
Bio-natural gas will have a green "identity card"

author:China Energy News
Bio-natural gas will have a green "identity card"

From the perspective of the industry, the green certification of bio-natural gas makes it truly have a green "identity card", which is a sign that the green value of bio-natural gas has been recognized by the market, and is of great significance to promote the investment of the mainland bio-natural gas industry and promote the high-quality development of the industry.

Bio-natural gas will have a green "identity card"

Recently, Shanghai Linhai Ecological Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Linhai Ecology"), EcoBridge (Shanghai) Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "EcoBridge") and Bureau Veritas International Inspection Group held a signing ceremony for the International Sustainable Development and Carbon Certification System (ISCC) for Linhai Ecological Bio-Natural Gas Station, officially launching the first green certification of the domestic bio-natural gas industry.

As one of the forms of modern biomass energy utilization, bio-natural gas plays an important role in the process of energy decarbonization. From the perspective of the industry, the green certification of bio-natural gas makes it truly have a green "identity card", which is a sign that the green value of bio-natural gas has been recognized by the market, and is of great significance to promote the investment of the mainland bio-natural gas industry and promote the high-quality development of the industry.

The first order of green certification

According to reports, the Linhai Ecological Funan Bio-Natural Gas Project will be provided by the Environmental Bridge to provide consulting services for greenhouse gas emission reduction and ISCC EU system construction, and the ISCC certificate will be issued after being audited and certified by Bureau Veritas. The cooperation between the three parties will help Linhai Ecology improve the transparency of the sustainability of its bio-natural gas and expand the international market by "going overseas".

"The green certification of bio-natural gas can become an important tool for mutual trust and green premium balance between market players and governments, and help achieve the coordinated and sustainable development of green industries." Zhu Hongguang, executive director of the China Biogas Society and professor of Tongji University, pointed out.

Li Jingming, former chief expert of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs' Agricultural Ecology and Resource Protection Station, pointed out in an interview with China Energy News: "ISCC certification is currently internationally recognized and the most common certification system, which has an important role in promoting the future development of the biogas and bio-natural gas industry, which will not only help accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of the industry, improve market competitiveness and social recognition, but also promote technological innovation and international cooperation, and ultimately realize the sustainable development of the bio-natural gas industry." Therefore, the first domestic certification of bio-natural gas ISCC opened by Linhai Ecology is of great significance, which will promote the biogas and bio-natural gas industry to a broader field, provide experience for global greenhouse gas emission reduction, and play a greater role. ”

"Through certification, the bio-natural gas industry is able to demonstrate that its products meet environmental standards throughout the production process, reducing the negative impact on the environment. This will not only help improve the overall image of the industry, but also enhance the confidence of consumers and investors in bio-natural gas products, thereby promoting the healthy and sustainable development of the industry. At the same time, it also provides a 'green pass' for bio-natural gas products to enter domestic and foreign markets. Zhang Dayong, secretary general of the biomass energy industry branch of the China Industrial Development Promotion Association, told the China Energy News.

It's still in its infancy

It is understood that in the energy sector, the mainland's green certification work began several years ago. After years of practice, the green power certification and trading market based on solar, wind and biomass power generation has been formed, but the green certification of biomass green gas represented by bio-natural gas is still in its infancy.

Bio-natural gas will have a green "identity card"

"First of all, the mainland has not yet issued a certification or certification methodology for bio-natural gas. Although the country relaunched the Certified Voluntary Carbon Reduction (CCER) market last year, the methodology for bio-natural gas was not included in the four methodologies promulgated. Secondly, due to the long industrial chain of bio-natural gas, involving many links, diverse sources of raw materials, conversion processes, and types of end products, complex carbon footprints, and difficult monitoring, there is no relatively complete and universal verification platform. Li Jingming said.

However, at present, the work related to the green certification of bio-natural gas in mainland China is being accelerated.

According to Zhang Dayong, the Biomass Energy Industry Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development cooperated with relevant institutions to jointly build the world's first "Voluntary Certification Platform for Zero-carbon Energy Certificates" in December last year. Based on a series of certification rules and online monitoring data of renewable energy projects, the platform issues uniquely identified electronic certificates to eligible applicant certification entities. The establishment of this platform provides certification services for non-electric renewable energy projects such as bio-natural gas, marking an important step in the field of bio-natural gas certification in the mainland.

At present, the China Biogas Society is also participating in the research on "Large-scale Livestock and Poultry Manure Treatment and Resource Utilization and Emission Reduction Methodology" led by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, and organizing the preparation of national standards for rural biogas projects and bio-natural gas projects based on the assessment of greenhouse gas emission reductions.

There is a broad space for development

At present, with the continuous advancement of technology, the production efficiency and quality of bio-natural gas in mainland China have been significantly improved, and the market capacity has grown rapidly. According to statistics from the Biomass Energy Industry Branch of the China Association for the Promotion of Industrial Development, by the end of 2023, the annual production capacity of the mainland bio-natural gas market has reached 1 billion cubic meters, and a large-scale development trend is gradually taking shape. From the perspective of the industry, bio-natural gas will play an increasingly important role in the context of the "dual carbon" goal.

In Li Jingming's view, renewable energy substitution and methane emission reduction will be the main battlefield of climate change in the future, and biogas and bio-natural gas will be the main force on this battlefield. "First, biogas and bio-natural gas, as recognized renewable and clean green gas, can replace a large number of fossil energy. Second, biogas and bio-natural gas are an effective way to mature and recycle organic waste, and they also play an irreplaceable role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions such as methane and carbon dioxide. Third, the use of biogas and bio-natural gas can also produce new green fuels such as green alcohol and green ammonia, providing a value-added platform for enhancing the country's new quality productivity and international trade competitiveness. ”

It is predicted that by 2030, the demand for bio-natural gas in mainland China will increase to nearly 10 billion cubic meters per year, and by 2060, it will increase to more than 63 billion cubic meters per year, mainly from the increase in demand for clean energy in the industry, transportation, construction and power sectors. At the same time, with technological progress and cost reduction, bio-natural gas will gradually replace traditional fossil energy and become an important part of the future energy market.

"In the context of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, bio-natural gas, as a clean and low-carbon energy source, has very broad development prospects. Policy support, technological progress, and the growth of market demand will provide a strong impetus for the development of the bio-natural gas industry. In the future, as the bio-natural gas industry continues to mature and grow, it will play a more important role in the energy transition and the response to climate change. Zhang Dayong pointed out.

Bio-natural gas will have a green "identity card"

Text丨Reporter Li Ling


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