
He was the wisest person in Liangshan, and he once intended to depose Song Jiang, and left the team after the defeat to die a good death

author:Martial arts Bai Xiaotong

I believe that readers who have read "Water Margin" have such a doubt, that is, those heroes in Liangshan are all skilled, why do they support Song Jiang so much? The fall of Liangshan can be said to be due to Song Jiang.

Originally, all the heroes of Liangshan were not happy and happy, 800 miles of water in Liangshan, easy to defend and difficult to attack, such a good place, the imperial court repeatedly attacked, all ended in failure. If it weren't for Song Jiang's insistence on going his own way, he insisted on recruiting peace.

Why did all the heroes in Liangshan end up dying tragically one by one? Song Jiang is greedy for fame, and it can be said that he is using the lives of the brothers in Liangshan to dye his official robe red and make a good name for him.

But who makes one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer? Isn't Song Jiang the big boss they chose? In the end, it ended up like this, and it can only be said that the heroes of Liangshan are blind and credulous Song Jiang, a fan of the system.

He was the wisest person in Liangshan, and he once intended to depose Song Jiang, and left the team after the defeat to die a good death

Of course, it's not that everyone in Liangshan is brainless, for example, this person is extremely wise, he followed Song Jiang very early, got a high position in Liangshan, and later after seeing Song Jiang's true face, he intended to abolish Song Jiang.

Although this thing was not done, but the people also worked hard, and after seeing through the ending of everyone in Liangshan, he chose to pretend to be sick and left the Liangshan team and died a good death. He is Li Jun, the leader of the navy.

Li Jun was originally a tyrant in Jieyangling, and he was engaged in selling illicit salt, but those who dared to sell illicit salt in ancient times were not ordinary people. When Song Jiang passed by Jieyangling, Li Jun befriended him, and later followed Song Jiang directly.

He also robbed the law field to save Song Jiang, and belonged to the old man who followed Song Jiang very early, so he became the first person to be the leader of the navy. Li Jun's thinking in the early stage was very simple, everyone was mixed with the rivers and lakes, so it was natural to join the biggest party.

However, later, when Song Jiang revealed his idea of wanting to recruit An, Li Jun and he were separated from him, but Li Jun was a very smart person, although he opposed Zhao'an, but he was not like Li Kui and Wu Song who directly opposed it.

He was the wisest person in Liangshan, and he once intended to depose Song Jiang, and left the team after the defeat to die a good death

He was also afraid of being put in small shoes by Song Jiang, so he just secretly waited for the opportunity. After Liangshan recruited An, Song Jiang led all the good men to fight in the south and the north, and made great contributions, but the imperial court had all kinds of distrust of the people in Liangshan.

Not only did the Liangshan army not enter the city, but they didn't even have a reward, but only Song Jiang and Lu Junyi were given a low position. Song Jiang was also very aggrieved in his heart, with a grudge on his face, but he was still loyal.

The heroes of Liangshan were so slow to take precautions, and they were naturally dissatisfied in their hearts, Li Jun saw that this was an opportunity, so he combined all the leaders of the navy and ran to Wu Yong's side together, and asked Wu Yong to be the master and plunder Tokyo.

And then return to Liangshan, in fact, this idea is still very good, and the timing is good, if Wu Yong really does this, there is the support of everyone in the navy, and most of the people in Liangshan have long been dissatisfied, it can be said that it is a hundred responses.

He was the wisest person in Liangshan, and he once intended to depose Song Jiang, and left the team after the defeat to die a good death

When he returned to Liangshan after plundering Tokyo, the road to the imperial court would naturally be broken, and Song Jiang would definitely not be able to accept such an ending. After all, Song Jiang's long-standing wish was to be able to serve the imperial court.

At that time, if Song Jiang is dissatisfied, it is equivalent to being on the opposite side of the heroes of Liangshan, and he can directly put him in the air and let him wait for death in Liangshan. So this ploy is still quite good, but it's a pity that Wu Yong is unwilling.

In fact, Wu Yong and Song Jiang are the same kind of people, and what this kind of scholar thinks in his bones is that he can get a good reputation by serving the imperial court. This is why Wu Yongben was a person from Chao Gai, and later took refuge in Song Jiang.

Because everyone thinks the same thing, they are comrades. Li Jun's plan, the only omission is that he missaw Wu Yong, Li Jun originally thought that Wu Yong was not pedantic, and he should agree to this matter.

He was the wisest person in Liangshan, and he once intended to depose Song Jiang, and left the team after the defeat to die a good death

However, he didn't expect that Wu Yong had no ambitions, and he had the same idea as Song Jiang, and he also wanted to take refuge in the imperial court. But then again, Li Jun doesn't choose Wu Yong, and there is no one to choose from, and he himself will definitely not be able to.

After all, he can only win over the leader of the naval army, except for Wu Yong, although Lu Junyi is the second leader, he can't do it, even if Lu Junyi is willing, but after all, he is too late to go up the mountain, and his foundation in Liangshan is unstable.

Therefore, Li Jun's choice of Wu Yong is also helpless, and there is no suitable person except Wu Yong. After Wu Yong refused, there was no way to do it, and the Liangshan brothers could only follow Song Jiang and go to send off the head together.

However, Li Jun was very smart, and he finally chose to pretend to be sick and leave, and his cronies also left the Liangshan team under the pretext of taking care of him. Li Jun later ended well, ran directly overseas, and became the master of a country.

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