
The way of the world has changed: now soldiers are often raised by their daughters-in-law!

author:The Three Musketeers

Swordsman Lanshan Three Musketeers

The way of the world has changed: now soldiers are often raised by their daughters-in-law!

Living on a daughter-in-law? It is estimated that when many comrades-in-arms saw this topic, they were probably very disdainful, and they also felt that it was wrong, and even more inappropriate. After all, we have heard many stories about soldiers who rely on their own salaries to support their families, but we have rarely heard of the soldier living on his daughter-in-law.

It can't be, it really can't be!

Text: Swordsman Lanshan

Picture: Datang

Swordsman XVII

Times are changing, and so are family patterns.

In the past, in the traditional sense, it was the male head of the house and the head of the woman, especially in many places, due to various reasons, the income was low, and some may even be unemployed, which brought many families The situation of "men supporting the family" occupied the mainstream.

But with the increasing openness of society, there are now more and more families, in which women are beginning to bear a large part of the economic pressure. Even in some families, the wife is very capable of "absorbing money", and the individual is either capable and effective, and has accumulated important wealth for the family; Either some started their own companies or seized the opportunity to become the main source of income for their families.

As for military families, because the income of military personnel is fixed and there are certain restrictions on growth, many of their wives happen to have relatively strong economic strength, on the one hand, they make money to support their families, and on the other hand, they also take care of the old and young in the family very well, which can be said to give very pragmatic support to the soldiers.

Times have changed, and social attitudes must slowly change as well. If two people, each giving full play to their strengths, can make more money, can support the family is responsible for supporting the family, husband and wife Qin Se and Ming have a deep relationship, and give each other enough emotional value and care and care, but don't care too much about who earns the money. The evolution of family structures and patterns brought about by social changes requires us to adapt.

No, some comrades-in-arms said that for a while, they really relied on their families to support them.

The way of the world has changed: now soldiers are often raised by their daughters-in-law!

Things have to start after changing jobs and reporting for duty.

After changing jobs, I reported to work at the resettlement unit. In the face of an unfamiliar environment, I need to adapt to a lot of things, but one thing is particularly important, that is, the transfer of supply relations, and the problem of paying wages quickly.

As everyone knows, with the opening of the supply relationship, every retired serviceman will end the history of being supported and paid by the troops, and will instead enter the stage where the localities and the receiving and resettlement units are responsible. However, the problem is that the transfer of local supply relations is not as convenient and fast as the transfer of the military.

At that time, my colleagues in the personnel department told me that the relationship was accepted, but it was uncertain when my salary would be paid, so I was prepared to be without salary for a few months and plan my own life.

It turns out that there is a process of reporting and compiling and verifying local wages. Only when the establishment is appropriate, can the salary be reported and the salary will be paid, and it is not possible to do it immediately as soon as everyone imagines.

And this process, there are long and short. Some can be done in one or two months, and some can be implemented in four or five months. At that time, the section chief also told me that after a retired soldier was resettled, he just caught up with the institutional reform, but as a result, his work has been delayed, he has not been paid his salary for more than a year, and he has relied on borrowing money from the treasury to get by, which is really a little helpless.

This process, the author is naturally not immune.

The way of the world has changed: now soldiers are often raised by their daughters-in-law!

After doing the math, nearly 5 months have passed since the final salary of the report. During these five months, I had no income, and my family and personal expenses depended entirely on my daughter-in-law. The big and small expenses all depend on the daughter-in-law. So during this time, it has become the day of "I support you" in the daughter-in-law's mouth, so that the author still can't come up with a reason to refute it.

In fact, it is not only demobilized officers, but also retired soldiers. As we all know, there is a waiting period for the government to arrange for working soldiers. During this time, the main income of retired soldiers was actually living allowance. It's just that this subsidy is not very high, only about 2,000 yuan.

So when you pay the utility fee for the family, when you pay the tuition fee for the child, you don't have much in your pocket. In many cases, other expenses, such as their own cigarette money, mobile phone bills, and party meals, etc., have to be supported by their daughter-in-law. Even if you report to the unit in the end, you have to go through a process of settling down and reporting your salary, so spending your daughter-in-law's money for a long time has become a portrayal of the life of many retired comrades-in-arms. It's a bit embarrassing, but it's also real life.

And in such days, in addition to these retired soldiers who have been resettled, those comrades-in-arms who are self-employed will also have similar experiences. Especially in the life where you are looking for a job and applying for a job, there is no financial income. Therefore, the living expenses during this period often have to be taken from the daughter-in-law, and the daughter-in-law can get through this period of adaptation, transition, and lack of money.

The way of the world has changed: now soldiers are often raised by their daughters-in-law!

Some people will say that the salary income of soldiers has a comparative advantage over other occupations, and where does the money go after so many years in the army? Isn't there still a retirement pension?

The author said that the money earned during the service was actually used, saved, and kept by his daughter-in-law. It's not that these retired veterans really don't have money, it's just that they use the money in more important places and give it to their families, so naturally they have very little money at their disposal. What's more, soldiers often have a tradition of handing over all their income to their daughters-in-law for safekeeping, and the same is true for retirement.

Some people also said that since they know that the transition period of careers will face these risks and embarrassments, why can't they speed up this pace and make a through train, so that everyone can report this month and pay their wages next month?

The author said that the working mechanism of the localities is different from that of the troops, not to mention the issues of establishment and remuneration. Every link needs to be reached, and every link needs a process. This process may be shortened as the work progresses, but a direct and seamless connection may not be possible. Although it is not a good feeling to wait, it is also a sign of responsibility for everyone. Perhaps all we can do is be patient.

It's been a difficult and embarrassing time. Therefore, during the period of waiting for the payment of wages, the gathering of ordinary comrades-in-arms, etc., the author does not participate. It's not that the daughter-in-law is ruthless and doesn't give money, but she feels that she keeps spending money before she sends money, and she can't bear it if she is not down-to-earth. And such an idea is also the practice of many comrades-in-arms, and everyone thinks the same.

Although it is a little embarrassing, it is a stage that every veteran must go through, no matter how long or short.

The way of the world has changed: now soldiers are often raised by their daughters-in-law!
The way of the world has changed: now soldiers are often raised by their daughters-in-law!

Actually, it's nothing to think about it. On the one hand, this is an inevitable stage in the period of career transformation of military personnel. When you move from one profession to another, the benefits must go through a process of reporting, reviewing, and implementing. And in this process, it is normal that wages are not paid in time. So we don't have to be too entangled, just prepare early and plan reasonably.

On the other hand, this process is actually a process of our return to society and identity change. When your supply relationship changes, when the salary card you receive your salary also changes, it means that you have completely changed from a soldier to another professional, so it's also a good thing.

In the end, the state has actually thought about this matter, and various units are also trying to find ways to shorten this process. In some places, a "zero waiting period" has been achieved. Some of my comrades-in-arms can also complete the relevant work within a month or two.

So it's embarrassing, it's embarrassing, anyway, from now on, I will completely retire and go home completely, and I can make up for my previous loss of money and happiness.

When I think about it, it's really nothing, and I'm very happy.