
Be convinced! Korean media praised Zhang Ziyu: The South Korean team members are not as tall as her, and the Great Wall of China is too high

author:The naughty boy said ball

In the semifinals of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup today, the Chinese women's basketball team defeated the South Korean women's basketball team 79-61 to enter the semifinals, and will compete with the Australian women's basketball team for the honor of the championship tomorrow. This game was a game without suspense, and the South Korean team had nothing to do with Zhang Ziyu, who once again dominated the interior line and played a dominant performance.

Be convinced! Korean media praised Zhang Ziyu: The South Korean team members are not as tall as her, and the Great Wall of China is too high

Jang Ziyu's presence made the opponent desperate, and the South Korean team even gave up the opening scrum and switched to defense. Zhang Ziyu played more than seven minutes in the first quarter and scored double-doubles, although her shooting percentage today was not as high as the first three games, but the South Korean team still had no way to take her. At the end of the game, Zhang Ziyu scored 24 points, 11 rebounds and 2 assists on 12-of-17 shooting, and she scored exactly as many points as the entire South Korean team.

Be convinced! Korean media praised Zhang Ziyu: The South Korean team members are not as tall as her, and the Great Wall of China is too high

Because the Chinese team had a large advantage in the second half, holding an advantage of more than 20 points for a long time, and even leading by 27 points at one point, Wang Guizhi consciously reduced her playing time and only played 21 minutes, which was the least playing time of Zhang Ziyu in the four games. At the end of the game, Zhang Ziyu made 17 of 25 shots, cutting down the terrifying data of 34+16+5.

Be convinced! Korean media praised Zhang Ziyu: The South Korean team members are not as tall as her, and the Great Wall of China is too high

Zhang Ziyu's height once made the Japanese media feel desperate, saying that the competition was too unfair. And today, the Korean media also felt very helpless, saying that the Great Wall of China is too high. After the game, the South Korean media "OSEN" reported on the game and wrote: The U18 women's basketball team stopped in the semifinals, and the Great Wall of China is too high. The article pointed out that although the South Korean team missed the final, it had achieved a small goal by getting a ticket to the U19 World Cup, and Kang Byung-so's vision of winning with fast basketball was still in vain.

Be convinced! Korean media praised Zhang Ziyu: The South Korean team members are not as tall as her, and the Great Wall of China is too high

South Koreans seem to be very afraid of Zhang Ziyu, the article said, "Zhang Ziyu did not jump is shooting on the spot, she can sweep the basketball board, even if he stands still, he jumps higher than Korean players, Korean players can only visit." "We can see through the game screen that the South Korean team members of the three players can't restrain Zhang Ziyu, and the inside line doesn't dare to rush in, so they have to throw three points outside, and the South Korean team threw a total of 43 three-pointers in the whole game, only 8 hit, and the shooting rate was only 18%, and the defeat of the Chinese team became inevitable.

Be convinced! Korean media praised Zhang Ziyu: The South Korean team members are not as tall as her, and the Great Wall of China is too high

South Korean media also looked forward to the final, they wrote that the Australian women's basketball team is the tallest 1.91 meters, she is still 29 centimeters shorter than Zhang Ziyu, can Australia cross Zhang Ziyu, the Great Wall of China? It seems that the probability of the Chinese team winning the championship is very high, Australia only won the Japanese team by 5 points, and the Chinese team won by a large score against Japan. I hope that Zhang Ziyu, who is 2.26 meters, will play dominance again in the final, come on!

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