
A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

author:Hole A C

May 5, 1983 was a particularly memorable day for China's aviation community. It was on this day that the "first hijacking case" occurred in China:

The Civil Aviation No. 296 Trident plane, which was originally scheduled to fly from Shenyang to Shanghai, was forced to land in South Korea, which was still known as "South Korea" at that time, under the coercion of six hijackers with loaded guns and live ammunition. Because of diplomatic problems at the time, the six hijackers were finally "taken lightly" by the South Korean government, and even fled to Taiwan to continue their lives.

In fact, in this "hijacking operation," there are a pair of "wild mandarin ducks" who are "affectionate and righteous," and they are Zhuo Changren, the "leader" of the hijackers, and his "little lover" Gao Dongping. After successfully escaping to Taiwan, the two thought that they would be able to "sit back and relax" from now on, so they parted ways with several other hijackers and embarked on what they thought was the "way to make a fortune";

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

However, as time went by, Zhuo Changren's ambition finally sent him to a dead end, and the chic and happy days when several hijackers first arrived in Taiwan became a "yellow dream"-

1. Hijacking

On May 5, 1983, the weather in Shenyang was beautiful and very suitable for flying. At 10:49 a.m., the pilot Wang Yixuan and He Chenglin, together with He Chenglin, piloted the Civil Aviation No. 296 Trident aircraft according to the instructions of the tower of Shenyang Airport, and flew smoothly into the blue sky and white clouds.

No one knew that in the sixth row of the front cabin of the plane at this moment, there were six deranged hijackers, and Zhuo Changren, who was the leader, was leaning on the seat and tilting his head, staring at the blue sky and white clouds passing by the window, thinking about when it was most appropriate to "start".

In the subsequent investigation by the public security police, the "actions" of the six hijackers were actually premeditated, especially the main culprit Zhuo Changren, who was soon "promoted" to the provincial mechanical and electrical equipment company through various means after graduating from an aviation school in Liaoning Province, and was responsible for serving as a planner for the overall distribution of automobiles.

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

At that time, cars were still in demand, and Zhuo Changren used the power of "unification" in his hands to resell cars in the province for a long time, and used black money to bribe and bribe, weaving a huge "relationship network" for himself, and he sat in it and reaped profits.

The good times did not last long, and in 1982, Zhuo Changren was reported by the masses and ordered to be suspended by the company to explain the problem. Zhuo Changren knew that once the crime was confirmed, he would be greeted by endless prison sentences, so the bold Zhuo Changren and his long-term hook-up lover Gao Dongping called a few "like-minded" "brothers" and began to plan how to "escape" from Shenyang.

Trains and cars were not reliable enough, and soon, several people set their sights on airplanes:

In February 1983, several hijackers, led by Zhuo Changren, began to collect knowledge about the take-off and landing of aircraft, learned about various flight maps, and even entered the shooting range of the Shenyang Military Sub-district to practice shooting.

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

In addition, Zhuo Changren also found a deputy director who was working in the check-in room of Shenyang Dongta Airport at the time, and purchased six tickets under six pseudonyms; And because the deputy director was bribed by Zhuo Changren, he not only arranged a "good position" in the front cabin for him, but also inadvertently revealed the details of airport security - what he didn't know was that these news provided great convenience for Zhuo Changren's later hijacking.

In addition to Zhuo Changren, several other hijackers were also "fully prepared" for the upcoming operation: Jiang Hongjun and An Weijian managed to get four pistols from the security department of the Shenyang Sports Institute, and under the leadership of Zhuo Changren, they successfully bypassed the airport security system, which had not yet been equipped with security gates, and boarded the No. 296 Trident plane with live ammunition.

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

Shortly after takeoff, the plane smoothly entered the stratospheric zone of 9 kilometers and began to fly level according to the prescribed route. At the same time, Wang Peifu, the navigator who came to the cabin to pick up things, was keenly aware that something was wrong: the six people sitting in the front cabin were sneaky, talking to each other, and their movements looked very suspicious.

Out of professional sensitivity, when Wang Peifu returned to the cockpit, he specially reminded the flight attendant Cheng Mei: "Those people in the back, you pay attention." ”

After returning to the cockpit, Wang Peifu still felt uneasy, so he reported the matter to the captain Wang Yixuan. Because there was a similar hijacking incident just some time ago, after listening to it, Wang Yixuan decisively decided to ask everyone to make "anti-hijacking preparations":

Wang Peifu locked and pressed his foot against the cockpit door, the operator Wang Yongchang grabbed the fire axe, and the mechanic Lin Guorong picked up a water bottle to defend himself.

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

Wang Peifu's intuition was not wrong. Not long after he returned to the cockpit, several hijackers jumped up one after another, and one of them turned his head into a fierce face, pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the passengers, shouting: "No one is allowed to move!" ”

Immediately afterwards, several people fired 7 shots at the cockpit door, completely breaking the lock of the hatch and rushing into the cockpit. Due to the guns in the hands of the hijackers and the cramped space in the cockpit, despite the preparations made in advance, several people in the cockpit, except for the main pilot and the co-pilot, were injured by the hijackers and driven out of the cockpit.

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

Subsequently, Zhuo Changren poked the top of the captain Wang Yixuan's head with a gun, and excitedly shouted his request: "Fly 148 degrees!" Fly South Korea! South Korea! ”

II. Surrender

At first, the captain Wang Yixuan only adjusted the plane by 14 degrees and prepared to fly to Dalian Airport for help; But soon, Zhuo Changren relied on his own azimuth instrument to find that the plane did not fly according to his instructions, and he suddenly jumped like thunder, rushing over and competing with Wang Yixuan for the cockstick of the plane.

During the scramble, the steering stick was frantically pressed down by Zhuo Changren, and the plane was forced to dive sharply downward, and it quickly dropped from an altitude of 9,000 kilometers to 800 meters in a few minutes. The violent dive caused great pain to the passengers on the plane, many of them vomited on the spot, and their unstable luggage and drink bottles fell everywhere, and the cabin was full of messes.

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

Finally, at an altitude of only 600 meters above the ground, Wang Yixuan controlled the plane with difficulty. In order to protect the lives of the passengers on the plane, Wang Yixuan gave the co-pilot and Chang Lin a look, and at the same time, according to Zhuo Changren's order, slowly aimed at the 148 ° direction and began to fly towards the Korean Peninsula.

At that time, China and South Korea, later South Korea, had not yet established diplomatic relations, and the two countries did not recognize each other and were isolated from each other, which was why Cho Chang-in and other hijackers chose to go to South Korea. However, Wang Yixuan still hopes to bring the hijackers to justice while ensuring safety, so North Korea is the final landing place in his plan.

It's a pity that Wang Yixuan's plan fell through again. Since Zhuo Changren did not notice the intercepting and warning planes around him when he landed, he quickly guessed that this was North Korea and not South Korea, and rushed up again in anger to snatch the steering stick; As the plane continued to "beat" in the air, for the safety of passengers, Wang Yixuan had to raise the altitude again, leave North Korea, and make a forced landing in North Korea.

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the plane flew into the airspace of Seoul, and six South Korean fighter planes immediately surrounded it; At the same time, the fuel level indicator on the dashboard of the aircraft also lit up red, which means that if the plane does not land immediately, it will run out of fuel and crash.

In desperation, Wang Yixuan worked closely with He Changlin, and the two used superb technology to finally land the plane smoothly on the military helicopter runway of Chuncheon Airport in Seoul. As soon as they came to a stop, the hijackers couldn't wait to open the hatch and see the loaded US troops outside, not only did they not get nervous, but they got carried away and shouted their true purpose: "It's really South Korea!" Fast! Refuel the plane, and we're going to continue flying to Taiwan! ”

However, Wang Yixuan tore up all the flight maps and data in his hand, and categorically rejected the hijacker's request: "The plane is broken down and can't fly!" ”

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

Since the captain refused to fly the plane and insisted that the plane was "damaged", the hijackers quickly changed their demands: they wanted to "talk" to the Taiwanese side;

At the same time, Wang Yixuan and the crew are also trying their best to protect the safety of the passengers, and mediating with the personnel of the United States and South Korea Command and the United Nations Command to return to the mainland and punish the murderer.

Eventually, after eight hours of stalemate and negotiation between the parties, the hijackers agreed to release the "hostages". After the South Korean authorities picked up the hijackers and sent them to an unknown hidden location, the passengers and crew of the plane were able to leave the plane safely, and the crew members who had been injured by the hijackers' shooting were finally treated in hospitals.

However, since China and South Korea had not yet formally established diplomatic relations at that time, the six hijackers were not successfully extradited from south Korea and were tried in a government court in south Korea. Among them, except for the first offender Zhuo Changren, who was sentenced to six years in prison, the other five were only sentenced to four to five years in prison.

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

What is surprising is that just one year later, the South Korean Government suddenly announced that it would demand that the six criminals "stop serving their sentences" and "be released from prison on parole," and that they would be immediately "deported." In this way, under the operation of the Taiwan authorities, the six hijackers transferred to Taiwan and started their "new life" -

3. Broken dreams

As a matter of fact, not long after Zhuo Changren and the other six hijackers were imprisoned in South Korea, the Taiwan authorities began to deliberately "package" them, and they also did a lot of public opinion to build up momentum, turning these people from extremely vicious hijackers into "six righteous anti-communist fighters who risked their lives to pursue freedom."

Some people even formed a "rescue association" to rescue these six "righteous men" and hired as many as 18 lawyers and translators to go to south Korea to "save people."

In the midst of the praise, Zhuo Changren and the other six people who arrived on the island of Taiwan were "warmly welcomed" by the Taiwan authorities, and not only were they personally received by Chiang Ching-kuo, Taiwan's "number one" at that time, but the authorities also presented them with houses and huge sums of gold, and Chiang Ching-kuo even specially instructed the "secretary general of the Presidential Office" to make good arrangements for their work and life so that they could have no worries about food and clothing.

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

It turned out that on the island of Taiwan at that time, with the death of Chiang Kai-shek, the Kuomintang and the "Chiang dynasty" were already in danger, and after the United States could not reap any benefits in Taiwan, its attitude began to gradually cool, and the people's favorability of the "Chiang dynasty" decreased, and the Kuomintang party was on the verge of storm;

Against this background, Chiang Ching-kuo pinned his hopes on using these hijackers to "hype" up the plane, so as to achieve the effect that "Taiwan is so good that people from the mainland should risk their lives to defect." However, what he didn't expect was that his actions were "luring the wolf into the room"-

At first, as the main culprit of the hijackers, Zhuo Changren and his mistress Gao Dongping had a very beautiful time on the island of Taiwan. Under Chiang Ching-kuo's instructions, the Taiwan authorities not only arranged Zhuo Changren to serve as the so-called "deputy director of the researcher" in the "Center for the Study of Mainland Issues," but also arranged corresponding work for Gao Dongping.

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

However, Zhuo Changren's so-called "anti-communist" slogan was just casually shouted to cater to the Taiwan government, and when he really sat in the position of "researcher," Zhuo Changren's stomach was empty, and he could not say a useful word, so he could only take out the so-called "anti-communism" and "freedom" and stir it up over and over again.

Not only that, Zhuo Changren also ran rampant everywhere in the research center, relying on himself to be a "privileged person" to bully colleagues and be idle, which caused a lot of public anger.

After a long time, the research center found that it really could not afford such a "big Buddha", so it handled a "leave of absence without pay" for him, and sent him to Taiwan's "political war school" for "further study", hoping that he could self-reflect;

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

However, Zhuo Changren didn't want to study at all, and after leaving his post without pay, Zhuo Changren took his mistress to "cry poor" with the Taiwan authorities. Soon, under the arrangement of the Taiwan authorities, Zhuo Changren began to take the so-called "subsidy" to give lectures in various television stations, schools, and factories on the island, and according to the "script," he smeared the life on the mainland to the point of "dire misery." He turned into a "righteous man who rushed to freedom";

Since he was really born in a mainland city, Zhuo Changren's speech once gained him an audience. However, with the passage of time, the relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait has undergone subtle changes, and "anti-communism" is no longer the "mainstream concept", and Zhuo Changren has gradually lost its value;

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

At the same time, because Zhuo Changren had been married in the mainland, and later re-obtained a marriage license with his lover Gao Dongping in Taiwan, and after the second marriage, he was still "messing with flowers and grass" everywhere, and some unconvinced people sued Zhuo Changren to the court, and Zhuo Changren was sentenced to one year in prison and three years of probation for "bigamy".

From "infinite scenery" to "falling off the altar", Zhuo Changren's "rich life" seemed to be a flash in the pan, and he was soon squandered by him. Not only that, but the local people in Taiwan have gradually seen the true colors of these so-called "anti-communist righteous people":

Once, Zhuo Changren was investigated and dealt with by the Taiwan traffic police for violating the rules, and he was not convinced that he wanted to play tricks on the street, but he was surrounded by local people, and some people even angrily pointed at his nose and scolded him for being a "hijacker";

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

Due to the large number of people on the street, Zhuo Changren felt that the situation was not good, so he had to suppress his anger and bow his head and admit punishment. Taiwan, the "ideal paradise" in his mind, abandoned him like a shoehorn after squeezing out his value, and Zhuo Changren was also among them, completely "shattering the yellow sorghum dream"......

Fourth, the end

After leaving the research center and ending his speaking career, Zhuo Changren began to find ways to make money. After some "investigations," Zhuo Changren decided to invest all the property given to him by the Taiwan authorities into real estate companies and investment companies, hoping to double the capital.

Who would have thought that all real estate and investment were lost "without returning", Zhuo Changren not only repaid his debts, but even his house was taken away and auctioned by the court, and the "Zhuo Rich" who once owned more than 1,000 square meters of land in Taiwan became a "beggar on the street", and even his mistress Gao Dongping wanted to leave him......

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

Tragic and angry, Zhuo Changren once again chose to "take risks". He reconnected with the same hijackers who had come with him in the first place, and several of them planned what they thought was a seamless "kidnapping operation":

In July 1991 in Taipei, the weather was hot and humid, the sun was scorching, and the pedestrians on the road were in a hurry, and everyone wanted to hurry home to enjoy the breeze. However, in the Temujin Construction Company in Section 3, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City, a few people nested in an airtight secret room, and locked their eyes on the upstairs of Cathay General Hospital not far away-

Soon, the news of the kidnapping of Wang Junjie, the son of the vice president of Cathay General Hospital, spread throughout Taipei City, and the kidnappers extorted NT$50 million from the vice president as a ransom for his son;

However, what the vice president didn't know was that his son Wang Junjie had already been brutally killed at the same time as he was kidnapped, and it was none other than two of the former "anti-communist righteous people": Zhuo Changren and Jiang Hongjun.

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

In November of the same year, the Taipei police cracked the case and arrested three kidnappers, including Zhuo Changren; At the end of December 1992, Taiwan's Taoyuan District Court sentenced three kidnappers, Zhuo Changren and Jiang Hongjun, to death and deprived them of their political rights for life on charges of kidnapping and homicide.

The funny thing is that after learning that he was sentenced to death, Zhuo Changren was so frightened that he trembled and had to rely on the crutches in his hand to avoid kneeling on the ground; On the one hand, he scolded the judge and the court, and his shameful image of being annoyed and angry became the last embarrassing face he showed in the world and in front of the people......

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan

In the face of Zhuo Changren's death sentence, some Taiwanese media once commented: "What is the true meaning of freedom, it is worth deep reflection." In fact, this sentence is also worth pondering. Freedom is of course very important, but unbridled freedom is the beginning of the abyss. Knowing the law, understanding the law, and abiding by the law, only the right freedom is the healthy freedom, and the freedom we should strive for!


Book "Reporter's Landscape"

Book "Shen Tu's Memoirs"

A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan
A pair of wild mandarin ducks dreamed of a pillow of yellow sorghum, remembering the years after the hijackers Zhuo Changren and Gao Dongping fled to Taiwan