
College Entrance Examination Recruitment, Beware of These "Traps"

author:Palm Bayannur

@高考考生及家长 Please accept this college entrance examination recruitment "trap" prevention reminder!

Recently, while looking forward to the announcement of the results of the college entrance examination, the candidates and parents of the national college entrance examination are also in full swing to prepare for filling in the volunteer and going on to higher education. In recent years, with the development of technology, the college entrance examination fraud methods have been constantly renovated, and even put on the cloak of informatization. Candidates and parents should always be vigilant against "fancy" scams and beware of recruitment "traps".

College Entrance Examination Recruitment, Beware of These "Traps"

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Scam 1: There is a "Trojan horse" in SMS

Common methods: Criminals invade candidates' computers or mobile phones by forging "phishing" websites or sending mobile phone text messages with "Trojan" viruses;

Falsely claiming that there is a "special channel" to check the results of the college entrance examination in advance, with a website link to "check scores".

Steal the candidate's mobile phone number, ID number, bank card number and other information, and then steal the online payment account to commit fraud.

Precautionary Reminder:

Candidates and parents should check the results of the college entrance examination through the inquiry method designated by the local education department or the website for checking scores, do not easily click on the links from unknown sources in the mobile phone text messages, and do not fill in personal information, bank card account numbers and SMS verification codes on unfamiliar websites.

Scam 2: Hackers can "change scores"

Common methods: Criminals spread fraudulent information such as "you have not passed the exam, you can operate internally" and "internal extra points";

Claiming that the college entrance examination score can be modified through technical means, and the fee can be charged on this ground to defraud money.

Precautionary Reminder:

The college entrance examination adopts intranet grading, and the whole process of network security confidentiality is supervised by "no dead ends", and there is no possibility of external hacker incursion. Once the results are released, they cannot be changed, and candidates and parents should not believe in the hacker score change scam to avoid property damage.

Scam 3: "Special Channel" enrollment is not credible

Common methods: Criminals pretend to be the staff of college admissions offices, well-known university training courses, etc., falsely claiming to have mastered the "targeted enrollment plan" of colleges and universities, and have "special channels" that can be "specially approved" in exchange for "internal indicators" and "unplanned indicators", and can obtain supplementary quotas, etc.;

On the grounds that "you can be admitted by paying money", you ask for the so-called "index fee" and "admission fee", and you can cheat the money and slip away.

Precautionary Reminder:

There is a strict workflow for college admissions, there is no so-called "internal enrollment", "special indicators" and "spending money to guarantee", and the formal recruitment process will not incur any additional costs. Candidates and parents should understand and confirm the examination enrollment policies and information from formal channels.

Scam 4: "Fake universities" come in a variety of ways

Common tactics: "fake universities" usually use names that are easily confused with well-known universities and colleges to recruit students and issue diplomas in a confusing manner. These schools are all fake universities that do not have enrollment qualifications, do not have the qualifications to run schools, are suspected of forging and selling fake academic diploma certificates, and are suspected of illegal enrollment or Internet fraud.

Precautionary Reminder:

Candidates and parents must fill in the application through the voluntary application portal of the local education examination institute, recognize the name of the regular university and carefully check the enrollment type. The admission results of colleges and universities must be subject to the results announced by the local education department, and do not trust the admission results published by other websites.

Scam 5: Volunteer to find an "expert"

Common methods: Some training institutions, consulting companies, individuals, etc. fraudulently use the name of education departments, recruitment agencies or colleges and universities to engage in on-site consultation and counseling activities for college entrance examination voluntary filling;

Counterfeit official websites to carry out online consultation and counseling, known as "expert guidance, package and record", and charge candidates and parents high consultation fees, counseling fees, and big data platform usage fees.

Precautionary Reminder:

Candidates and parents are requested to recognize the official websites of the host institution and the local education administrative department, the admissions examination agency, and the enrollment university when volunteering for guidance and consultation. The college entrance examination policy and information are subject to the announcement of the Ministry of Education, the local education department, and the recruiting institutions. Keep your volunteer password and do not disclose it to outsiders to prevent others from tampering with the volunteer.

Scam 6: False application for "bursary"

Common methods: Criminals pretend to be college teachers or education department staff, saying that they can apply for or issue grants and scholarships in advance to candidates with difficulties or excellent grades;

In the name of "if you don't collect it again, it will expire", and you will be asked to pay the "handling fee" and "application fee" in advance.

Precautionary Reminder:

If candidates and their parents receive calls or messages claiming to issue "national grants" and "student grants", they must verify the authenticity of the information with the university and education department through official channels in a timely manner, and do not disclose personal information, bank card numbers and passwords casually.

Scam 7: The admission letter is "greasy"

Common methods: Criminals mail forged admission notices to get candidates to pay tuition and fees to the designated bank account;

Deliberately confusing the difference between general higher education and other forms of education, and deceiving candidates and their parents with admission notices such as self-examination assistant classes and online education classes.

Precautionary Reminder:

Do not provide all the information of the candidates to others, and the candidates' submission, admission and other links should be queried through the official website. After receiving the admission notice, candidates should verify and confirm the admission results through the official certification or the inquiry platform issued by the education department in time to avoid being deceived.

Scam 8: "Early Enrollment" and "Targeted Enrollment" need to be carefully screened

Common methods: Criminals take advantage of the national targeted enrollment policy to boast that they can get a university's targeted enrollment plan, or pretend to be the college admissions office to claim that the school enrolls students in advance, and paying "orientation fees" or paying tuition fees in advance can guarantee admission;

Under the guise of "independent enrollment" in ordinary colleges and universities and "local party committee trainees" and "national defense students" in military academies, they defrauded money;

Falsely promised that art students would "pay money to help".

Precautionary Reminder:

The early batch admission is mainly for candidates from military, national defense, and art colleges, and the admission work is all remotely online, and the special computer system submits the file according to the voluntary and filing rules, and is not affected by any human factors. Only a few colleges and universities directly under the ministry have enrollment plans for targeted employment in special industries, and the provincial recruitment office will admit them in a centralized and unified manner. Candidates can check the admission information through the official website of the local Education Examination Agency, and do not easily trust any phone calls and text messages for admission.

Source: Xinhua News Agency

Editor: Chen Long Proofreader: Qiao Hong

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