
In Asia's largest urban grassland, "immersive" experience network law popularization

author:Tooth stone fusion media
In Asia's largest urban grassland, "immersive" experience network law popularization
In Asia's largest urban grassland, "immersive" experience network law popularization
In Asia's largest urban grassland, "immersive" experience network law popularization

On June 27, the 2024 "National Network Law Popularization Campaign: Inner Mongolia Station" activity was launched in Baotou City, Inner Mongolia. After the launching ceremony, an "immersive" online legal popularization feast was held in Saihantala, the largest urban grassland in Asia. During this period, four locations in Dongmen Square, Hongliu Forest, Xilu Pavilion, and Matouqin Square set up different themes for law popularization content, and at the same time, an online live broadcast room for law popularization was set up for live broadcasting. Citizens and tourists interact online and offline, and learn legal knowledge during the game.

Source: CCTV

Editor: Liu Boyu

Editor: Zhao Zongjie

Final review: Li Enguang

Director: Zhao Huiru

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