
Anyone who borrows money from you, as long as you say these three words, he will not borrow it, and it will not hurt his feelings

author:I'm Qiu Tian

Borrowing money these days is really who borrows and who regrets it! While each of us may encounter a situation where we are short of money and sometimes have to turn to others for help. But in the age of the Internet, there are many ways for us to borrow money, and there is really no need to always talk to the people around us. At the same time, we should not lend money lightly. Because there are too many examples of borrowing money and not repaying it now, some borrowers feel that they owe nothing, anyway, this kind of personal borrowing does not affect their own credit, nor does it affect their credit records, and they will pay it back slowly, and even some people do not plan to repay it after borrowing. But for people who lend money to others, they may be in a bad mood every day, always thinking: when will my money be returned? In this way, I am anxious every day, and my heart is very consumed. In order to avoid this unpleasant consequence, if someone borrows money from you, you don't want to borrow it, and you don't want to hurt the other person's feelings, remembering these three sentences can help you deal with this embarrassing situation properly.

Anyone who borrows money from you, as long as you say these three words, he will not borrow it, and it will not hurt his feelings

1. Ask the other party why they borrowed money.

When someone comes to us to borrow money, we shouldn't say no right away. Whether we intend to lend to them or not, we should first ask them why they are borrowing money. This is important because it helps us determine whether the request is justified or not. Some people may need money urgently because of an emergency or emergency, and this friend is usually a reliable person, so we can consider helping. In this case, lending him money is a blessing in disguise. If he knows how to be grateful, he will do his best to help us in the future when we are in trouble ourselves. However, if this person lives a lazy life, does not follow the right path, and always wants to make money quickly through improper means, such as borrowing money from you to gamble or investing in risky products, then we should find a reason not to hurt him and politely refuse him.

Anyone who borrows money from you, as long as you say these three words, he will not borrow it, and it will not hurt his feelings

Second, he said that he was also short of money recently.

Some people are completely unprincipled, and they always like to borrow money from others even though they haven't encountered any trouble. They feel that if they overdraw their credit card, they will not only pay interest if they are overdue, but also affect their credit history. And if you borrow money from someone, you don't have to pay interest. My cousin is such a person, he asked me to borrow money, saying that he has been short of money lately, the rent is due, and if he doesn't pay it, he will have to sleep on the street. As soon as my cousin opened his mouth, he wanted to borrow 10,000 yuan and promised to pay it back in three months. I thought they were all relatives, so I agreed. But I didn't expect that a few days later, I saw him posting photos of him traveling to Sanya with his girlfriend in Moments, staying in a five-star hotel and eating a luxurious seafood meal. I also bought my girlfriend a mobile phone and a brand-name bag. This is like a person who can't pay the rent. When the three-month deadline came, he didn't take the initiative to repay the money, and when I asked him later, he always said that he didn't have any money. Because they are relatives, this money is not easy to stiffen.

Anyone who borrows money from you, as long as you say these three words, he will not borrow it, and it will not hurt his feelings

So if you don't want to lend money to someone else, at this point, we can adopt a strategy: tell them that you are also short on money right now, and if you refuse outright, your relationship will become distant. After all, when they come to you to borrow money, they must think that you are in a good financial situation. So, you can tell them that while your salary seems to be okay, life is actually very stressful. The children have to attend various cram schools, the daily expenses of the family are also a lot, and they have to take care of the elderly, which is barely enough to maintain every month, and can hardly save any money. In addition, I still have a mortgage and car loan to repay. This will not make the other party lose face, but also make them discourage the idea of borrowing money from you.

Anyone who borrows money from you, as long as you say these three words, he will not borrow it, and it will not hurt his feelings

Third, it is said that the money cannot be moved.

When someone borrows money from you and you don't want to borrow it, you can tell them that you've saved all your money. After all, if we have some spare money on hand, most of us will choose to deposit it in a fixed term or buy some gold, wealth management products, etc., rather than just let it lie in a bank account. Because saving money for a fixed term or investing in wealth management products can earn some interest and make money profitable. Therefore, we can honestly tell the borrower that he does not have extra funds on hand and that the money he purchased or the deposit has not yet matured. If you withdraw these funds early, you will lose interest and principal, which is too cost-effective. When we explain the situation to others, they will understand it and will not borrow money from us anymore. Of course, some people may say, if you take out your savings or wealth management to lend me, I will make up for the loss of interest. For this kind of person, even if you fall out, don't lend it to him, if you don't borrow it, you may just offend him, and if you borrow it, you may lose both people and money.

Anyone who borrows money from you, as long as you say these three words, he will not borrow it, and it will not hurt his feelings