
Only add 100 pieces for new Kirin core + satellite communication! Huawei Pura70 new too conscientious?

author:Ash Play Machine

When it comes to the words "far ahead", it seems that there is already an exclusive model in the mobile phone circle, which is the Huawei Mate60 series released at the end of August last year. But to be honest, the Huawei Mate60 series can be worthy of being far ahead of the four words, I'm afraid there is only one satellite communication function. Although the return of self-developed Kirin chips and 5G functions is lamentable, it is not easy for Huawei to break through the blockade

However, the 5G function has long been rotten, and the performance of the returning Kirin 9000S processor is only at the mid-stream level. But the satellite communication capability is different, in the release of the Mate60 series, friends can't even touch Huawei's side, isn't it far ahead, and it does raise the value of Mate60

Only add 100 pieces for new Kirin core + satellite communication! Huawei Pura70 new too conscientious?

This year, Huawei has made persistent efforts and launched the renamed Pura70 series, which has improved the appearance and optimized the camera's ability to take pictures on the basis of the continuation of the core configuration of the Mate60 series. Of course, its biggest killer satellite communication function has not been left behind, and all models above the Pura70 Pro are equipped. But the unpleasant thing is that it is the same as the Mate60

HuaweiPura70The standard version does not have a satellite communication function,This is a bit unusual,After all, you Huawei3999Nova12 Pro,Is it not equipped with the Pura70 standard version sold from 5499? Maybe Huawei itself is embarrassed and realizes that this will not work

Only add 100 pieces for new Kirin core + satellite communication! Huawei Pura70 new too conscientious?

So recently, Huawei suddenly put on the shelves a Pura70Beidou message version,The new version of the Pura70 model not only increased the support of Beidou two-way satellite messages,It has also replaced a new processor,At present, it has been picked up that it is a Kirin 9010E chip,Compared with the Pura70 Pro version of the Kirin 9010,It's just that the main frequency of the large core is a drop lower,Other parameters are completely consistent,Very powerful

You must know that the original Huawei Pura70 was equipped with the Kirin 9000S1, which is just a downclocked version of the Kirin 9000S on the Mate60. The replacement of the new Kirin core plus the Beidou satellite news, the price only rose by 100 yuan, and the starting price changed from 5499 to 5599 yuan

Only add 100 pieces for new Kirin core + satellite communication! Huawei Pura70 new too conscientious?

And new users are grinning, but don't laugh too early, Xiaozhi checked the major platforms, this new Huawei Pura70 has long been snatched up, only the much more expensive large memory version is still in stock, it is estimated that it will be out of stock for a long time. Some netizens ridiculed, is the cost of Beidou news + new Kirin core only 100 yuan? It seems that Huawei's profits are still quite high. But anyway, Huawei has finally got a conscience this time, what do you think?

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