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress, Chen Dapeng, Deputy District Mayor, and Wang Yi, Vice Chairman of the District Political Consultative Conference, attended the event.

The wind blows in the middle of the summer, everything is showing, and the poetic "romance" of the exhibition road is
The wind blows in the middle of the summer, everything is showing, and the poetic "romance" of the exhibition road is

The event kicked off with the poetry recitation of cadres and people from all walks of life in the community, volunteers, courier brothers and other areas.

"I love my home, home is Greater China; I love my country, the country is the great China" The student representative of the progressive primary school brought the poem "I Love My Country", interpreting the clear love for the family and country with a young voice; "This is the exhibition road, a place where the banner of civilization is held high and the strength of endeavor is gathered" The street cadres expressed the beauty of regional development and the high-spirited, self-confident and self-reliant spirit of the cadres and the masses through the original poem "Exhibition and Exhibition"; "I have a pair of jewel-like black eyes, I am proud, I am Chinese" student representatives from Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture and Xicheng Vocational School recited the poem "I am proud, I am Chinese", and started a dialogue with people with lofty ideals across time and space......

The wind blows in the middle of the summer, everything is showing, and the poetic "romance" of the exhibition road is

In the "Xinhua Garden", where ancient and modern are blended, the sound of Langlang reading "poems" is endless, and the atmosphere of the scene reaches a climax in the audience reciting the original poem "Reading China" in unison.

The wind blows in the middle of the summer, everything is showing, and the poetic "romance" of the exhibition road is

At the event site, the leaders attending the event were Min Yi, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of CIPG, A Zi, a famous contemporary Chinese poet, lyricist and recitation performance artist, Zhou Qun, senior Chinese teacher of Beijing Jingshan School, Beijing Special Teacher, and deputy director of the Campus Poetry Education Committee of the Chinese Poetry Society, Xu Zhi, member of the Youth Working Committee of the Chinese Writers Association, editor of the Writers Publishing House, and editor-in-chief of "Chinese Campus Literature", Liu Chen, director of the Canadian Research Center of the Regional Country Research Base of the Ministry of Education of Beijing University of Foreign Chinese. Zhang Cuizhen, associate professor of the School of International Economics of China Foreign Affairs University, and other six guests issued a letter of appointment as the "Ambassador for the Dissemination of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture in the Exhibition Road Area" to promote more outstanding cultural works to enter the campuses, communities and enterprises in the jurisdiction, and further unite the joint force of cultural communication.

During the event, the Ah Zi Cultural Communication Studio was inaugurated, and the park released the image of the poet Ah Zi as a "digital human" empowered by AI technology, promoting the dissemination of excellent traditional Chinese culture with technology empowerment.

The wind blows in the middle of the summer, everything is showing, and the poetic "romance" of the exhibition road is

It is understood that as a series of activities of the "Poetry Festival", the street has launched online poetry creation, poetry interpretation, poetry recitation and other work collection activities since the beginning of June, which has received attention and positive response from all walks of life in the region. The special guests of the event, Zhou Qun and Xu Zhi, commented on the submitted poems.

The wind blows in the middle of the summer, everything is showing, and the poetic "romance" of the exhibition road is
The wind blows in the middle of the summer, everything is showing, and the poetic "romance" of the exhibition road is

"The deep patriotic feelings conveyed by these works are deeply gratifying." Zhou Qun said in his comments, "The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the 'root' and 'soul' of the Chinese nation, and through the original poetry works, you can feel the strong cultural atmosphere of the street and the inheritance and development of the excellent traditional Chinese culture." ”

There is also an open poetry exhibition space at the event site, where excellent poetry works and classic ancient poems are laid out in the park in an innovative form, attracting many residents to stop and visit.

The wind blows in the middle of the summer, everything is showing, and the poetic "romance" of the exhibition road is

"It was the first time to participate in the poetry festival at my doorstep, and I felt the enduring charm of poetry and singing up close." Zhang Lanzhen, a resident from the South Barracks community, said that she hopes that the street will often hold such cultural activities to drive more residents to participate and jointly create a strong cultural atmosphere. "The event has built a platform for us to appreciate other people's works, showcase our personal works, and exchange and learn from each other. It is believed that the activity of small 'poetry circles' can promote the better development of regional culture. Ms. Lin, the original creator of the poem, said.

The wind blows in the middle of the summer, everything is showing, and the poetic "romance" of the exhibition road is

The relevant person in charge of the exhibition road street said that in the future, it will continue to carry out a series of activities with the theme of "poetry culture" such as poetry theme seminars, small poet salons, and poetry selection competitions, so as to incubate more attractive, influential, and infectious mass cultural activities.

At the same time, we will integrate resources to create new landmarks rich in culture, civilization and vitality, and cultural and tourism hotspots, such as the "Cultural, Commercial and Tourism Integration Circle" and the "Culture, Creativity and Communication Industry Circle", so as to further promote the symbiosis of culture and the city, the sharing of life and the integration of industry.

Relevant departments of the district, enterprises, schools, streets and communities in charge of Xinhua 1949 Cultural and Financial Innovation Industrial Park, poetry creators, and residents participated in the event.

For a long time, the street has deeply studied and implemented Xi Jinping's cultural thoughts, focused on the "Three-year Action Plan for the High-quality Development of Cultural Industry in Xicheng District", carried out the vivid practice of educating people with culture, formed a consensus of drawing a blueprint with unity, and polished the shining business card of "exhibition and exhibition".

In the next step, we will fully tap the endowment of regional cultural resources, further promote the deep connection and empowerment of cultural industry parks and blocks, business districts and communities, create cultural IP that integrates traditional culture, financial culture, consumer culture and urban renewal culture, continue to build brand cultural activities, and contribute to the construction of a strong cultural area.

Text: Fu Tianhui Zhao Keying

Image: Exhibition Road Street

Proofreading: Hou Mingyue and Li Yiran

Editor-in-charge: Wang Zhao

Review: Yao Miaomiao

Issued by: Li Zhuo