
Who's calling you to fall in love with your slowing down self? "Meet Yourself in the Bookstore" continues to read tonight!

author:Beijing Satellite TV

Beijing Satellite TV's "Beijing at this time" met me in a bookstore, and the first episode was broadcast last Saturday, and its quiet and powerful style has aroused a lot of resonance. The children said the mantra that jumps out of age, "The joy of the amusement park is only temporary, but the happiness of books can make me unforgettable for a lifetime"; The big friend said that the practice and thinking of life are the knowledge of things, "it (the book) is a tranquilizer and a brain-awakening pill"; The old friend with gray temples casually showed the link between the book and the current aesthetics, "The book has its own big muscles"...... Undoubtedly, this is a real and vivid spiritual baptism.

On the same day that the show aired, Francis Ford Coppola, a world film giant and director of the classic "The Godfather", was also in Beijing. Great directors also complain like ordinary people: "We live in this strange Internet era, like a group of cars honking wildly." "Haha, okay, would someone who likes to read do that? Of course not, people who like to read know how to run fast and know how to walk slowly, they will fall in love with themselves who slow down, and they know the power of knowledge.

At 20:16 tonight, Beijing Satellite TV's "Beijing at this time" met me in the bookstore, and the second episode will be broadcast, focusing on the Red Mansion Tibetan Bookstore, the Bystander Book Club, the Baoguosi Book Market and other places. The stories that collided during the shooting are still simple but hit people's hearts!

The "bookworm" of Baoguo Temple is a real idiot......

In the intercourse with books, the T-shirt of the "bookworm" is sweaty, his meals are super simple, but his spirit is rich, joyful, and infectious! In the city of the steel jungle, a kind of "scholar" born of books comes to the face, hitting the heart of everyone who is in a hurry.

Who's calling you to fall in love with your slowing down self? "Meet Yourself in the Bookstore" continues to read tonight!

Husband and wife of ancient book restorers, because of books or because of love?

This couple made the words of a beautiful marriage such as "harmony with each other", "raising eyebrows" and "foaming with each other" instantly transformed into a real "short drama" of the current earthly life. Because of the book, the couple can still sing the songs of the year, and they will not hide from them with a red face, and they will not forget that they still love you, because their love has always grown in the world of books.

Who's calling you to fall in love with your slowing down self? "Meet Yourself in the Bookstore" continues to read tonight!

"Children's Words", another shock!

Jumping out of age and having the "old soul" like "fairy tales", it is shocking again! Children who love to read because of the adults' statement about the "small animals on the roof" of Beijing's ancient buildings, sonorously came out with golden sentences: "Such a great divine beast is said to be a small animal"?! The children nourished by books, sure enough, their "combat effectiveness" is off the charts, who will worry about his future with such a background?

Who's calling you to fall in love with your slowing down self? "Meet Yourself in the Bookstore" continues to read tonight!

"Hair children" give birth to "hair second generation"

"Fa Xiao'er", a word that defines the relationship between the warm years and people's hearts, has grown into "Fa Xiao'er Rizhi Bookstore", "Fa Children's Rizhi Theater" and "Fa Children's Rooftop" because of "Gu Tinglin Ancestral Hall". Here, the characters and stories in the book enter the hearts of children who are also growing in the wind. The second generation of "Fa Xiaoer" with a deep fragrance of books and affection, hand in hand towards the future.

"55 years of Peking University student", an old scholar

When the white-haired old gentleman whispered that he was "(19) 55 Peking University students", his long-term donation of books made the small sign on the bookshelf of "Zhu Zuxi Collection" have the power of knowledge and convincing.

Who's calling you to fall in love with your slowing down self? "Meet Yourself in the Bookstore" continues to read tonight!

"Safety islands" are needed by modern people

Everyone in modern people has troubles, how do you dispel them? There is a young lady who regards the bookstore as a "safety island". Because she knows how to fall in love with a bookstore, not only to love those timeless words, but also to learn to love the slowing down self......

What exactly is "woman's beauty"?

It is worth mentioning that the film crew of this episode also presented "the beauty of women" in parallel. The women who run the bookstore, the mothers, the housewives, etc., who are soaked in the smell of books, are getting older and brighter. They are dressed simply, their makeup is natural, and the temperament conveyed by their gestures is full of charm. Especially when they readily agreed to extend their chance encounters and allow the camera to enter their homes, every home turned out to be so comfortable, overflowing with books, and full of love......

Who's calling you to fall in love with your slowing down self? "Meet Yourself in the Bookstore" continues to read tonight!

In various parts of the city, there are also different bookstores and readers, who play out the story of the book in their own way. The film crew also met a reader and author of "congenital cerebral palsy" in the bookstore, his little shyness could not hide his innocence and love for the world, what kind of story is this?

How can I become a better version of myself? Read a book. The books you read will eventually make you meet a better version of yourself! In the meantime, where will you be? Maybe we'll meet by accident......

At 20:16 tonight, Beijing Satellite TV "Beijing at this time", I look forward to meeting you.

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