
Embark on an immersive journey of law popularization in Saihantala

author:Tooth stone fusion media
Embark on an immersive journey of law popularization in Saihantala
Embark on an immersive journey of law popularization in Saihantala
Embark on an immersive journey of law popularization in Saihantala

A dazzling array of popular legal culture and creativity, rich interactive experience links...... On June 27, the 2024 "National Network Law Popularization Inner Mongolia Station" activity was launched in Baotou, and the reporter walked into the "immersive" network law popularization demonstration site in Saihantala, and learned legal knowledge while enjoying the beautiful scenery on the grassland in the 10,000 mu city, and started a unique journey of law popularization.

"Can the fetus inherit the estate? The Civil Code makes it clear that when the estate is divided, the inheritance share of the fetus shall be retained. Liu Wenzhe, a staff member from the Baotou Municipal Procuratorate, introduced the Civil Code rule of law story atlas to netizens through the live broadcast room - "Illustrated Civil Code", the story in the book covers the people's daily life, trivial matters, neighborhood relations, production and labor and work scenes, and runs through multiple knowledge points of the Civil Code.

The live broadcast chatted hotly, and the public security, justice, taxation, education, market supervision and other departments on the square also "showed their skills", mosquito repellent bracelets, small fans, bookmarks and other popular legal cultural and creative products were full, and the staff kept popularizing legal knowledge and answering questions for citizens and tourists. "We publicized the tax law to the general public on the spot, and we were able to teach everyone how to do taxes online, and the citizens were particularly enthusiastic about participating." Han Ruoyu, a staff member of the Jiuyuan District Taxation Administration Bureau of Baotou City, said.

"How many answers did you get right? I just got four right, no, it's full of tissues, brochures, canvas bags. 72-year-old cycling enthusiast Uncle Bai unfolded the canvas bag to show the riders the "trophies" won today, "Although we are all retired, but the knowledge involving pension insurance and anti-fraud must be understood. ”

Source: People's Daily Online

Editor: Liu Boyu

Editor: Zhao Zongjie

Final review: Li Enguang

Director: Zhao Huiru