
DNF: The inner ghost broke the news of the bad guy linkage! Name decorate three jukes! There is a new krypton prop

author:Gaming Esports Express


With the enchantment, fashion, badge, and evil jade three jue, after being promoted to dragon balls, dragon robes, exquisite badges and jade seals, the ghosts have recently sent out name decoration cards and artifact-level props, and the attributes are also not muddy, and pet equipment is the same, directly add skill attack power, it can be said to be simple and rude, just two words: krypton!

DNF: The inner ghost broke the news of the bad guy linkage! Name decorate three jukes! There is a new krypton prop

Hello everyone, I'm a game e-sports.,In this issue, let's take a detailed look at the revelations about the attributes of the name decoration card:

First, the bad guy linkage name decoration card.

The inner ghost sent out a self-selected gift box of bad guy linkage decoration cards, an exclusive prop for this mall, and it was just a little bit of three-speed before, plus a little exterior decoration. This time the Krypton Bundle has been added:

(1) Equipment attributes. 6% attack speed, movement and release; 2% Skill Attack; 2% auxiliary buff.

(2) Name display. Bad people, Xuanming Sect, Tongbunkan...... It's just a few genre names in anime.

The copyright fee of the linkage is too high, in order to guide the krypton, the mall props were directly added, and the most important thing is the 2% technical attack, and the reason for krypton is very sufficient! If everything is undecided, increase technical attack, and plan the most effective means to deceive Krypton!

DNF: The inner ghost broke the news of the bad guy linkage! Name decorate three jukes! There is a new krypton prop

Second, the possibility of props.

But this will definitely not be groundless.,The original Dragon Ball enchantment was also sent by the inner ghost.,Players all say it's fake.,This PS is too obvious.,And then a month later, the national server will be launched.,Planning this is a naked temptation player.,The recent CP weapon,It's also an Excel sheet screenshot sent by the inner ghost.,Players also said PS.,As a result, a week later, the experience server and the official national server were launched.。 So this name decoration card is likely to be planning to test players, and the so-called inner ghost is planning their own trumpet!

DNF: The inner ghost broke the news of the bad guy linkage! Name decorate three jukes! There is a new krypton prop

Third, the trend of future game development.

What are the characteristics of the national costume? To put it bluntly, they are some krypton gold props that are specially made to cheat money. Name decoration card, I remember that there is no Hanbok for this thing, right? The ready-made code is already available, and the program ape makes an item, and it takes a few minutes for the artist to draw a mosaic icon? A permanent new unique item is much more attractive than an existing item with comparable plus values. Shortcut bar equipment,Hanbok I remember it was a limited-time event rune at the time.,Put the shortcut bar to add damage.,The national service is stunned and made permanent.。

DNF: The inner ghost broke the news of the bad guy linkage! Name decorate three jukes! There is a new krypton prop

In short, the national service is constantly adding krypton props, improving the attack power of skills, not diluted at all, wireless cutting leeks, now 4 krypton gold schedules a year, plus linkage gift packages, all kinds of small gift packages, almost unlimited cutting leeks.

DNF: The inner ghost broke the news of the bad guy linkage! Name decorate three jukes! There is a new krypton prop

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