
After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

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After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?




Presumably, everyone is no stranger to the words "to fight outside must first be at home", yes, it is because of these six words, during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Chiang Kai-shek has been clamoring to suppress the Communists, compromising with Japan, and turning a blind eye to Japan's aggression against China. This policy is, of course, wrong and has aroused strong opposition from the people of the whole country.

However, even though the voice of national condemnation is getting louder and louder, Chiang Kai-shek still has not given up these six words, and it seems that he has gone crazy on the matter of "suppressing the Communist Party". So, why did Chiang Kai-shek insist that "if you want to go outside, you must first settle inside"? Is there any secret behind it?

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

(Chiang Kai-shek)

1. How did you put forward the policy of "reassuring the outside world before securing the interior"?

"Outside must first be inside" was first proposed by King Xuan of Zhou, and his original words were "internal political affairs, external Yidi". There was some truth to this policy, but Chiang Kai-shek separated it from the Chinese situation at the time, which eventually led to public outrage.

Why, then, did Chiang Kai-shek propose this policy?

Before the September 18 Incident, Japanese imperialism created the "Wanbaoshan Incident" on the northeastern border with the aim of occupying the northeast of the mainland. At that time, because the anti-Chiang faction led by Wang Jingwei established a Nationalist government that opposed the Nationalist Government in Nanjing, coupled with the actions of the anti-Chiang forces in Guangdong and Guangxi, it posed a great threat to Chiang Kai-shek.

In this way, in order to keep his position, Chiang Kai-shek's heart was focused on dealing with the anti-Chiang forces and suppressing the Communists.

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

(Chiang Kai-shek)

Now it seems that at that time, Chiang Kai-shek's "one eye" at that time did not open much - he adopted a policy of non-resistance against Japan at all.

Thus, in this context, Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram, and by reading this telegram, people learned for the first time Chiang Kai-shek's intention of "securing the outside must first be at home".

Chiang Kai-shek's reasons were very strong, and he explained: "Without the reunification of the country, there can be no reunification."

Later, under Chiang Kai-shek's arrangement, the Battle of Ningyue broke out, which also marked the beginning of the policy of "securing the inside before securing the outside".

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

(The image is not related to the content)

After the "918" incident, the contradictions between the Chinese nationalities became increasingly acute, and Zhang Xueliang, under the orders of Chiang Kai-shek, adopted a policy of non-resistance, and the result was that a large area of land in the northeast quickly fell.

The homeland was invaded, tens of thousands of people lost their lives, and Chiang Kai-shek pinned his hopes on Britain and the United States, hoping that they would intervene in Japan, which was extremely absurd!

Chiang Kai-shek's actions naturally aroused the disgust and crusade of the whole country, and as the anger grew, Chiang Kai-shek said: "Only by seizing the outside must we first secure the interior, and only by reunification can we resist insults, and those who cannot be unified without a country can win with the outside......

In this way, Chiang Kai-shek's real intention was laid out on the surface: he hoped to continue to consolidate his position, although he did not advocate "war" at all, but the premise of this "war" was "internal reunification".

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

(Chiang Kai-shek)

In January 1932, taking advantage of the collapse of the Sun Ke government in Guangdong, Chiang Kai-shek put forward the foreign policy of "four noes" against Japan, that is, not to break off diplomatic relations, not to declare war, not to make peace, and not to conclude a treaty.

With Chiang Kai-shek monopolizing the military power of the Kuomintang, his policy was naturally determined to be the national policy of the Kuomintang.

In 1932, Chiang Kai-shek established the basic national policy of the Kuomintang that "the outside must first be secured".

2. Under the policy of "settling the outside world before securing the interior", what did Chiang Kai-shek do?

The primary goal of "securing the outside must first be at home" was to constantly encircle and suppress the Red Army, and he even went so far as to say: "Our enemies are not the pirates, but the bandits." No matter how much criticism and slander are made from the outside, we must always take the first priority of clearing out the bandits inside, and if this is not the case, then we will put the cart before the horse. ”

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

(Chiang Kai-shek)

In May 1933, Chiang Kai-shek set up a military and political commission in Nanchang, and successively mobilized a total of 1 million troops to personally organize and direct the fifth "encirclement and suppression" of the Soviet area.

Chiang Kai-shek was menacing, but the Red Army committed a fatal "left" adventurism and made huge mistakes in tactics. In the end, the Red Army was not attacked by the Nationalist army, and could only be forced to march on a long march.

Chiang Kai-shek also organized and launched many campaigns like this to suppress the Communists.

There is no doubt that Chiang Kai-shek acted only out of consideration for his own interests, completely ignoring the aggressive ambitions of the Japanese imperialists, nor did he see the cruelty of the world and the tragic situation of the common people dying under the sword of the Japanese army.

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

(Chiang Kai-shek)

Selfishness and disregard for the whole will eventually push Chiang Kai-shek to defeat. But that's all for later.

In addition, under the "national policy" of "striking the outside must first secure the interior," Chiang Kai-shek not only did not show the slightest intention of "war" in his speech at that time, but was doing his best to obstruct, divide and decompose the anti-Japanese forces.

At the beginning of 1933, the Japanese army attacked Rehe, and the situation in North China deteriorated. With the help of the Communist Party, Feng Yuxiang, who had been dissatisfied with Chiang Kai-shek for a long time, decided to organize an anti-Japanese alliance and wanted to immediately pick up a big knife and cut off the devil's head.

Feng Yuxiang's anti-Japanese actions soon paid off.

The Allied forces successively defeated the Japanese army and recovered all the lands of Chahar Province.

Such a success has greatly increased the anti-Japanese sentiment of the whole country!

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

(Feng Yuxiang)

But Chiang Kai-shek could not sit still.

Extremely annoyed, he finally issued such an order: to give Feng Yuxiang the name of "colluding with the Communist Party", and set up the "Chahar Bandit Commander-in-Chief" to encircle and suppress Feng Yuxiang, and Feng Yuxiang was finally defeated.

Chiang Kai-shek's "Anne" behavior was definitely not limited to this, he also vigorously suppressed the patriotic movement and persecuted the democratic movement. He claims to be "realizing national reunification," but inside he is just satisfying his own selfish desires and safeguarding his own status.

In 1935, as the national crisis deepened, more than 6,000 students from major universities in Peiping rushed into the streets on December 9, shouting "Down with Japanese imperialism" and "Stop the civil war and unite to resist Japan."

Chiang Kai-shek, of course, would not let the students continue to shout. Soon, the national military police came to the streets, wounding more than 400 students and arresting more than 30 students.

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

("129" Movement, students marching in the streets)

For those progressives, Chiang Kai-shek would rather kill them by mistake than let them go, and the "Seven Gentlemen Incident" is the best example.

Even though he was condemned by the whole country, Chiang Kai-shek still did not give up his ridiculous interests and continued to implement the policy of "first securing the interior before securing the outside". It can be said that the reason why the crisis in China was getting deeper and deeper at that time was that Chiang Kai-shek made a lot of efforts in it.

Perhaps Chiang Kai-shek did not expect that it was Zhang Xueliang and Liang Hucheng who forced him to abolish the policy of "securing the outside world before securing the interior".

That's right, this is the Xi'an Incident.

Premier Zhou once said: "The Xi'an Incident was forced out by Chiang Kai-shek. ”

Zhang Xueliang and Liang Hucheng, who lived under Chiang Kai-shek, were not as frantic as Chiang Kai-shek, ignoring the country's danger and disregard. They are also dissatisfied with the fact that "if you go outside, you must first settle inside".

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

(Zhang Xueliang)

Therefore, when Chiang Kai-shek once again insisted that they not kill the Japanese devils, but instead continue to target the Communists, they became angry and eventually planned the Xi'an Incident.

The Xi'an Incident finally came to an end with Chiang Kai-shek's guarantee of three points, one of which was to stop suppressing the Communists.

After this incident, Chiang Kai-shek was forced to abandon the policy of "securing the inside before securing the outside."

3. Why did Chiang Kai-shek insist on "the outside must first be at home"?

Having said all this, everyone can actually conclude that the biggest reason why Chiang Kai-shek has always insisted on the notorious "outside must first settle inside" is that he wants to maintain his position and satisfy his selfish desires.

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

(Chiang Kai-shek)

But, is there any other reason?

It was no accident that Chiang Kai-shek proposed this policy. Everyone knows that Chiang Kai-shek has always liked to read the works of Wang Yangming and Zeng Guofan. Zeng Guofan once expressed such an opinion, he believed that when encountering external humiliation, it was necessary to first calm the internal strife, and then fight abroad.

Therefore, Chiang Kai-shek also followed the same example, and then formulated the so-called "national policy" of "first securing the inside before securing the outside".

Perhaps after that, he has always adhered to this policy, or perhaps out of trust and respect for Wang Yangming and Zeng Guofan, but his copying of the law has only brought harm to China.

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

(Chiang Kai-shek)

The reason why he has always adhered to the policy of "securing the inside before the outside world" is also because Chiang Kai-shek has low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence in declaring war on Japan. In Chiang Kai-shek's eyes, China was weak, Japan was advanced, and China could not defeat Japan.

What's more, Chiang Kai-shek also said, "We in China do not have the conditions for modern warfare, and we are not enough to fight against the armies of modern countries, and if we do not wait for an opportunity, we will only be defeated, and we will be able to occupy all the coastal areas of China not only within ten days, but even within three days." ”

In addition, as mentioned above, Chiang Kai-shek wanted to rely on the strength of Britain and the United States to take advantage of the contradictions between imperialist interests in China in order to prevent Japan's aggression.

Chiang Kai-shek's calculations were very good, and he put all his attention on suppressing bandits and cracking down on anti-Chiang forces, and as for Japan's invasion of China, it was left to Britain and the United States to deal with. In this way, he will be able to secure his position and drive Japan out of China.

After the notorious "outside must first be at home", why did Chiang Kai-shek still insist on it?

(Chiang Kai-shek)

The last reason was that Chiang Kai-shek was trying to strengthen the position of the Kuomintang by supporting Japan by being anti-communist. He once told Japan that he advised it not to go too far, because if the communist forces grew stronger, it would greatly hinder the pace of Japanese aggression.

In other words, Chiang Kai-shek, dressed in the skin of "outside the bag must first be inside", was actually another way to surrender to Japan!

Under the blow of Chiang Kai-shek, tens of thousands of patriotic comrades died blindly, and the anti-fighting spirit of the Chinese people was greatly dampened! "Fighting outside the country must first secure the interior" also fueled Japan's arrogance in invading China, delayed the process of victory in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and caused great harm to China!

"If you go outside, you must first settle inside" is wrong! Unreasonable! It should be completely denied!


DING Yun. An analysis of the Kuomintang government's policy of "shutting down the outside must first secure the interior"[J].Issues in History Teaching, 2016.

HUANG Daoxuan. Research on Chiang Kai-shek's policy of "fighting outside must first secure the interior"[J].Research on War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, 2000(2):31.)