
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

author:Qinzhou traffic police

Motorcycles and electric bicycles are convenient and energy-saving as short-distance transportation, and are favored by everyone to standardize the wearing of safety helmets

It has also become a consensus among everyone

Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

As the temperature rises

Some of the "knights" began to wear helmets without helmets

"I don't wear it, it's stuffy"

"If you don't wear it, it's a short journey"

"If you don't wear it, ruin the hairstyle I just made"


The traffic police Shu Huang is on daily duty

I've also heard all kinds of strange reasons

I was in a hurry to go out in the morning, and I forgot my helmet......

There are many people in the family, and there are not enough helmets.

It will ruin the hairstyle, so I don't wear it.

It's just a few steps......

I lost my helmet and didn't have time to buy a new one.

There are also people who "brought", but did not "wear......

Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

Ride on the road without a helmet

It will only leave you unprotected in the face of danger

Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

Traffic Violation Exposure Desk

Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

What is the difference between wearing a helmet or not?

Let's take a look at a set of GIFs

Not wearing a safety helmet VS wearing a safety helmet

(1) Failure to wear a helmet, resulting in a fatal accident.

Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

(2) Wear a helmet and only bruise your scalp.

Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

(3) Comparison of wearing and not wearing safety helmets.

Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

The importance of wearing a helmet

When an accident occurs, the cycling helmet can absorb most of the impact force, play a protective role of cushioning and shock absorption, which can reduce the proportion of injured people by 70% and the death rate by 40%.

Head injury rate: Not wearing a helmet is 2.5 times higher than wearing a helmet.

Fatal injury rate: 1.5 times higher than wearing a helmet without a helmet.

For motorcycle riders, helmets are equivalent to seat belts worn by sedan drivers, and are the last line of defense for cyclists in case of danger.

Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

Helmets should not only be worn but also worn well

Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

1. Quantity and adjustment

Measure your head circumference or try on the helmet to determine the size of the helmet, and open the rear adjuster to the maximum when wearing.

2. Wear it horizontally

Wear the helmet horizontally, not leaning forward or backwards. The helmet is tilted backwards to block the view and does not protect the rear position of the head, and the helmet is tilted forward to cause the helmet to fail to protect the forehead position.

3. Tightening

Screw the adjuster tight until the helmet doesn't wobble and feels comfortable.

4. Adjust the height

Adjust the height of the black split buckles on the webbing on both sides of the helmet so that the ears are positioned exactly between the front and rear webbing.

5. Adjust the length

Adjust the position of the chin socket to the length and fasten it, leaving a finger gap in the lower jaw, which is a safe and suitable way to wear.

It should be noted that:

Qualified helmets and inferior helmets

There is also a difference in the degree of protection of the head

Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

Safety is no small matter, and it needs to be paid attention to all the time

The Qinzhou public security traffic police did not comply with the regulations

Drivers and passengers wearing safety helmets continue to be strictly investigated and rectified + exposed, for travel safety, please abide by traffic rules and develop a good habit of wearing helmets

Source: Xuanfa Section Editor: Feng Junbao Review: Qin Chengchao Final Review: Li Youdong

Qinzhou traffic management hotline report and signal light failure reporting telephone: 0777-2883009 report mailbox: [email protected] complaint telephone: 0777-2800829 vehicle management business consultation telephone: 0777-2817788 accident handling consultation telephone: 0777-2829088 order business consultation telephone: 0777-2836386 first brigade captain hotline: 0777— 2810407 Second Brigade Captain Hotline: 0777-2392226 Third Brigade Captain Hotline: 0777-2834696 Fourth Brigade Captain Hotline: 0777-2828815 Fifth Brigade Captain Hotline: 0777-3888750 Pubei Brigade Captain Hotline: 0777-8213623 Lingshan Brigade Captain Hotline: 0777-6421908

Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?
Don't wear a safety helmet, keep exposing! Do you know anyone in this issue?

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