
River muntjac was injured and trapped in the lake area, and they saved their lives

author:Jiangxi city scene

Source: Urban Live Original

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On the morning of June 28

Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve, Jiangxi Province

Ranger at the Wucheng Conservation Management Station

While patrolling the Lake District

Suddenly, a small animal was found struggling in the lake

The rangers immediately drove the boat

Rushed to the scene in the rain for rescue

River muntjac was injured and trapped in the lake area, and they saved their lives

When the ranger got closer, it turned out that it was a river muntjac, a national second-class protected animal, that was trapped. Immediately, they salvaged the river muntjac onto the boat and sent it to the Wildlife Rescue Center of the Wucheng Conservation and Management Station for treatment.

River muntjac was injured and trapped in the lake area, and they saved their lives
Yuan Ziqi, a monitor at the Wucheng Conservation Station of the Administration of Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve in Jiangxi Province: This river muntjac is very young and weighs very little, so we rescued it to a certain extent.

According to Yuan Ziqi, this river muntjac is about 10 centimeters tall and weighs about 5 kilograms. After a preliminary examination, the right leg of the muntjac was fractured, and it has been bandaged and released back into the wild after it has fully recovered. The reporter learned that due to the recent rainfall, the water level of Poyang Lake has risen rapidly, resulting in the inundation of all the grasslands in the lake area, and the habitat of river muntjac has been affected.

River muntjac was injured and trapped in the lake area, and they saved their lives

Poyang Lake National Nature Reserve, Jiangxi Province

The Wucheng Conservation and Management Station also reminded the residents of the Lake District

If a muntjac is found to have fallen into the water or been injured

Please contact a ranger immediately for assistance