
A man's "one attitude" shows that you are not important anymore

author:Li Gongzi in the east of the city
A man's "one attitude" shows that you are not important anymore

What is the first manifestation of unlove? is an impatient attitude. This is a natural manifestation of reducing emotional engagement and becoming less patient.

When a man loses interest in a woman, even her concern for himself is extraordinarily superfluous.

He will take your concern and throw it on the ground and trample it fiercely, as if he is also venting your entanglement and disturbance to him. He wanted to escape in a hurry and find a pure psychological externalization.

So don't be amorous when he doesn't love you, when he has already seen such a change and has an impatient attitude, it is telling you that it is time to reshuffle the cards and make a choice.

A man's "one attitude" shows that you are not important!

A man's "one attitude" shows that you are not important anymore
  • 1. Neglect.

You must remember that people do not treat important things casually, and the indifference, neglect and lack of care you feel are not your delusions.

When you think it's a delusion, that's when you start soothing yourself and deceiving yourself.

So love is also a feeling of certainty, you will not have any doubts about this love, even if you don't contact for a long time, you can still be sure that you love and miss each other.

It's not the best life for a coquettish woman, it's the woman who is loved who has the ability and capital to be coquettish.

As long as he no longer cares about your feelings, emotions and needs, or is even running away, then you have to understand that he no longer reassures you.

  • 2. Impatience.

A man who loves you can't wait to stick to you all the time, and any short-term separation will make him feel endless empty. This also includes that he wants to know what you're doing and what you're going through.

So when he loves you, what he looks forward to most is your sharing, and his most intimate is also your sharing.

Listen to you talk about your experiences, interesting people, bad things. Especially when he sees you impassioned, he will be happier with your happiness and sadder with your sadness.

But when a man doesn't love you and doesn't care about you, he doesn't have any patience to listen to you.

That is to say, those experiences of yours have become something that he is not interested in at all, but you are interested. Therefore, he showed impatience, perfunctory and impatience, and did not want to listen to any more words.

A man's "one attitude" shows that you are not important anymore
  • 3. The Cold War.

He doesn't want to solve problems with you, he just wants to dictate to you, and when there are evasive, indifferent, and cold war behaviors, he doesn't care about the direction of his feelings.

What does the man who loves you look like?

If there are any misunderstandings and contradictions, the most anxious person will only be him. Because he doesn't want to have problems with you, he will be eager to explain, clarify, and cherish this relationship with you. On the other hand, only when people are not afraid of losing will their attitude become casual and do things completely according to their mood.

The nature of the Cold War is the same. The one who suffers is you, not him. It's just a random gesture of his, that's all.

He didn't think there was anything to solve, let alone anything to communicate, and he gave up the future of this relationship in his heart.

  • 4. Accusations.

He will no longer bear anything with you, on the contrary, when you encounter trouble and difficulties, his first act will always be disgust and accusation.

Why are you so busy? Why are you being bullied? Why are you unlucky?

This is the manifestation of having treated you as a burden and a burden, and through accusations, to vent their emotions, those emotions that cannot be directly spoken.

Even if you are bullied, he will no longer defend you unreasonably. will even stand on the side of bullying you, split the head and cover the face, and afterwards have a good name, in order to give you a long memory.

A man's true love is not how much money he has, what kind of talent he has, but his desire to protect, and the basis for this desire to protect also comes from your pity for you.

  • 5. Denial.

If you're with a guy who will only deny you, attack you, taunt you, and suppress you, then I tell you, he not only doesn't love you, but he never respects you.

Even in his heart, he looked down on you at all, and didn't think you could be worthy of him.

It may be very difficult to define love, but the most basic expression of love is respect and appreciation. There is respect before appreciation, and only when there is appreciation can there be attraction.

In this case, he may not love you and is just temporarily single and needs to use you.

Any man who will only deny you, deny your worth, and deny your future is a sign of not taking you seriously.

A man's "one attitude" shows that you are not important anymore

In fact, these are obvious changes in his attitude towards you, and they have been together for a long time, which is not a reason. Because true love never passes or fades in the years.

Even if the authorities are fascinated, you can't see his attitude clearly, and you are blinded by your so-called love.

Then let me tell you a good way, that is, you don't need to observe and capture his attitude towards you, you can just look at his attitude towards the people around you, or the attitude of the people in your family.

His attitude is weight, and this weight is also your weight.
