
After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!

author:Fall in love with Renju

The 25-year-old Army soldier

is becoming a legend

Enlisted in the army for 8 months

He's on the international stage

Achieve a historic breakthrough for our army

Enlisted in the army for 9 months

He was awarded a first-class meritorious service


It is a sergeant directly recruited by a brigade of the 73rd Group Army

Qin Wenxu

After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!
After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!

What he got was:

First-class merit in combat readiness training

After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!

In June last year

He is also a student at Guangxi University

Now it has become a first-class hero

After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!

In May of this year

Qin Wenxu followed the PLA delegation

Participation in the event in France

The 12th World Championship of Water Lifesaving in the International Military Sports

Won the men's 90m beach run event

This is our army's first gold medal in this event

Achieve a "zero breakthrough" for our army

He also won

Runner-up in the men's beach event

won a total of one gold and one silver

After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!
After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!

He in the game

After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!

Qin Wenxu is a native of Yulin, Guangxi

Graduated from the School of Physical Education of Guangxi University

Before the Entry

He has participated in a number of competitions with excellent results

It has a national first-class athlete

National second-level referee in track and field

Football national second-level referee and other professional qualifications

After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!

He has obtained various certificates

After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!

September 2023

He applied for the direct recruitment sergeant

Through layers of selection

In the end, it was successfully selected

After enlistment

Qin Wenxu showed amazing strength

The next company was soon in the brigade sports meeting

In the 100-meter run

won the first gold medal of his military career

After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!

In order to prepare for war

The 12th World Championship of Water Lifesaving in the International Military Sports

Qin Wenxu has undergone harsh training

After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!

This time the delegation of the People's Liberation Army

It is mainly composed of professional athletes from military sports training centers

Three grassroots military backbones were selected

Qin Wenxu is one of them


In a total of 23 events

The PLA delegation won a total of 2 gold, 5 silver and 3 bronze

Qin Wenxu and his comrades-in-arms were domineering and triumphant

After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!
After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!
After enlisting in the army for 9 months, he was awarded a first-class meritorious service, it was him!

Kudos to Qin Wenxu!

Source: People's Daily