
Sun Yunyun rarely took a photo with her younger brother, the sister and brother have the same figure, and they are still very young when they are over 40 years old

author:Tree baby

Taiwan's No. 1 socialite Sun Yunyun, what is really enviable is not her status as a celebrity, but that she is 46 years old, her personal state is still very young, and her figure is also very good. Sun Yunyun's daughter is 24 years old, from a girl to a woman, but Sun Yunyun does not seem to be aging, and now the mother-daughter photo is like a sister, which is curious how she managed to maintain it so well. Speaking of which, this may also be related to family genes, in fact, Sun Yunyun's sister and younger brother are quite young, the sister and brother are like eating preservatives, how young do you look, Sun Yunyun rarely posted a photo with her younger brother Sun Zhihong, and the sister and brother are too young in the same frame.

Sun Yunyun rarely took a photo with her younger brother, the sister and brother have the same figure, and they are still very young when they are over 40 years old

Sun Yunyun and her younger brother are not often together, Sun Yunyun mainly stays in Taiwan to develop, after all, her husband is the owner of a prestige enterprise in Taiwan, and her base camp is in Taiwan, and she will also go to Australia from time to time to live, because her daughter is studying locally. And Sun Zhihong should live in Los Angeles, USA, for a long time, and social platforms are private, and if you want to see his recent photos, you can basically only see his recent photos in the photos posted by his sister. It's rare for sisters and brothers to be in the same frame, Sun Yunyun posted a photo of her sister and brother, but at first she really didn't realize that the man next to Sun Yunyun was Sun Zhihong, and she once mistook it for her son, so she could only say that Sun Zhihong looked too young.

Sun Yunyun rarely took a photo with her younger brother, the sister and brother have the same figure, and they are still very young when they are over 40 years old

Sun Yunyun is 46 years old, and his younger brother Sun Zhihong is also in his early 40s, but looking at the photos, Sun Zhihong's face, skin, and state are not exaggerated to say that he is in his 20s. The sisters and brothers appeared in sunglasses, their skin was firm, and they were very stylish, Sun Zhihong wore a black shirt, tattoos all over his body, and a gold watch on his hand, which has a sense of déjà vu of a big man, but his face looks young, so the shape of this body has an indescribable subtlety with himself. Looking at the sisters and brothers up close, they look alike, it should be said that they all look very much like their father Sun Daocun, especially Sun Zhihong, who is simply a young version of Sun Daocun.

Sun Yunyun rarely took a photo with her younger brother, the sister and brother have the same figure, and they are still very young when they are over 40 years old
Sun Yunyun rarely took a photo with her younger brother, the sister and brother have the same figure, and they are still very young when they are over 40 years old

In fact, the siblings not only look alike, but also have similar figures, both of them are tall and thin with slender hands and feet. Sun Yunyun's long legs have always been very "famous", thin and long, which is the envy of many women, and Sun Zhihong also has a pair of long legs. When the sisters and brothers took a group photo outdoors, they happened to be wearing short clothes, Sun Yunyun wore a short black skirt, showing off her long legs, Sun Zhihong wore over-the-knee shorts, her legs were thin and slender, and they were very smooth. Sun Zhihong is taller, and when this is elongated by the camera, his figure is even more outstanding. Don't look at Sun Zhihong's legs are so slender, but he is not a slender boy, and his upper body is still very strong and stylish.

Sun Yunyun rarely took a photo with her younger brother, the sister and brother have the same figure, and they are still very young when they are over 40 years old

Sun Zhihong is a super bamboo shoot in Taiwan Province, although I don't know what profession he is engaged in now, but as a rich second generation, and he is covered by a well-married sister, it is inevitable that he will live a worry-free life, and it can be seen from his dress that his life is also extremely rich and free. Sun Zhihong is not an artist, he does not like to open his private life, and now he should live in the United States most of the time, his whereabouts are extremely private, and he should still be unmarried. A big bamboo shoot is still unmarried, many people speculate that he should enjoy being single, but in fact he is really not, he is a person who has had two marriage proposals, that is to say, he does not refuse to marry, but the marriage has failed after the previous two successful proposals.

Sun Yunyun rarely took a photo with her younger brother, the sister and brother have the same figure, and they are still very young when they are over 40 years old

Sun Zhihong's relationship history is also quite rich, he once dated the daughter of Taiwanese clothing tycoon Zhang Fushan for two years, and both of them reached the age of talking about marriage, and in 2016, Sun Zhihong also successfully proposed. The marriage of the two rich second generations was originally a matter of the right family, and it was also a grand event at that time, but the marriage fell apart, which made the Sun family extremely embarrassed. After this incident, Sun Zhihong became low-key, and had several girlfriends, and one of his girlfriends, Aimee Su, also came to the stage of talking about marriage - in 2017, Sun Zhihong successfully proposed to each other in Bali, and the pomp and circumstance of the proposal was still very large, and the scene was covered with flower petals and spelled out the words "Marry you", but after the proposal, the marriage was over. In 2022, Sun Zhihong appeared in Hawaii, and his partner was no longer Aimee Su, but Edison Chen's ex-girlfriend Hong Wenan, and now the person around him is still not Hong Wenan, so it is unknown.

Sun Yunyun rarely took a photo with her younger brother, the sister and brother have the same figure, and they are still very young when they are over 40 years old

Looking back, Sun Yunyun and Sun Zhihong also have an older sister Sun Yingying, Sun Yingying may be more like her mother in appearance, but in terms of figure and maintenance, the sister and brother are exactly the same. Sun Yingying must be 50 years old, she is still in the same state as a girl, she is originally a baby face, Jiashan is well maintained, and her genes are also good, so she has become a reverse growth. Sun Yingying once posted a photo of her sister and brother, and the combined age of the three should have been over 100 years old, but in terms of status, some people believe that they are not more than 70 years old.

PS: The pictures are all from the Internet