
It is said that fuel vehicles are going to be eliminated, but nearly three-thirds of car owners regret buying electric cars?

author:Play Car Intelligence Bureau

In recent years, new energy vehicles have developed rapidly, and even in the past two months, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles in the domestic automobile market has exceeded 50%.

It is said that fuel vehicles are going to be eliminated, but nearly three-thirds of car owners regret buying electric cars?

According to the data, in May, the retail sales of narrow passenger cars were 1.711 million units, and the retail sales of new energy markets were 805,000 units, with a penetration rate of 47.0%. Therefore, there are also many topics being discussed, when will fuel vehicles be eliminated? When will new energy vehicles replace new energy vehicles?

However, a survey results show a completely different result, consulting firm McKinsey asked more than 30,000 consumers in 15 countries about 200 questions, including whether they regret buying an electric car, the survey results show that 29% of the world's electric car owners regret it, and the proportion of the next car will be bought or a fuel car, the proportion is the highest in Australia, reaching 49%, the United States is also as high as 48%, and in China the proportion is 28%.

It is said that fuel vehicles are going to be eliminated, but nearly three-thirds of car owners regret buying electric cars?

On the other hand, 38% of owners who are using fuel vehicles said that their next car will buy electric vehicles or plug-in hybrid cars, and it seems that more people are willing to accept new energy vehicles.

The sample size of this report is not enough, after all, it is only more than 30,000, so it is not a very rigorous survey, but it has a certain reference, among which Australia and the United States have the highest proportion of regrets, and the biggest reason is the imperfect charging infrastructure.

It is said that fuel vehicles are going to be eliminated, but nearly three-thirds of car owners regret buying electric cars?

For example, Australia has such a large land area, but there are only 967 commercial fast charging piles in total, which is very, very few, which also means that more than 100 tram owners want to grab a fast charging pile, in 2023, Australia will build 397 new car charging stations and 755 charging piles, but a considerable proportion of them are slow charging piles, so it is completely understandable that if there are more cars and fewer piles, you don't like electric vehicles, don't want to buy electric vehicles, or regret buying electric vehicles.

The same thing is happening in North America. The number of charging piles in the United States has exceeded 183,000, of which the number of public charging piles is about 163,000, and the number of DC fast charging piles is 39,000. Doesn't it look like there are many more charging piles than in Australia? But the problem is that there are many more electric cars in the United States, after all, there is a Tesla in the United States. There are 4.5 million electric vehicles in the United States, and more than 100 people need to grab a fast charging pile. Even if slow charging piles are included, the ratio of electric vehicles to charging piles has reached 24 to 1.

It is said that fuel vehicles are going to be eliminated, but nearly three-thirds of car owners regret buying electric cars?

According to the survey results, as many as 54% of electric vehicle owners in third- and fourth-tier cities regret it. This is obviously due to the lack of infrastructure, which makes charging inconvenient.

As of the end of May, the cumulative number of charging infrastructure in the country was 9.924 million units, and by the end of 2023, the number of new energy vehicles in the country reached 20.41 million, and the ratio of new energy vehicles and charging piles was basically 2 to 1. Therefore, China is one of the countries with the most sound charging infrastructure construction in the world. In the case of convenient charging, the proportion of regrets when buying an electric car is naturally much lower. But even so, there are still 28% of tram owners who regret it, which is a bit unexpected.

It is said that fuel vehicles are going to be eliminated, but nearly three-thirds of car owners regret buying electric cars?

If you have to explore the reason, I think it is likely that there are some other problems in new energy vehicles, which are not able to catch up with fuel vehicles, for example, even if the problem of charging pile coverage is solved, the time for electric vehicles to replenish energy is still very long, and it takes at least 1 hour to fully charge.

In addition, although the maintenance price is cheap, but the maintenance cost is expensive, which leads to high insurance costs, which are about 20% higher than the fuel vehicles of the same price on average, and the heavier curb weight, and greater torque, also lead to the tires of new energy vehicles, which are often more expensive than fuel vehicles, and less durable, so the cost of replacing tires is relatively higher than that of fuel vehicles.

It is said that fuel vehicles are going to be eliminated, but nearly three-thirds of car owners regret buying electric cars?

Therefore, electric vehicles have low driving costs, but if you count the cost of time, the cost of changing tires, the cost of insurance, etc., if the mileage is short, it does not necessarily save money.

Therefore, although it is the general trend for new energy vehicles to replace fuel vehicles, but overall, no matter how good a product is, it may not be suitable for everyone, if you are in the northern region at the moment, you often run long distances, and you do not drive much mileage every year, maybe fuel vehicles will be more suitable for you.