
The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the list of 13 players for the Paris Olympics! 2 newcomers were selected, and 3 were shortlisted for controversy

author:The naughty boy said ball

On June 29, Beijing time, the Chinese women's volleyball team officially announced the 13-member roster for the Olympic Games, this list is still dominated by veterans, with seven players who participated in the last Olympic Games, Yuan Xinyue, Zhu Ting and other players who participated in the Tokyo Olympics unsurprisingly appeared in the list. There are also three team members who have not played in the Olympics, but they are also the players that Lang Ping focused on training in the last cycle. Two more newcomers were brought to Paris.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the list of 13 players for the Paris Olympics! 2 newcomers were selected, and 3 were shortlisted for controversy

The 13-member Chinese women's volleyball Olympic team is as follows:

Free man (1): Wang Mengjie;

Second setter (2 people): Diao Linyu, Ding Xia;

Answering (2 people): Gong Xiangyu, Zheng Yixin;

Secondary attack (3 people): Yuan Xinyue, Gao Yi, Wang Yuanyuan;

Main attack (4 people): Li Yingying, Zhu Ting, Zhang Changning, Wu Mengjie;

Substitute athlete (1): Zhuang Yushan.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the list of 13 players for the Paris Olympics! 2 newcomers were selected, and 3 were shortlisted for controversy

Two newcomers were so lucky that they were brought to Paris by Cai Bin. The two newcomers are Wu Mengjie and Zhuang Yushan. Wu Mengjie is the player who is the most vocal among fans to be on the Olympic list, in fact, she is fully capable of the level of a national player, and she has an outstanding performance in the youth team. He was only recruited by Cai Bin to play in the Olympic tournament last year, but he didn't have much time to play. Her performance in the Olympic Championships and this year's World League is very good, and this time she entered the Olympic squad, obviously becoming a good helper for Li Yingying and Zhu Ting.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the list of 13 players for the Paris Olympics! 2 newcomers were selected, and 3 were shortlisted for controversy

Another lucky winner is Zhuang Yushan, although she entered the list as a substitute, but it was not easy. Regardless of whether you can play in Paris or not, as long as you come to Paris, you will be able to feel the atmosphere of the Olympic Games and have the opportunity to learn the skills of the masters. Zhuang Yushan is in the squad for entering the World League this year, but basically does not play, after coming to Hong Kong, if there is no fan appeal and Lai Yawen's recommendation, maybe she will not be able to come to Paris, which is really lucky for Zhuang Yushan.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the list of 13 players for the Paris Olympics! 2 newcomers were selected, and 3 were shortlisted for controversy

In this list, there may be three people who surprise fans, they are Ding Xia, Zheng Yixin, and Gao Yi. Ding Xia is an old national player, and her level is definitely there, but she is too old to play well in the World League and lacks physical fitness. Many people hope that the young Xu Xiaoting can replace Ding Xia in the Olympic roster. Zheng Yixin and II-VI performed very average in the final leg of the World League. In the game with the Japanese team, Zheng Yixin made 14 deductions and 2 hits, only one out of four success rate, worse than Wang Yunrui, and there are too many people who can replace Zheng Yixin. II-VI is also very average in the game with the Japanese team, not as good as Yang Hanyu, the offensive success rate is 3 out of 11, and there are 2 mistakes, the data is not as good as the competitive teammate Yang Hanyu, many people think that Zheng Yixin and II-VI have lost the Olympic quota in this battle. But I didn't expect the two of them to be brought to Paris, which was really a bit of a surprise.

The Chinese women's volleyball team announced the list of 13 players for the Paris Olympics! 2 newcomers were selected, and 3 were shortlisted for controversy

Ladies and gentlemen, what do you think of this list?

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