
The "Bailian through train" entered Huangpu for the first time, adding a touch of "Huaihai red" to the convenience market

author:Shanghai Huangpu

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to further strengthen community ties, serve the lives of residents, create a quarter-hour convenient life circle, expand the brand influence of state-owned enterprises, and carry forward the spirit of model workers in the new era, on the morning of June 28, on the occasion of the arrival of the sixth "Zero Distance Home Day" in Huaihai Middle Road Street this year, a number of service brands of "Bailian Through Train" joined hands with the street to jointly hold a market activity.

The "Bailian through train" entered Huangpu for the first time, adding a touch of "Huaihai red" to the convenience market

At the event site, the well-known brands of Bailian Group, Bailian Property, Haomeijia, Lianhua Supermarket, First Pharmaceutical, Maochang Glasses, Shanghai Securities, Heguang Apartment, Hualian Pawn, Bailian Electric Appliances, etc., gathered together, so that community residents can enjoy a variety of shopping scenes and public service experience at their doorstep, and feel the warmth and care from Bailian's "Touch-care" service concept.

The "Bailian through train" entered Huangpu for the first time, adding a touch of "Huaihai red" to the convenience market

Lianhua Supermarket has brought all kinds of preferential snack food, fruits and other goods; First Pharma carries out free public welfare testing for the silver-haired population; Maochang glasses brings free glasses cleaning, plastic surgery, and free minor repair and distribution services; Heguangyu carried out public welfare consultation on affordable rental housing; Hualian Pawn provides preferential in-app purchase and gold jewelry cleaning services; Shanghai Securities conducted anti-fraud publicity and preferential financial consultation for residents on the spot.

The "Bailian through train" entered Huangpu for the first time, adding a touch of "Huaihai red" to the convenience market

Zhao Linlian, a Shanghai model worker of the company, and members of the Model Worker Innovation Studio, as well as Li Kejun, senior director of the equipment of the engineering department of the Fuxing Building Property Service Center, joined hands with Le Zhenping, a national model worker on the front line of Haomeijia service, to meet the living needs of community residents with personalized services such as professional consultation on residential properties, maintenance of small household appliances, free home improvement, age-appropriate renovation consulting and digital intelligent experience.

The "Bailian through train" entered Huangpu for the first time, adding a touch of "Huaihai red" to the convenience market

In addition, Xiao Min, deputy to the Municipal People's Congress and senior director of the financial management department of Bailian Group Co., Ltd., Chen Zhe, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of Shanghai Xinghualou (Group) Co., Ltd., and Lin Weici, chairman of Shanghai Xinlian Weixun Technology Development Co., Ltd., received voters at the convenience service bazaar, listened to the opinions of the masses face-to-face, and actively performed the duties of people's congress deputies.

The "Bailian through train" entered Huangpu for the first time, adding a touch of "Huaihai red" to the convenience market

This event is the first time that the "Bailian Through Train" has entered Huangpu, which is not only a vivid practice of the spirit of model workers in community service, but also a full demonstration of Bailian Property people's innovative thinking, pursuit of excellence and service to the masses. The relevant person in charge of Huaihai Middle Road Street said that the street will continue to build a platform to provide diversified and high-quality services for surrounding residents, white-collar workers and tourists, and build a "zero-distance home" operation system integrating venues, activities, crowds, content and brands.

Reporter / Fan Yuhao

Editor / Lulu Chen

Photo / Middle Huaihai Road Street

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