
Jin Yong's most regrettable martial arts novel is as exciting as Lu Ding Ji, but few people have read it

author:Martial arts Bai Xiaotong

Jin Yong wrote 15 martial arts novels in his life, including popular works like "Dragon Babu" and "Condor Trilogy", and some of the same works are also very unpopular. For example, this one, although the story content is very exciting.

Even in terms of the quality of the work, the story is as exciting as "The Legend of Deer and Ding", but this work is very unpopular, and few people have even seen it. Jin Yong's martial arts novels have been remade many times.

But this work is rarely remade, and Jin Yong has changed the title of the book once in order to make this work popular, but it still has little effect. So why is such a high-quality martial arts work not popular?

The reason is that the rivers and lakes of this work are too cruel, and all Jin Yong's fiery works have a characteristic, that is, the bad guys can't get any worse, or the reason why the bad guys become bad is also because they have their own reasons and last resort.

Jin Yong's most regrettable martial arts novel is as exciting as Lu Ding Ji, but few people have read it

is like Li Mochou in "The Condor Heroes", although Li Mochou has done a lot of evil in the rivers and lakes, she is also blackened because of love. and in "Smiling Proud Jianghu", Yue Buqun, who is called a hypocrite.

Although Yue Buqun is bad, it is also a last resort, when he took over the position of head of the sect, the sect has already been a mess after the "sword qi dispute". And his situation is extremely dangerous, which can be described as internal and external troubles.

There are Zuo Lengchan outside, and there are people like Sword Sect Cheng who are not superior, and they keep coming to find trouble. There was no one in the sect to help him, so that Hu Chong, as a senior disciple, not only couldn't help, but also caused trouble everywhere, and it was not easy for Yue Buqun.

Therefore, Jin Yong's popular works have a characteristic, that is, the villain is not bad. But this work is different, the bad guys in this work are bad to the bones, so bad that people can't help but feel chilled, and the bad ones are inhumane.

I believe many readers have already guessed which work Jin Yong is talking about, yes, it is "Liancheng Jue". This book was originally called "Suxin Sword", but later Jin Yong changed its name to "Liancheng Jue".

Jin Yong's most regrettable martial arts novel is as exciting as Lu Ding Ji, but few people have read it

However, the author still likes the name "Suxin Sword", what is "Suxin"? Isn't that what you're talking about? If Jin Yong's pen is the worst male protagonist, I'm afraid it is Di Yun, he has experienced too much pain.

However, although Di Yun experienced all kinds of pain in the cruel rivers and lakes, he was still kind and did not change his heart in the end, which is the meaning of the Suxin Sword. As for the later title of the book changed to "Liancheng Jue", it doesn't mean much.

I believe that readers who have read this martial arts work, no one will think that this work is not exciting, several story units in it are very interesting, and the character creation is also extremely successful, especially Hua Tiegan and Blood Knife Ancestor.

These two characters are quite three-dimensional, and from these two characters, Jin Yong has achieved the ultimate in the excavation of human nature. For example, Hua Tiegan, do you say he is a good person or a bad person? If it weren't for the Snow Mountain.

Jin Yong's most regrettable martial arts novel is as exciting as Lu Ding Ji, but few people have read it

Hua Tiegan has been a respected hero on the rivers and lakes all his life, and he has indeed been doing chivalrous deeds. However, when Hua Tiegan's belief was shattered, and in an uninhabited environment, he was still facing the choice of life and death.

He was scared, he gave up his identity as a hero, relying on animal instinct to act, and everything he did was just to live, nothing more. There is also the Blood Knife Ancestor, he is a great villain, there is no doubt about that.

But he is very good to his own people, Di Yun has met the two best people for him since he entered the rivers and lakes, one is Ding Dian, and the other is the Blood Knife Ancestor. The so-called good people in the rivers and lakes include Shui Wei and his cousin.

How did the two of them deal with Di Yun in the first place? Therefore, in this work, the characters are extremely three-dimensional. And without overemphasizing right and wrong, good and evil, good and bad, people will always change in their environment.

Jin Yong's most regrettable martial arts novel is as exciting as Lu Ding Ji, but few people have read it

In terms of the depth of the work and the concept, the author believes that "Liancheng Jue" is better than "The Legend of Deer and Ding". Why? Because the work "The Legend of Deer and Ding" is Jin Yong's last masterpiece.

When Jin Yong wrote this work, he completely let himself go, no matter what the depth of the idea, he completely highlighted one word. That is what everyone calls Shuangwen, the male protagonist will marry 7 wives directly, and Shuang will be done.

Everyone likes to watch such works, but it is "Liancheng Jue", although the quality of the work is high and the story is also very exciting. But the cruelty of the rivers and lakes, as well as the characters in the book, such as Ling Huisi and Qi Changfa.

directly scared off many readers, as well as the barbecue of Huatie dry snow mountain, and the section of Wanzhen Mountain wall, which has become a shadow in many people's hearts. It's a pity that not many people have seen such a good work.

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