
[Civilization makes life better] The Party Committee of the takeaway industry of the Lanshan District Market Supervision Bureau carried out a summer cooling activity

[Civilization makes life better] The Party Committee of the takeaway industry of the Lanshan District Market Supervision Bureau carried out a summer cooling activity

In this scorching summer, in order to send a cool and caring to the food delivery riders who are working hard in the streets and alleys of the city, the Party Committee of the takeaway industry of the Lanshan District Market Supervision Bureau joined hands with the red collar secretary of the Party Committee of the Liuqing Street and the city delivery industry to actively organize and carry out summer cool activities.

The summer heat scorched the earth, but the delivery riders still stuck to their posts, providing convenient services for the public. They are the flowing scenery in the city, and they are also an important force to ensure the normal operation of life, and many touching deeds emerged in this event.

There was a rider named Xiao Li, whose eyes were full of gratitude after receiving the cool supplies. He said that he had to run dozens of orders a day, and he often felt tired in the heat, and this love made him full of motivation again. Even though sweat soaked his shirt, he smiled and said he would continue to serve everyone.

There is also a female rider, Xiao Wang, who is a mother of two children, and she was deeply touched by the women's health care class specially prepared for her by the Women's Committee. "This concern makes me feel that I am no longer alone in facing difficulties, but have a strong backing." She said excitedly.

[Civilization makes life better] The Party Committee of the takeaway industry of the Lanshan District Market Supervision Bureau carried out a summer cooling activity

In order to express their respect and care, the Party Committee of the Food Delivery Industry of the Market Supervision Bureau and Liuqing Street have carefully prepared a series of cool materials to provide an intimate guarantee for the riders in the hot working environment.

[Civilization makes life better] The Party Committee of the takeaway industry of the Lanshan District Market Supervision Bureau carried out a summer cooling activity

At the event site, the staff of the Party Committee and the representatives of Liuqing Street personally delivered these materials to the riders, and asked them about their work and living conditions with concern, and told them to pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling in hot weather, arrange working hours reasonably, and ensure their own safety.

During the event, the riders were also introduced to the takeaway bee stations and stations scattered throughout the city. These stations and stations are equipped with rest tables and chairs, water dispensers, charging equipment, etc., providing a warm place for riders to rest and replenish their energy. Whether riders are tired from work or need to recharge their equipment, they can always visit these stations and stations for attentive service.

This summer cooling activity is not only a material care for the riders, but also a spiritual encouragement. The Party Committee of the Food Delivery Industry of the Lanshan District Market Supervision Bureau will continue to pay attention to the needs of food delivery riders, provide them with more support and help, and jointly create a caring, inclusive and harmonious industry environment.

Source: Lanshan District Rong Media Center

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