
Quick look! The 2024 Xichong High School Entrance Examination admission scores will be announced →

author:Micro West Charge
Quick look! The 2024 Xichong High School Entrance Examination admission scores will be announced →

Attention candidates in Xichong Middle School! On June 28, the Nanchong Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports released the 2024 Nanchong ordinary high school admission score line and new student registration announcement, which are as follows:


2024 Nanchong City Ordinary High School

Admission score line and new student registration announcement

1. The admission score of ordinary high schools

Quick look! The 2024 Xichong High School Entrance Examination admission scores will be announced →
Quick look! The 2024 Xichong High School Entrance Examination admission scores will be announced →

(Unit: points)

2. Registration of new students

(1) Registration time

Before 18:00 on July 3

(2) Registration method

1. Scan the school QR code, and the new students and the school will confirm it in both directions.

2. Bring your ID card to the school and scan it through a reader, and real-name authentication.

3. Tips

(1) Report on time. Failure to register on time will be deemed to be an automatic waiver of the qualification to study in a regular high school, and shall not participate in the supplementary registration. Freshmen who have not registered are not allowed to apply for general high school status.

(2) Student registration. High school membership can only be registered to the admitted school, and no school is allowed to admit new students outside the admission roster.

(3) Pay attention to supplementation. Candidates with a score of 490 or above in the high school entrance examination and have not been admitted to any ordinary high school can participate in the supplementary record. The supplementary record is organized by the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, and the supplementary record declared by any unit or individual is invalid, so do not be deceived. The supplementary announcement will be released after July 5 through the WeChat public account of "Nanchong Jiaoti".

Nanchong Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports

June 28, 2024

Review: Huang Cheng Proofreader: Wang Xiao Editor: Yan Yangli Source: Nanchong Municipal Education and Sports Bureau-❖ Please indicate the source ❖ for reprinting

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