
Inadvertently swiped Xiang Yi in the live broadcast! I cried for nearly an hour, crying like pear blossoms with rain, and I was pitiful

author:Mushroom heads

Dr. Xiangyi's live broadcast shed tears on the scene, and the dream of teaching was blocked, which caused heated discussions

Last night, an ordinary live broadcast unexpectedly aroused widespread attention from netizens. In front of the camera, the well-known education blogger Dr. Xiang Yi was emotionally uncontrollable and teary-eyed, which moved countless audiences. It is understood that the original intention of Dr. Xiangyi's live broadcast was to share her plans and vision for teaching in remote areas, hoping to bring knowledge and hope to the children there. However, things turned out to be unexpected.

Inadvertently swiped Xiang Yi in the live broadcast! I cried for nearly an hour, crying like pear blossoms with rain, and I was pitiful

During the live broadcast, Dr. Xiang Yi admitted that she had contacted several schools with enthusiasm, hoping to get their support and cooperation. But unfortunately, these schools do not seem to be interested in her volunteer teaching program, and some even bluntly express their concern that her arrival will bring unnecessary trouble to the school. This indifference and rejection made Dr. Xiangyi feel very disappointed, and she did not expect her act of kindness to be met with such a cold reception.

Inadvertently swiped Xiang Yi in the live broadcast! I cried for nearly an hour, crying like pear blossoms with rain, and I was pitiful

Looking at Dr. Xiangyi, who was crying silently in front of the camera, many netizens left messages to express their support and understanding. Some people encouraged her not to give up and stick to her dreams; There are also people who give her advice, advice and help. Dr. Xiang Yi also expressed her helplessness and confusion in the live broadcast, she did not understand why her volunteer teaching plan was hindered and questioned so much.

Inadvertently swiped Xiang Yi in the live broadcast! I cried for nearly an hour, crying like pear blossoms with rain, and I was pitiful

In fact, Dr. Xiangyi's dream of teaching was not a whim. She has taught at a university for many years and knows the importance of education for children. Therefore, she decided to put down her work and go to remote areas to teach and bring knowledge and warmth to the children there. However, reality dealt her a heavy blow. She finds that even with her passion and determination, her power seems so insignificant in the face of social indifference and prejudice.

Inadvertently swiped Xiang Yi in the live broadcast! I cried for nearly an hour, crying like pear blossoms with rain, and I was pitiful

In this live broadcast, Dr. Xiangyi's vulnerability and sensitivity are also exposed. She admits that she cares too much about the outside world's perception and evaluation to be able to bear the setback. At the same time, she also admitted that she lacked sufficient digestion ability in the face of difficulties, and could only seek everyone's resonance and recognition through live broadcasts. This dependence and vulnerability makes many netizens feel distressed and worried.

Inadvertently swiped Xiang Yi in the live broadcast! I cried for nearly an hour, crying like pear blossoms with rain, and I was pitiful

For Dr. Xiangyi's experience and predicament, netizens expressed sympathy and support. They called on society to give more attention and support to the volunteers, rather than indifference and exclusion. At the same time, some netizens suggested that Dr. Xiangyi should learn to adjust his mentality and emotions, and not care too much about the opinions and evaluations of others. After all, volunteering is a great cause that requires firm faith and determination to go further.

Inadvertently swiped Xiang Yi in the live broadcast! I cried for nearly an hour, crying like pear blossoms with rain, and I was pitiful

In this live broadcast, Dr. Xiangyi's tears and helplessness let us see the difficulties and hardships of the volunteers. At the same time, it also makes us reflect on whether the society's attention and support for the cause of teaching is sufficient. I hope that in the future, more people will pay attention to and support the cause of volunteer teaching, and bring more knowledge and hope to children in remote areas.

Inadvertently swiped Xiang Yi in the live broadcast! I cried for nearly an hour, crying like pear blossoms with rain, and I was pitiful

Finally, we also hope that Dr. Xiang Yi can get out of the predicament as soon as possible and regain his confidence and courage. After all, her dream of volunteering is so innocent and beautiful, and it deserves the care and support of each and every one of us. At the same time, we also look forward to her bringing more positive energy and touching to us in the future.

(The author has opened the whole network to protect rights, and the first article refuses to carry plagiarism, and violators will be investigated!) )

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