
According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

author:Hole A C

Recently, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has definitely been a hot topic in the international community, and various views on Israel and Jews have also become a very hot topic. There are those who hate Israel and the Jews very much, there are those who feel that the Jews deserve sympathy, and there is also a theory that the Jews will be slaughtered, and the next country to slaughter the Jews is probably the United States.

Who said this, and is there any truth to it?

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

· "Stereotypes" of Jews

For Chinese, we have a "stereotype" of Jews, which is not a bad stereotype, on the contrary, at least before the Russia-Ukraine conflict, most Chinese thought that Jews were smart, wealthy, and good at business. Even a few decades ago, there were many books like "Jewish Family Motto" and "Jewish Way of Business", presumably in the hope that we could learn from the Jews.

So why do we have such stereotypes about Jews? Fundamentally, Jews are stereotyped as smart and hardworking, in large part because of their profession. In fact, in the beginning, most people did not think of Jews as "smart" but more as "nerds", because many Jewish adult men did not work, and they mainly immersed themselves in studying Jewish scriptures in order to maintain their identity as Jews, which led many people to think that Jews were nerds at that time.

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

Later, in order to make ends meet, Jews had to engage in intellectual activities such as accounting, finance, and various business activities. According to the research of some scientists in Europe and the United States, the IQ of Jews is indeed "slightly higher" than that of non-Jewish Caucasians, coupled with the efforts of Jews themselves, which makes Jews gradually emerge in these industries, and gives people the impression that they are "smart" and "can make money".

In addition, many people's impression of Jewish "smartness" comes from the Nobel Prize. The Nobel Prize has always attracted worldwide attention, and the number of Jews who have won the Nobel Prize accounts for 17% of the total number of winners, which seems to be irrefutable proof of the "intelligence" of the Jews to some extent.

On the other hand, at least 16 of the top 40 richest people in the Forbes list of Americans—or Jews—are Jews, and Soros and Warren Buffett, who are in the United States and even in the world, are Jews, which inevitably makes people feel that Jews can control Wall Street and hold huge wealth.

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

Moreover, the Rothschilds, who were thought to own half of the world's wealth in the 19th century, are also of Jewish descent, reinforcing the stereotype that Jews possess vast wealth and are good at managing their finances.

But after a new round of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, this stereotype began to be broken. Last October, when a new round of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict erupted, more and more people, including more and more Chinese, began to change their perception of Jews as the Israeli army's indiscriminate bombardment of civilians continued to be reported.

There have been many extreme remarks against Jews on the Internet, and more and more Jews' "black history" has been dug up, which seems to have strengthened the "hatred" of some people for Jews.

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

· Why do people "hate" Jews?

While many people have the stereotype that Jews are "smart," there are also many people who have always "hated" Jews, long before the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Most notably, during World War II, Hitler carried out a mass murder of Jews. Of course, this kind of "anti-Semitism" has its roots in the clash of cultures, because powerful cultures such as Greek culture and Roman culture disdain Jewish culture, which has always been relatively weak, which has led to the already existing contradictions between the two sides. The Jews were the ones who betrayed Jesus in the New Testament, and the Jews led to his death, which led Christians to regard Jews as "enemies," and anti-Semitism spread rapidly across Europe.

In addition, the Jews are "smart" and "rich" in terms of negative aspects, such as "cunning", "greed", and so on. After the Jews relied on accounting, finance and other industries to "develop", they became the target of some people's "hatred of the rich", many people think that the Jews rely on cunning and greed to accumulate wealth, and some people think that the Jews "robbed" their wealth.

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

In a way, Jews have been put more into conspiracy theories as a result. For example, during the widespread Black Death in Europe, Jews rarely contracted the disease, leading many to believe that Jews were "poisoned" to cause the spread of the disease. However, later studies suggested that this was because Jews strictly adhered to the Jewish precepts on eating and drinking, which reduced the probability of infection.

For example, the Jews are most conspiracy theorized that they control the world through "secret societies" such as the Illuminati and Freemasonry. The Illuminati and Freemasons are the favorite "materials" in film and television dramas and novels, and if a story must have a "mastermind behind the scenes", then these secret societies are the most suitable "dumping objects".

In conspiracy theories, Jews are trying to control the world through Freemasonry and other societies and using their wealth and resources all over the world, and many Westerners are convinced that Jews are trying to control the world and that they are "on the verge of success."

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

After the new round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, many people on the Chinese Internet began to popularize the "puffer fish plan", claiming that China had taken in a group of Jews, but the Jews tried to establish a state in the northeast.

Although the "Puffer Fish Project" was in fact a Japanese-led plan to place Jews in Tohoku in order to build their international image, there were Jews who did respond to it.

But in fact, the Jews were more interested in Sun Ke's "resettlement plan", that is, to establish a Jewish settlement in Yunnan. Relevant information shows that many Jewish leaders believe that Yunnan is the "promised land" of the Jews, and have secretly sent people to Yunnan to investigate, and even announced a plan to resettle 100,000 people to Yunnan, trying to promote the implementation of the "resettlement plan" as soon as possible.

As a result, many people feel that it is really "hateful" that the Jews are trying to occupy the land of the mainland at such a difficult time in China.

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

Since the new round of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the behavior of Jews in the Gaza Strip seems to have caused a resurgence of the global trend of "anti-Semitism", and extreme remarks and behaviors against Jews have appeared all over the world. It is also because of this that an opinion has emerged on the Internet that the next to massacre Jews will be the United States.

· Is the United States the Next to Massacre Jews?

Initially, it was suggested on the Internet that this idea was made by an Israeli "visionary" scholar, but he did not mention the Israeli scholar's name or any clues about his identity, which made it difficult to verify.

It may be that there is indeed an Israeli scholar who has made this view, but for various reasons he is not willing to "expose" himself, but it is also possible that there is no such scholar, but someone has made up such a "scholar" in order to increase credibility.

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

Regardless of whether or not it was proposed by Israeli scholars, however, this view quickly gained acceptance. Because in reality, while Jews hold a lot of wealth — one data shows that Jews own about 80 percent of the wealth in the United States, Jews don't seem to really hold power.

This means that Jews have never held the "supreme" power in the United States, even the African-American Barack Obama became president, but no Jew has ever been elected president of the United States. Some people feel that Jews do not want to go to the "forefront" and only want to control the United States by controlling the American economy, and do not want to be exposed to the public. But in reality, Jews can't be presidents, not they don't want to.

In 2020, Michael Bloomberg, a Jew, wanted to run for president of the United States, he is the founder of Bloomberg Group, the 16th richest person on the 2024 Hurun Global Rich List, and has served as the mayor of New York City three times.

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

Fundamentally, this is because Americans are Christians and don't believe in Jews, which makes it difficult for Jews to actually gain more power.

Now that Israel's actions in Gaza have been exposed, causing a resurgence of "anti-Semitism" in the United States, and more and more Americans are embarking on the path of extreme "anti-Semitism", can an "Anti-Semitism Awareness Act" really stop all this?

It may be difficult, because after all, the Anti-Semitism Awareness Act expands the definition of "anti-Semitism" to include attacks on the State of Israel and other acts of "anti-Semitism", which may lead to an even greater backlash from the American people as it stands.

Opponents argue that the bill further restricts freedom of speech and has religious implications, as even parts of the Bible would fit the definition of "anti-Semitism," which is difficult for Christians to accept, and which will provoke further backlash from the American public.

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

Coupled with the fact that the Jews have huge wealth in their hands, and can influence all aspects of the United States through Wall Street and through the economy, and when the United States is mired in a huge debt crisis, soaring prices, and the people are struggling to make a living, I am afraid that the extremist ideology that swept Germany at the beginning will make a comeback, that is, all the suffering in the United States today is caused by the Jews, and only by "killing" the Jews can we live a good life.

In such an extreme situation, the United States may also raise a "butcher's knife" against the Jews, perhaps not a naked massacre, or other more "tactful" methods, but it is definitely not what the Jews want to see.

In fact, the Jews' reputation in the world is no longer good, and if the Jews still insist on their own opinions, then I am afraid that their prospects are even less optimistic.


Jewish Studies

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

How did the Jews influence the world? Is smart and rich a stereotype?

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

The Paper丨The Anti-Semitism Awareness Act Controversy and the Illiberal United States

According to an Israeli scholar, the next massacre of Jews is most likely to be in the United States

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