
Can people really cultivate immortals and ascend? She was the first person to ascend in ancient times and was officially recognized by the Tang Dynasty

author:BOSS Bakushi

  In the vast history, there are always some legends and stories, like bright stars, illuminating people's hearts for the unknown world. Among them, the story of the Tang Dynasty female Taoist priest Xie Nature is undoubtedly the most dazzling star. She, known as the first person to ascend in the white sun in ancient times, was officially certified by the Tang Dynasty and became the best spokesperson for the legend of cultivating immortals.

After the famous family, the fairy fate is beginning to open

  Xie Tiantian was born in a family of eunuchs in Nanchong, Sichuan. Her father, Xie Huan, was an official and filial piety, and served as the secretary of Tang Dezong and the provincial school, while her mother Xu was the queen of a wealthy local family. With such a family background, she has received a good education since she was a child, and she is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and the female celebrity is even more skilled. However, the trajectory of her life did not develop according to ordinary people's expectations.

Can people really cultivate immortals and ascend? She was the first person to ascend in ancient times and was officially recognized by the Tang Dynasty

  Since he was a child, Xie was naturally weak and sickly, especially if he didn't get meat, he would get sick as soon as he ate meat. For the sake of her health, her parents sought medical advice everywhere, but it never worked. In desperation, they thought of the "theory of cultivation" that Taoism has had since ancient times. They believe that Xie Tiantian's physique may be a good material for cultivation. As a result, Xie Nature, who was only seven years old, was sent to the Taoist temple and practiced with a Kun Taoist.

Dedication to the Tao, otherworldly**

  In the days of the Taoist temple, Xie Tiantian devoted himself to cultivation, stayed away from the hustle and bustle, and returned to nature. She followed her master to learn fetal breath, absolute grain and other spells, familiar with the "Tao Te Ching", and was deeply loved by the master. Her body is also gradually healing from this pure life. However, when she returned to the world again, she found that she could no longer adapt to the hustle and bustle there. So, she chose to return to Taoism, officially learned Taoism from Chen Taixu, and became a real Taoist priest.

Can people really cultivate immortals and ascend? She was the first person to ascend in ancient times and was officially recognized by the Tang Dynasty

The sun soared, shocking the government and the opposition

  Xie Nature's path of cultivation has not been smooth sailing. She once traveled alone all over Mount Emei, Mount Hua and other famous mountains and rivers, but visited famous teachers but failed. However, she didn't give up. Finally, in the process of a cloud trip, she met Sima Chengzhen, the twelfth grandmaster of the Maoshan Sect of the Shangqing School. Under the guidance of Sima Chengzhen, Xie Tiantian's cultivation has made a qualitative leap.

Can people really cultivate immortals and ascend? She was the first person to ascend in ancient times and was officially recognized by the Tang Dynasty

  On November 12, the tenth year of Zhenyuan (794), Xie naturally soared in the day under the eyes of everyone. According to the "Jixian Lu" cited in the "Taiping Guangji", at that time, Li Jian, the assassin of Guozhou, and Wei Gao, the envoy of Jiannan Xichuan Jiedu, successively reported the matter to the imperial court, and Tang Dezong issued two edicts to praise it. This news caused a great sensation in the government and the opposition, and Xie naturally became a legendary figure in the history of Taoism in China.

Can people really cultivate immortals and ascend? She was the first person to ascend in ancient times and was officially recognized by the Tang Dynasty

  On the day Xie naturally soared, rainbow clouds appeared in the sky, and everyone could see it. Her ascension not only shocked the world, but also attracted the attention of the Tang Dynasty royal family. Tang Dezong personally issued an edict to praise and thank nature, and local officials even carved a stone monument to commemorate the edict. These measures undoubtedly further prove the authenticity of Xie's natural ascension.

Cultivating immortals and ascending, does it really exist?

  The story of Xie Tiantian spread all over the world, and it also made people have a strong interest in the legend of cultivating immortals and ascending. However, does the Immortal Cultivation Ascension really exist? There may not be a definitive answer to this question. But we can see from the story of Xie Tiantian that the ascension of cultivating immortals is not only a physical ascension, but also a kind of spiritual detachment. Through cultivating the Tao, studying the scriptures, and cultivating one's self-cultivation, people can reach a state of transcendence in their hearts. This realm may be the essence of cultivating immortals.

Can people really cultivate immortals and ascend? She was the first person to ascend in ancient times and was officially recognized by the Tang Dynasty

  In addition to Xie Tiantian, there are many similar figures in history. For example, Ge Hong, Lu Dongbin, Zhang Guolao, Zhang Tianshi and others are all rumored to be representatives of the ascension of cultivating immortals. They are either proficient in a hundred schools of learning, or good at mechanical arts, or proficient in astrological arithmetic, or have gone to sea to find immortal mountains. Although the stories of these characters are full of mystery and legend, they also reflect the ancient people's yearning and pursuit of the unknown.

Can people really cultivate immortals and ascend? She was the first person to ascend in ancient times and was officially recognized by the Tang Dynasty

  In short, the story of Xie Tiantian gives us a deeper understanding of the legend of the ascension of cultivating immortals. Although the ascension of cultivating immortals may only be a legend and fantasy, the spiritual pursuit and spiritual realm contained in it are worthy of our learning and reference. Let's not forget to pay attention to our spiritual growth and spiritual pursuit while pursuing material comforts!

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