
LDL is high, and it is not possible to lower it by eating a vegetarian diet, so it is important to do these six things well

author:Medical original story meeting
LDL is high, and it is not possible to lower it by eating a vegetarian diet, so it is important to do these six things well

Mr. Wang, 49 years old, found that LDL was elevated during the physical examination, and learned that the elevated LDL was the culprit that led to atherosclerosis, so he was very nervous, so he made up his mind to reduce LDL, how to lower it? I heard that the main reason why LDL is high is that you eat too much fish and meat, so the best way to control it is to eat a vegetarian diet.

So Mr. Wang began to eat vegetarian, thinking that if he persisted for three months, LDL would drop to normal, but three months later, when he went to the hospital for examination, Mr. Wang was taken aback, and he couldn't imagine that LDL would rise instead of falling.

Mr. Wang found the doctor again and listened to Mr. Wang's description, and the doctor told him that LDL is high, and if you want to control it, you need to carry out scientific control in many aspects.

Low-density lipoprotein, also known as low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, is a kind of lipoprotein particles that carry cholesterol into peripheral tissue cells, which can be oxidized into oxidized low-density lipoprotein.

Therefore, if LDL is very high, then you must be careful, otherwise it will be very troublesome for a long time, and LDL corresponds to HDL, HDL carries cholesterol in the surrounding tissues, and then converts it into bile acids or is excreted directly from the intestine through bile, so HDL is an anti-atherosclerotic plasma lipoprotein, which is a protective factor for coronary heart disease, commonly known as "vascular scavengers".

If you want to stay away from atherosclerosis, you need to find ways to lower LDL and increase HDL.

First, the sooner you quit smoking, the better it is for LDL control

When it comes to long-term smoking, many people will first think that smoking will harm the lungs, and long-term smoking can easily induce lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchial asthma, etc., but everyone ignores that long-term smoking will also affect fat metabolism, which is easy to cause an increase in LDL and a decrease in HDL.

The harmful substances in cigarettes can also destroy the endothelial cells of blood vessels, so people who smoke for a long time are more likely to induce atherosclerosis, and in severe cases, they will be combined with blood clots.

If you don't quit smoking because you find that LDL is elevated, then LDL is very difficult to control.

LDL is high, and it is not possible to lower it by eating a vegetarian diet, so it is important to do these six things well

Second, consistent exercise is conducive to controlling LDL

The benefits of exercise are self-evident, and if a person wants to better control his weight, it is difficult to achieve good results simply by controlling his diet, and it is easy to regain weight.

Therefore, consistent exercise is necessary for weight control and LDL reduction.

But exercise can not be three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, exercise must be persistent, only in this way, in order to play the best effect, to keep in mind that our body has muscle memory.

When exercise forms a memory, when exercise has formed a habit, you will find that you can no longer do without exercise.

Third, maintaining a balanced nutrition is more conducive to the control of LDL

Many people think that as long as they are vegetarian, they can control LDL, but this is not true, many people who have been vegetarians for a long time are also likely to suffer from hyperlipidemia and fatty liver, the reason is that many vegetarian people may consume more carbohydrates and eat vegetarian for a long time, resulting in insufficient protein intake, which will also affect the control of blood lipids, so for patients with elevated LDL, it should be to maintain a balanced nutrition, rather than excessive partial eating, blindly vegetarian.

Fourth, actively abstaining from alcohol is conducive to the control of LDL

If a person drinks alcohol for a long time, then LDL is impossible to control well, the reason is very simple, alcohol will hurt the liver, and fat metabolism must be carried out in the liver, long-term drinking people, will lead to different degrees of abnormal liver function, liver metabolism of fat will also be abnormal.

Fifth, regular work and rest are more conducive to the control of LDL

Many people usually have a very irregular schedule, either go to bed late and get up early, or go to bed late and get up late, these bad habits can easily induce obesity and endocrine disorders, which will lead to poor control of your blood lipids.

Sixth, take medicine when you should take it

Some people with elevated LDL do not need to take medicine, but some need to take medicine, such as type 2 diabetes, stroke, coronary heart disease, hypertension and other diseases, because these diseases are often combined with different degrees of atherosclerosis, so it is necessary to use drugs to control LDL and stabilize atherosclerosis.

LDL is high, and it is not possible to lower it by eating a vegetarian diet, so it is important to do these six things well