
单词联想norm enormous enormity

author:Forest after the rain sunny655



n. (physical, mental) torment, suffering; People (things) who cause pain

v. to cause pain, torment; Harassment, teasing



n. 激素,荷尔蒙;人造激素;性激素(hormones)



n. worms; larvae (of certain insects); parasites, parasitic diseases; Little people, cowards; worms; Maggots; Threads, worms, spiral tubes

v. (to animals) intestinal worms; Wriggling, zigzag-walking; (usually to deceive others or gain benefits) gradually (success or favor)

abbr. 一次写入型光盘,单写多读型光盘(write-once read-many)

【First Name】 (Worm) (German, Danish, Portuguese) Worm (personal name)

network worm,



n. 宿舍(=dormitory)

【First Name】 (Dorm) (Sweden) Dorm (personal name)

network sleep,



v. (make) appear; (make) (relationships, habits, or ideas) to form; Constitution, is ...... components; edifying, cultivating; Organize, establish

n. Tables, tables; Category, kind; shape, shape; Shape; (existing) form, form; the structure of the work of art or the text; physical fitness, good health; good performance; Form; customary practice, custom; (British) classes, grades; Impolite behavior

Form, Form

Web Forms,



n. Social norms, codes of conduct; Standard, average; Normal, ordinary things; Modular square; < Ao, unofficially > Nome (refers to lazy people who stay at home all day watching TV, especially watching sports)

Network Specifications/Standards



n. the hardship, gravity (of the situation, problem, incident, etc.); Huge, huge; atrocities, heinous crimes; violent, vicious; importance

Cyber Atrocities /Huge/Extremely Evil/Huge

Same as synonyms


Huge; Atrocity; Extremely vicious

greatness vastness

I was numbed by the enormity of the responsibility.

I was overwhelmed by the enormity of the responsibility.


English /nʌm/ American /nʌm/

adj. numbness, loss of sensation; Sluggish, sluggish

v. numbness, loss of consciousness; dullness, sluggishness; I lighten (a certain feeling) and weaken it



n. Thumb; the thumb part (of the glove); first finger (of primates or other mammals); Thumbs up, thumbs up (to show yes or to say it's okay); Point your thumb (the object you are talking about)

v. give a thumbs up and ask for a ride; Touch with your thumb and touch with your thumb; Thumbs up to sign; Flip with your thumb and flip through it



adj. dumb, unable to speak; those who are speechless for a while, who refuse to speak; <非正式>Unwise; (computer terminal) simple

v. popularization; <文>Make dumb, make silent



vt. 阻碍,妨害;使受苦

n. Dragging, burdensome; damage

n. (Cumber)人名;(英)坎伯

The full enormity of the crime has not yet been revealed.

The gravity of this crime has not yet been fully revealed.

It was not long before I realized the enormity of my faux pas.

It didn't take long for me to realize how rude I was.

People are still coming to terms with the enormity of the disaster.

People are still trying to come to terms with the grave consequences of this catastrophe.



adj. huge, great; <古>Fierce, extremely vicious

The network is huge/huge/huge/huge/quite a lot

Same as synonyms


Massive, huge; Fierce, extremely vicious

huge tremendous massive macro vast词源

enormous huge

e-, outward. -norm, normal, see normal. i.e. beyond the normal, huge.

enormous massive, huge

Root affixes: e-out, outward + -norm-regular, regular + -ous adjective ending → out of the norm

His death left an enormous gap in my life.

His death left a huge void in my life.

They have suffered an enormous personal tragedy.

They suffered a great personal disaster.

She gets enormous pleasure out of working freelance.

She has a lot of pleasure working as a freelancer.



adj. Contractual, freelance

adv. As a freelancer

n. Freelancers; <史>Mercenaries in the Middle Ages

v. Do special work and engage in freelance work