
After the age of 70, if a woman can still maintain these six characteristics, it means that her body is relatively healthy!

author:Medical original story meeting
After the age of 70, if a woman can still maintain these six characteristics, it means that her body is relatively healthy!

Just after the 70th birthday, Grandma Yang fell ill, she felt dizzy and headache when she got up early in the morning, and there was always numbness in the limbs on the right side, at first Grandma Yang thought that it was not caused by her lack of rest last night, but as time went by, Grandma Yang's symptoms were not alleviated at all, and the family saw that the situation was not right, so they hurriedly sent it to the hospital, and when they went to the hospital to measure their blood pressure, it was as high as 180/110mmHg.

The doctor asked Grandma Yang if she had high blood pressure before? Grandma Yang shook her head and said that she had been in good health, she had never been hospitalized, and she had never been to the hospital for an examination, but she didn't know if she didn't check, and she was shocked when she checked it, and the doctor found that Grandma Yang not only had a stroke, but also diabetes and high blood pressure, in fact, in the past year, Grandma Yang usually had some discomfort, but she ignored it.

The doctor reminds that when women are young, they have estrogen protection, so the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases is much lower than that of men, but most women aged 45-55 will enter menopause, and after menopause, due to the loss of estrogen protection, the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in women is getting higher and higher.

At the age of 70, for women, it means that the age of comprehensive aging has arrived, the ancients said, life is rare for seventy years, which means that since ancient times, people who can live to the age of seventy have never been rare, after the age of 70, chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, cancer and other chronic diseases will target women, thus having a serious impact on women's life expectancy and quality of life.

However, different women at the age of 70 have completely different performances, some women have maintained good living habits since they were young, plus they usually pay more attention to their bodies, and have the habit of regular physical examinations, which make women more likely to live longer, and some women have many bad habits when they are young, and bad habits even extend to old age, so when it comes to old age, it is very difficult to be healthy and live longer.

After the age of 70, if a woman can still maintain these six characteristics, it means that her body is relatively healthy!

First, after the age of 70, there are no signs of cancer in any of the endocrine organs

What are the endocrine organs in women? Like the uterus, ovaries, breast and thyroid, all belong to women's endocrine organs, with age, after menopause, women's endocrine organs are also prone to diseases, especially cancer, whether it is cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer or thyroid cancer, the incidence is relatively high, and breast cancer ranks first in the incidence of female malignant tumors.

Therefore, after the age of 70, if there are no signs of cancer in all endocrine organs, it is worth congratulating.

After the age of 70, if a woman can still maintain these six characteristics, it means that her body is relatively healthy!

Second, after the age of 70, women still have relatively good bone quality

Osteoporosis is a metabolic bone disease that is mainly caused by the loss and decrease of bone mass, the destruction of bone microstructure, and the increase of bone fragility, resulting in systemic metabolic bone disease in which patients are prone to fractures.

As women age, women are more susceptible to osteoporosis due to a decline in estrogen levels.

Some women over the age of 70 may have serious fractures just by bending over or coughing, and the root cause is osteoporosis, which is more likely to occur in the spine, limbs and other parts.

After the age of 70, women still have relatively good bone quality, so it is worth congratulating.

Third, women still have relatively good memory after the age of 70

When many women reach the age of 70, they forget the way home, forget the names of their family members, and are even unable to take care of themselves, and the main reason for this situation is Alzheimer's disease.

Alzheimer's disease not only affects women's quality of life, but also seriously affects women's lifespan, and if women still have relatively good memory after the age of 70, then it is undoubtedly worth congratulating.

Fourth, after the age of 70, women still have relatively good athletic ability

Some women reach the age of 70 and their athletic abilities are so reduced that they cannot even complete the simplest of walks, and they sway from side to side when they walk, trembling as if they are about to fall.

The most direct factor affecting walking is disease, exercise, not only can exercise the body, but also an important measure of women's health, women after the age of 70, exercise ability is still relatively good, it is worth congratulating.

Fifth, after the age of 70, women still have good hearts and lungs

For women, whether the heart and lungs are healthy is very important, the role of the lungs is to carry out gas exchange, inhale oxygen, discharge carbon dioxide, the role of the heart is to transport the blood containing oxygen to all parts of the body, think about it, if there is a problem with the heart and lungs, it will undoubtedly lead to the occurrence of hypoxia, any organ, as long as a lack of oxygen, can lead to serious consequences.

Sixth, after the age of 70, women still have a good stomach

For women, the stomach is very important for health, the stomach is the most important part of digesting food and absorbing nutrients, if there is a malignant tumor in the stomach and intestines, then women's health and life expectancy will be affected, serious gastrointestinal diseases will affect women's appetite and bowel movements, resulting in weight loss, constipation and diarrhea.

After the age of 70, if a woman can still maintain these six characteristics, it means that her body is relatively healthy!