
The flower of national unity is fragrant and "packed" the satisfaction of the people of all ethnic groups

author:Tooth stone fusion media

After retiring from Baotou Valve Factory, the "post-70s" Hui old man Hai Liquan taught himself the technique of pushing back cupping, relaxing tendons, adjusting qi and blood, and improving his physical fitness. "Don't look at advertisements to see the curative effect", after the people in the community knew that the elderly Haili had "two brushes", they often came to the door or asked the "barefoot doctor" to come to massage and cupping. After coming and going, the people of all ethnic groups have "mixed up" with each other.

The No. 1 Alding Community, Shifu East Road Sub-district Office, Kundulun District, Baotou City, where the elderly Hai Liquan is located, is a multi-ethnic community with seven ethnic groups, including Han, Mongolian, Manchu and Hui.

The flower of national unity is fragrant and "packed" the satisfaction of the people of all ethnic groups

The people of all ethnic groups skillfully cut out the unity scene (photo by CCTV reporter Liu Xinrong)

Li Cuilan, deputy secretary of the community party committee, who has been rooted in the Alding No. 1 community for 24 years, has carried out various forms of mass exchange activities in the community for a long time. Chorus classes, calligraphy classes, matouqin classes, and paper-cutting classes are set up, and through the holding of community banquets, neighborhood festivals, and the formation of community literary and artistic teams, volunteer service teams, etc., to guide the people of all ethnic groups to make close friends and be harmonious neighbors, and promote deeper exchanges and exchanges among all ethnic groups.

The flower of national unity is fragrant and "packed" the satisfaction of the people of all ethnic groups

"Chess" is happy and shares a healthy life (photo by CCTV reporter Liu Xinrong)

The nanny-style service and star-level treatment have attracted praise from people of all ethnic groups. Combined with the actual daily needs of residents, the 24-hour hotline service named after Li Cuilan was officially launched, and has now become a service brand in Baotou City that can stand and be known among the people of all ethnic groups.

Li Cuilan told reporters that no matter how small the affairs of the people of all ethnic groups are, they are also big things, the phone is online 24 hours a day, and the WeChat group will respond quickly as long as @ is in place. Over the past 24 years, Li Cuilan has led the team to solve more than 3,000 worries, worries and worries of people of all ethnic groups, and selected more than 200 most beautiful families, including 35 ethnic unity households. Today, the spirit of solidarity and mutual assistance is passed on in the hearts of the residents of Aldin 1 Community, and the multi-ethnic family is united and harmonious like a family.

"I have been volunteering for more than 20 years, and the two words that have touched me the most are unity. From the concerted efforts to build Baotou Steel in the past to the transformation of the old community later, the people of all ethnic groups in our community hugged each other tightly like pomegranate seeds, and no one cared about how much the return, that is, a force and a heart must be done, so there is today. Yang Guifang, a citizen of Baotou City, said emotionally.

Founded in the 80s of the 20th century, the 19th Friendship Community of Kundulun District, Baotou City, is a welfare housing prepared by Baotou Iron and Steel Group for employees, and is currently the largest single area and the largest residential community in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. There are more than 10 ethnic groups living here, including Han, Mongolian and Daur, and many residents of the community are Baotou steel builders who came to Baotou with their parents from all over the world.

The flower of national unity is fragrant and "packed" the satisfaction of the people of all ethnic groups

Baotou Steel No. 1 blast furnace (photo by CCTV reporter Liu Xinrong)

Liu Zhixiang, the honorary furnace director of Baotou Iron and Steel No. 1 blast furnace, resolutely gave up the opportunity to study at Tsinghua University, came to the northern Xinjiang of the motherland, became the first generation of builders of Baotou Iron and Steel, and fought together with more than 80,000 entrepreneurs, opening a precedent for the industrial development of Inner Mongolia. Today, Liu Zhixiang's family of 11 people in three generations are all "Baotou Iron and Steel people", and they have worked diligently in different positions in Baotou Steel.

Baotou Steel has not only witnessed the glorious course of the development of the mainland's national industry, but also composed a vivid hymn of national unity and family and pomegranate seed heart-to-heart. The story of national unity shining like stars is a vivid practice of "three inseparables", "four together" and "five identities", and it is also a true portrayal of Inner Mongolia being known as a "model autonomous region".

When that fiery era became history, the indelible red gene of "working together to build Baotou Steel" is still inherited, and the sense of community of the Chinese nation has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people of all ethnic groups in Baotou City.

With the help of the renovation of the old community, the Party Committee of the Friendship 194th Community of Kundulun District replanned the original abandoned boiler room, large chimney and coal conveyor belt, built a community residents' activity center, and created a red pomegranate home, providing opportunities, building a platform and creating a scene for the people of all ethnic groups to communicate and mingle.

In recent years, Baotou City has insisted on creating social conditions for people of all ethnic groups to live and study together, build and share together, and work and enjoy together, and continue to consolidate and deepen the achievements of the creation of a national demonstration city for ethnic unity and progress. We will further promote ethnic unity and progress into the community, build the community into a big family for the people of all ethnic groups to watch and help each other, and actively create a good community environment for the people of all ethnic groups to live and work in peace and contentment, so that the sense of gain, happiness and security of the people of all ethnic groups has been significantly improved.

The flower of national unity is fragrant and "packed" the satisfaction of the people of all ethnic groups

Unity Square talks about unity (photo by CCTV reporter Liu Xinrong)

Founded in 2000, Tuanjie Square covers an area of about 64,390 square meters, and is a warm home for people of all ethnic groups in the two districts of "Qingkun" for leisure and fitness, communication and blending. Based on the superior geographical location and profound mass foundation of Unity Square, it has become an important carrier for building a common spiritual home for the Chinese nation.

From the country's first "Lei Feng team" to the "red pomegranate homeland" of the United States and the United States; From the "Dongdashan Resort" in the cultural tourism village to the profound red cultural resources in northern Xinjiang...... For a long time, the people of all ethnic groups in Qingshan District, Baotou City, have helped each other and have deep brotherly affection, and have painted a beautiful picture of national unity and progress.

Saihantara, as one of the brightest, most vibrant and energetic city cards of the grassland steel city, is called the "green lung" of the city by the local people. Blue sky, white clouds, grassland, high-rise buildings, traffic, crowds...... These seemingly non-contemporaneous elements are combined to form a picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

The flower of national unity is fragrant and "packed" the satisfaction of the people of all ethnic groups

Saihantara 10,000 acres of urban grassland (photo by CCTV reporter Liu Xinrong)

"The city is the city of the people, and the city of the people is for the people." It is precisely because of the premise and starting point of urban construction to improve the happiness of the people of all ethnic groups, the successive Baotou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government have always remained true to their original intentions and looked ahead, in the process of rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the relics have increased green, looked to the future, left this precious grassland for the city, and strived to make the people of all ethnic groups live more convenient, more comfortable and better in the city.

Baotou City will make every effort to build a cultural highland and accelerate the construction of a culturally strong city. In response to the expectations of the people of all ethnic groups for a higher level of education and medical care, we have formulated and issued targeted implementation opinions to create an educational and medical highland, so that the people of all ethnic groups can enjoy more high-quality and fair education and more high-quality and balanced medical resources.

Things are made in harmony, and strength is born in unity. Nowadays, the atmosphere of ethnic unity in Baotou City is becoming stronger and stronger, the exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups are deepening, the ability to govern ethnic affairs has been significantly improved, and the cause of ethnic unity and progress has prospered and developed. The sons and daughters of all ethnic groups in Baotou City will always adhere to the main line of forging the sense of community of the Chinese nation, go all out to promote the party's national unity and progress in the new era, make new historic achievements, and contribute to the completion of the "five major tasks" and the all-round construction of a "model autonomous region".

Source: CNR

Editor: Liu Boyu

Editor: Zhao Zongjie

Final review: Li Enguang

Director: Zhao Huiru